Month 9 ~ Ready or Not, Here She Comes

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Chris Motionless' POV -

"Do you want to talk to her alone first, or do you want me to come in too?" I asked, standing outside of Bella's bedroom door with Tyler.

"You might as well come in, who the hell knows how this will go." He groaned, worried about seeing her in the condition Kuza described her in.

"Well, let's do this." I said, slowly pushing the door open.

When we walked inside we found the room completely pitch black, with only a nightstand and a california king bed in the middle.

In the center of the bed I saw the silhouette of Bella's body, half covered with a small lightweight blanket.

"Fuck." Tyler hissed, going over to the side of the bed laying eyes on Bella's abdomen.

He sat down in the armchair next to the bed, and put his head in his hands.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. You warned her, she didn't listen. It's not a good situation, but we'll get it figured out and I promise she'll be ok." I tried to comfort him.

"You stubborn, stubborn little girl." He sighed, shaking his head and placing her right hand in his.

About 30 minutes passed with Bella continuing to sleep peacefully, when out of nowhere she bolted up and let out this horrific bloodcurdling scream.

"Get off, get off, get off!" She screeched, pushing his hand away from hers and blindly swinging her hands at him.

"Hey, hey, shhhh. It's me Bella, you're ok." He cooed to her, gently caressing the side of her face.

I noticed that the second he touched her, she instantly recoiled and placed both of her hands over the child growing inside her.

"Tyler?" She whispered, finally realizing what was going on.

"Yeah, it's just me love. Kuza told me you wanted me here." He told her.

"I needed to tell you that you were right. I was so terrified when you yelled at me know who. My blood boiled thinking about the nerve it took for you to paint him in such a horrible way, but then......then I realized you were right. I didn't have anyone else to go to....." She whimpered, shaking.

"It's ok Bells, it's ok." He comforted her, wrapping his arms around her body.

It killed me to see her like this, there was no doubt in my mind that she was in pain.

Pain from what Chance did to her physically and mentally, the pain and fear from being pregnant, especially in such a one of a kind situation like this was, and pain from not knowing who to turn to as she herself just told us.

"I hate to interrupt you two, but I kind of have to bring up the elephant in the room..." I stated, nodding my head in the direction of Bella's baby bump.

"Hey, I'm not that big." Bella chuckled, her sense of humor surprising me a bit.

"Now that's a sound I've missed." Tyler cooed.

"She likes the sound of my voice, but she absolutely loves the sound of my laughter." Bella told us.

"She?" I asked.

"Yeah, the baby growing inside me......."She responded.

There it was, that classic sarcastic Bella.

"Well I know that, I was just referring to you saying she. How do you know it's a girl?" I wondered.

"Oh I don't. I'm just stubborn that it is a girl, at least that's what I'd prefer." She told me.

"You, stubborn? I can't imagine where you'd get that idea." I laughed.

"Hey, don't get sassy on me." She replied.

Hmm, I'd been called a lot of things. Sassy was a new one.

Bella got squirmy out of nowhere, pushed herself out of bed, and then let out a deep groan, clutching her stomach and going down to her knees.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Tyler and I screamed in sync, both getting down to try and help her.

"Woah!" She yipped, backing away.

"What's wrong, Bells?" I panicked.

"I'm fine I promise, they just like to kick a lot." She mumbled.

"How bad does it hurt?" Tyler asked her.

"I's just offsetting and uncomfortable." She replied.

Right as Tyler went to help her up, his phone started buzzing like crazy.

"Shit, I've got to take this. Try to see if you can't get her to come down." Tyler quietly said to me.

Once he was out the door, I kneeled down right next to her and offered my hands to her for support.

Bella got a tight grip on my wrist and tugged them gently, trying to get me down on her level.

"Chris, can I get serious with you for a second? No joking around?" Bella asked me, holding my hands tighter.

Oh dear, I knew I had to brace myself.

"Of course."

"I need a bit of a favor from you." She whispered, looking down at the floor.

"What is it, Bells?" I wondered.

"You've probably noticed this, but I have a tendency to try and put on a brave face and take on the world all by myself. I'm afraid that if I let anyone see past that facade they'll realize how truly.....well, fragile I am. When I was making decisions for just myself, it was okay to take risks through being dumb and naive in that sense, but it's not just me anymore." Bella explained nervously.

I could tell she was beating around the bush that was what she truly wanted, or in this probably needed.

"And?" I gently prompted her.

"And, I need your help. I can't do this by myself, and I can't let anything happen to her. If something did, I'm not sure how I could live with myself. Hate to admit it, but I don't know the first thing about delivering a baby, and as far as I can tell I have about a month at most before she comes." She told me.

"Nothing would make me happier than you letting me help you." I smiled.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You don't need to thank me for doing what's morally right." I sighed, leaning to the side and resting my head on her shoulder.

