One Phone Call & An Annoying Guitarist

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"That was beautiful!!!!" Bella exclaimed, her whole body just glowing with happiness.

"I'm glad you were able to enjoy it." I replied, trying but failing to match her enthusiasm.

"I know that's not really your thing at all, but I seriously appreciate you doing it for me." She told me.

"Hey, it might not have been my thing but it actually was strangely relaxing. It's nice to be in a place where the main and only focus is finding beauty in each little piece." I told her.

Giddily, she started skipping down the wooden bridge that would lead us back to our car.

It made me so happy to see her not just happy, but actually care-free and not afraid of every single thing around her, especially things that aren't even around her.

I guess I'd also be lying though if I said it didn't also scare me a bit.

It was beyond me as to why they let her go so easily, and why they had her believing so strongly that they wouldn't get her back, let alone try.

Maybe, just maybe she knew that wasn't true, but was trying to hide it from me.

No, that couldn't be.

Once more I looked down the wooden bridge and saw a girl with no fear in her heart, and happiness exuding from her being.

Yes, she still struggled mentally with what happened in the past, and no one could blame her for that. Bella went through literal hell and psychological pain with all of those asses.

However, she wasn't showing any of that for the future.

That was the part that I just couldn't figure out.

"Come on, catch up!" She giggled, reaching the end of the bridge.

Forgetting about all of that though, I focused on the one thing that fully mattered at the moment.

My precious Bella.

No one else's, never again.

Bella's POV ~

"Holy shit you're fast." Chance panted out, finally reaching the car.

Sitting down on the hood of the car, I swung my legs waiting for him to catch up.

"Sorry, it's just nice to be able to run and feel the wind in the hair without facing consequence." I apologized.

He quickly let me know I was forgiven with a kiss to the forehead.

We both hopped into the car and got ready to drive back, at least in the direction of the hotel we've been staying at.

"What the hell?" Chance mumbled as we started out on the highway, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, a bit worried.

"Someone decided to give us a call." He growled lowly.

The look on his face told me everything I needed to know, I knew it was one of them.

Fear slightly struck my heart, but as I thought about it for a second......maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.

"Holy shit Chance! You need to call them back." I exclaimed.

"Why the hell would I do that Bella? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard you say." Chance scoffed.

"Don't you understand? If we can actually get into contact with them we can figure out a way to find out where they are. Once we know where they are we can track them, so we'd always be steps ahead of them!" I practically yelled with excitement.

"Sweetheart...I don't know if that's worth the risk. That means they can track us too." Chance replied.

"Then we can throw the phones. They won't toss theirs, there's simply far too many contacts, information, and so on in them." I explained.

"I don't want to Bells, but I can't deny the fact that you know....." Chance started to tell me, however we were interrupted by his phone's obnoxiously loud ring.

The number popped up on the car's system and I instantly recognized the number.

"Answer it!" The part of myself that I hated yelled out loud.

He answered the phone and all we first heard was a huge sigh of relief.

That alone cemented who was on the other side, Chance was clueless though.

Unfortunately, I would've been able to detect and identify any of them just by their heartbeats alone.

"What the hell do you want?" Chance snapped, obvious displeasure in his voice.

"Oh relax, I'm just making sure that Bella's safe and sound." Tyler growled.

"Please don't yell." I mouthed over to Chance.

"She's perfectly fine of course. She's with me, not you pricks, so of course she's safe." Chance replied, not so much with anger, but more snarky.

"I know she's fine. She's the only reason you answered. You'd be surprised at how much I actually know her as well as know about her." Tyler said, bringing his voice to a level tone.

"You and all of your friends need to leave us alone. Bella's once more back with me and she isn't leaving. " Chance stated.

"Really? What happens if she gets homesick, and wants to come back to the people who truly know how to take care of her? What are you going to do when she decided to leave you again and come back to us like she just did?" Tyler interrogated Chance, but I knew he was also aiming it at me as well.

"Trust me, I won't." I said coldly, backing Chance up.

"Well, it's nice to know he hasn't put a muzzle on you." Tyler jeered.

"Ok, that's it." I huffed, reaching over Chance and quickly shutting the phone call off.

"When we get to wherever we're going I'll help you track the phone. Please though...for my sake, sanity, and your safety don't go calling, talking or in anyway conversing with any of them. I can't take that risk on losing you." Chance whispered.

"Promise." I whispered back, resting my hand on his lap in an assuring way.

"I made arrangements to get us to our new home tonight, so we don't have to wait another day." Chance told me.

Letting out a huge sigh I laid my head back on the seat.

Was this ever going to end?


Tyler's POV -

"Fuck"! I screamed, chucking the phone across the room.

"Woah there." TJ chuckled, entering through the door.

"It's not fucking funny." I growled.

"Alright, alright. So what was up with our little troublemaker?" Tj asked.

"Well she's alive for a start. It sounded like she was driving in a car with Chance. What interested me though was that she was very obviously put off by Chance raising his voice. She refuses to admit the problems she has with us, but I think she does the same with Chance." I mused.

"Don't worry about her. If you want my honest, no bullshit opinion, I think that he's going to drive Bella back to us. Just meeting him for the short few times I have, I know he's the type of the guy to try and protect her.....I think it will backfire though when she realizes that he too wants to control her, just in different ways." TJ admitted.

"I don't know TJ, I'd love to think that. However, if I get that mentality, I feel like I'll lose it if she doesn't come back." I replied.

"Think of it this way, the silver lining if you will. Besides from the Chance portion, I could easily see Bella coming back for you." TJ said.

That threw me for a surprise.

"Why would you say or even think that?" I scoffed.

"She loves you dumbass, it's about as clear as her hate for me." Tj chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"No....not in a million years. Do we get along better than the others? Yes. I I wouldn't even bet a penny on that." I said, trying to shake this topic.

I got up to leave the room, but TJ ran in front of me and fully blocked my path with his arms.

"What's your favorite band?" TJ giggled out, pulling off an honestly horrifyingly good impression of Bella.

"Yeah, yeah, real cute." I groaned, seeing where he was going with this.

I pushed his harms down and went to pass, but he reacted quickly, this time throwing his body in front of me.

"What's your favorite state to visit?" He asked, twirling a finger through his hair, attempting to copy one of Bella's nervous actions.

"TJ, knock it the fuck off or I'll knock you the fuck out." I growled, not in the mood.

"Lighten up lover boy, oh and if our sluttly little pet calls back, let her know I say hi." TJ told me, ducking out of my way.

Damn, Bella did have a point.

He could be an ass.

I let out a tiny chuckle at that realization, then found myself heading to my bunk to get a good night's sleep.

"Bella," I sighed, wrapping the blankets around my body and shaking my head back and forth.


Bella's POV -

"What?" I asked Chance, turning to face him.

"I didn't say anything, Bells." He replied, a somewhat puzzled look on his face.

"Oh.....sorry. I could have sworn I hear you say my name." I apologized.

"No worries, it must've been your imagination." Chance told me.

"Yeah, I guess so." I shook it off.

We both went back to staring out the car windows.

Maybe I hadn't heard my name....maybe I felt it.

That was crazy talk though.......right?

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