The Start of One's Freedom, The End of Another's

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"Get in the fucking van!" Alex spat, glaring at me.

"My pleasure." Chance smiled.

I'd had enough of this shit, we all have taken so much shit from Bella and we weren't about to get the same from him.

I walked over to him and before he knew what was coming his way, I slammed my fist into the side of his face.

"Don't get fucking cute." I hissed.

He looked up at me and I saw a small line of blood running down his nose.

"Fucking dick." Chance muttered as he was tossed into the way back.

"Do you need me to go back there with you guys?" Kuza asked Alex.

"No, I don't need any more fighting going on, Zack already got a good punch in." Alex said.

I heard Kuza chuckle, "I hope it was a good one."

"It was trust me." I replied.

"Good, well I'll go back with Michael and them and I'll catch Chris and the others up on what's going on." Kuza said.

"Sounds good, we'll keep in contact as we drive. And hopefully they'll have an idea on what to do with Bella or how to find her." I told him.

We both agreed on that and I got into the car finally as did the rest of our band, with a now bloody nosed Chance.

Everything was very quiet for quite a while, I would've killed to know what was going through that kids head.

Was he scared? Is he now fearing for his own life? Is he now even more scared for Bella now that she's fully on her own?

God, I wanted to know.

"So, where is your little slut? Jack taunted from the front.

"She's not a slut, you piece of shit." Chance growled.

We all chuckled, "I don't think you know what that little one is capable of." I said.

"Capable or forced? Those are two very different things." Chance said, coldly.

"It doesn't matter, when something belongs to you it's yours. You do what you wish with it, use it to your heart's desire. It doesn't matter whether you want to call it capable or forced." Rian stated very nonchalantly.

The look on Chance's face was precious. His jaw dropped practically to the floor and fear, worry, and sadness washed over his face.

He was scared for her, it was extremely evident.

He should be.

He though he was being Mr. Hero by getting her out of here alone and by herself. Oh how he was wrong. For now he helped Bella out, but when we get her back....she will be the furthest thing from safe.

Deep in thought about it now I shook my head, and I couldn't help a devious grin popping up onto my face.

We would get her back, it was just a matter of time.

And when we oh my.

She doesn't even know the half of it.

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