To my utter shock she reciprocated the action and leaned into me.

"You're going to be ok little one," She cooed to the child inside her.

She then looked back up at me with the softest eyes and asked, "Would you like to say hi?"

"Uh..." I stuttered, surprised by her offer.

That's when she giggled.

"She won't bite, we promise." Bella said.

"Hey, I know that. I was just taking a second to take the whole situation in." I admitted.

"It sounds crazy, but after you feel her moving about, it helps you take everything in. In a miracle type way." Bella told me.

I scooted myself so I was sitting cross-legged in front of her, directly in line with her body.

Ever so gently I outstretched my hands and softly laid them against her pale skin.

Bella flinched back ever so slightly, an occurrence that happened every time our skin made contact.

In the beginning, it didn't surprise me at all. However, now it hurt me to see her have that reaction to my touch, even though I knew it wasn't intentional.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I whispered.

A simple nod was enough to convince me.

I centered my hands directly in the middle of her stomach and we both sat in complete silence for 2 minutes, there was no movement at all.

Ever so slowly I slid my hands a little bit higher and then I felt it.

One single kick.

Then another one, and a third to follow the second.

I shook my head in disbelief, as my hands released our skin contact.

"Amazing isn't' it?" Bella cooed, the softest smile on her lips.

"Hello, little precious." I whispered, placing one hand back onto her stomach.

Another kick ensued.

"She likes you." Bella told me, placing her own hand on top of mine.

As I continued to feel the constant string of kicks as well as hear the soft yet steady beat of her unborn child's heart I found myself awestruck.

Things had changed drastically in such a small amount of time.

I hadn't had enough time to digest the fact that she was actually with child, but seeing Bella now, and getting to experience the magic of watching her carry this little baby was far more proof than I needed.

Seeing how in love and in awe of the baby Bella was made my heart lighter than it's been for a long time.

I knew we were all in for a tough next month as we would have to come together and make a plan for the safest and least painful way to help Bella actually give birth.

We had lost Bella for long enough, we weren't going to lose her again.

Especially permanently

"Bella?" I said.

"Yes?" She sweetly replied.

"Long ago I made a promise to keep you safe, no matter what. It's my obligation and highest priority to keep you safe. There's nothing you need to worry about." I assured her, scooting back next to her and planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"I know. You're the last people I've got left to trust. Just know that I do."

With that, I picked her up from the floor, cradled her in my arms and went to take her to a more comfortable room. This was finally the moment we'd been waiting for forever, the moment to finally regain her trust in us and prove to her the lengths we'd go for her and her well-being.


4 ½ Weeks Later -

(Bella's POV)

"Ha, I win again!" I chuckled, throwing down an Ace which beat Chris's 3.

"Ok, I call cheating. First of all, we may be the first two people to ever finish a full game of war. Secondly, no one can possibly win 3 games in a row." Chris told me, shaking his head in awe.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." I stated, slipping him the card box.

Loser had to clean up.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked, as I stood up from the table and went to go down the hall.

"I've got to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." I promised.

Well, that sort of was the truth, I just needed a tiny break to myself.

When I first arrived here about a month ago, I was terrified to see how it would go. I thought they would be beyond furious with me, and possibly even do physical damage. Chance had managed to cover the mental and emotional damage completely all by himself. I didn't have any more of myself to lose in that sense.

I was wrong, though.

To my surprise, Chris practically glued himself to my side and dedicated every second of every day doing research on what the best road of action for me was. Not what would make his life easier, but what would keep me, safe, healthy, happy, and sane to be honest.

Tyler and I had thankfully also been able to forgive each other, and go back to that unexplainable bond we had. Unfortunately, he was now on tour with Michael Vampire in a new band called Dead Girls Academy so he hasn't been around for about a full four weeks now.

Everyone else was either on tour or working on some project that Chris refused to elaborate further on.

The only exception was Danny who stopped in with Ronnie about once a week to talk to Chris, but they avoided contact with me.

Chris said it was better that way as he didn't need me more stressed.

The long hallway to the bathroom finally came to an end, and my tired, swollen feet very much appreciated that.

I took one little step across the threshold, onto the tile floor and that's when I felt it.

A pop burst inside of my stomach, and it hurt bad.

"Ow, shit!" I whined, crumbling to my knees from the shock of the pain.

I heard a sickening crack as my weak knees violently met the floor, and that's when everything in my mind went into utter panic mode.

"Chris, Chris, Chris!!!!" I screamed as loud as I could.

I wrapped my arms around my stomach as to protect my child as much as I could.

"Bella?" Chris yelled back, the fear in his voice mimicking mine.

"Please help." I whimpered, every fear and panic about this moment hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"Oh fuck, what's wrong, love?" Chris cooed, his voice now shaky opposed to the strong tone he always had.

"My water just broke." I whispered out hoarsely.

"Shit!" Chris hollared.

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