A Day To Enjoy The Little Things

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I sat quiet and still as the bus traveled through more and more miles, everyone was still asleep besides from the driver obviously. I had tried to get some sleep, but I only had nightmares of different ways I died by asphyxiation.

Not what I'd consider my cup of tea.

It didn't take a genius as to why I was having them though. As if Chris doing it wasn't bad enough, my neck was now bruised with the imprint of his hand circling around my neck.

What a dick.

At this point in time I was regretting even thinking of coming back, I couldn't believe I actually had.

Now I truly was stuck for these next 2 days, but I'd have to just lay as low as possible and not piss them off.

Last night Chris just struck an extra deep chord which led to my full blown screaming in his face.

I'd be damn sure to not do that again.

One thing that I was sure of is that today was a concert day again. I fully planned on going out and about today, both to keep an eye on the bands and not loose my mind in the bus.

However, that sure wasn't going to happen if I couldn't cover up Chris's handprint.

I was in luck, there was no shortage of makeup on Motionless in White's bus.

Heading to the bathroom I rummaged throughout the bathroom drawers and finally pulled out enough foundation, cream, and so on to make that hand print disappear out in the public.

"Good Morning." A voice cheered from right behind me.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, Chris' face appearing in the mirror right behind my body.

"Aww, my apologies. I didn't mean to scare you." Chris said, sounding somewhat actually apologetic.

"Did you mean to do this?" I questioned him, pulling my hair back and turning around to face him so he could see his work that he did last night.

"Oh, absolutely." He chuckled.

"If you wanted me to like you at least in the slightest you should have kept squeezing." I remarked, turning back to the mirror.

A huge smirk popped onto his face.

"I think that was just an admittance to kink." He smiled.

"Not quite, more like a request to die." I sighed.

"Oh dear." Chris whispered, sincere sadness showing in his eyes for a few seconds.

"Does that really surprise you?" I asked, as I failed to turn my focus back on covering up my neck.

"Of course it does. You might think we don't care Bella.....but I know you know we do. Remember what happened at Michael and DJ's? If we truly didn't care, you would have just been let to die in that tub." Chris told me.

I turned around and faced him once more.

"Please, Chris. Please do not ever talk about that again." I begged him.

"You think I enjoy bringing that up either? Having to get that call from Michael that you, the girl we've all fallen for and love is lying in a bed with blood gushing from her wrists?" He asked me, his voice raised but not with anger, but more of pain.

"You don't love me, Chris." I stated, with no emotion in my voice.

"If we all didn't have at least some love towards you Bella, would we let you walk out of here like we are going to in 2 days from now? Do you think if we didn't love you that we wouldn't give you as much leniency as we do?" Answer me that." He said.

"It doesn't matter how much leniency you give me. To me if you truly loved me, you'd let me go and never talk to me again." I sighed.

"I think we can both agree on one thing dearie, we all are a bit too protective to let you go. And there's the fact that this isn't a normal relationship, it's one with certain aspects of dominance and one party having more control than the other." Chris explained.

"Ok, ok, ok." I said quickly, waving him to a quick stop.

"Have I convinced you?" He asked.

"Heck no, but maybe....if you help me cover this up I'll believe you 5% more." I told him.

"Hmm, well how much would that fully make you believe then?" Chris wondered.

"Oh, probably a good 20%." I chuckled.

"It's more than I thought so absolutely. Go ahead and sit up on the sink so I can reach your neck better." Chris stated.

"Are you calling me short?" I scoffed.

"No." Chris laughed.

I rolled my eyes and pushed my hair back once more behind my shoulder.

"Thank you for doing that. I wanted to go out today and just explore a bit but this would raise about a million questions that I don't want to answer." I said.

"Fair enough. I've got to ask though, are you going out like you are now? As the full Bella Noel?" He wondered softly, picking up the brush and starting to cover up my marking.

"Hell no. I'm wearing some sunglasses and dark clothes to cover myself up, and please before you even ask why just let it go. I have my own reasoning to everything I've done and none of it is meant to be talked about with you." I replied.

"Trust me I don't have any issues with that at all." He said.

His last comment was the start to a hush in not only the room we were in but the whole bus. The brush tickled back and forth across my neck and yet the most apparent feeling to me was Chris's eyes staring deep into me.

A minute or so passed and suddenly I heard rustling in the back room, someone else was up.

My body tensed up and I'll be honest I started to internally freak out a bit.

"Good Morning Chris, Bella." Vinny cheered.

"Good Morning." Chris said back.

I only gave Vinny a slight head nod.

"What are we up to this early in the morning?" Vinny asked us, stepping back a bit and leaning against the wall.

"Helping cover a little boo boo up so she can hang out in the crowd tonight." Chris replied.

"Boo boo? That's what you're calling it?" I questioned him with a pound of sass.

"Showing him would just be easier." Chris ignored me, and quickly pulled my hair to the side.

"Oooo, that looks fun." Vinny smirked at me.

I smirked back and flipped him off.


"Did you want me to finish or no? Because trust me I don't have to." Chris told me.

"Then don't. I don't need you to do anything for me. I'll just wear a scarf or something." I said, jumping down from the sink and heading to the back of the bus once more where I knew they kept some clothes meant for me.

Within a few minutes of searching through the closet I was able to find a pair of black and red leggings, a black veil brides tank top, as well as a black damask scarf.

Not wanting someone to walk in on me while I was changing, I grabbed a chair from the back room and jammed it underneath the door knob.

As soon as I was assured that all windows were covered and no one would be able to see in I quickly slipped off my old clothes and threw the old ones on. I also had to wrap the scarf around my neck, just making sure that it at least covered up the bruising on my neck.

"Hey, what the fuck?" Ghost yelled, banging on the door.

"I'm getting dressed, give me a second." I screamed back to him.

"Aww, little one doesn't want me to come in." Ghost whined, obviously to the others.

I rolled my eyes, these 2 days were going to kick my ass.

Finishing up I removed the chair and opened up the door to see a maliciously grinning Ghost.

"Excuse me." I stated, slipping past him and making my way to the front of the bus.

"You really think that wearing a scarf is the answer to covering it up?" Chris asked me, giving me that sassy look of his.

"Maybe we should think about choking young girls before we go ahead and do it." I snapped, but with a light voice.

"Oh love, you know you're the only one I'd ever do that too." Chris cooed, giving me those eyes that I hated to admit, but seriously were pretty cute.

"What an honor." I chuckled, with condescension laced in my voice.

"Good Morning!" A booming british voice yelled, practically kicking the door wide open.

I jumped at the suddenness of it, which left me accidently jumping back and hitting Balz.

"Holy shit." I whispered, recovering from my minor heart attack.

"What are you doing here, let alone so early?" Chris asked.

"I know this one's running far and fast in 2 days so I figured why not hang out before this turns into a chase." Danny grinned at me, flashing me that dangerous smile of his.

"You and I, let alone anyone here are not 'hanging out'. Today actually I'm going to hang out by myself, listen to and enjoy the music, drink to my cold heart's content and try to forget where I am and who I am." I laid out for them.

"A girl after my own heart." Danny swooned.

I rolled my eyes, did all of their egos get boosted 1000% today?

It was seriously pissing me off.

"Oh yeah?" Ryan asked me.

"Absolutely." I smirked, promptly grabbing my cell phone which I had spotted next to Ryan on the couch.

"You know what alcohol does to you Bella, don't be stupid and get drunk in an attempt to piss us off. Trust me, there's a million other ways to do that." Danny warned me.

I snuck past all of the guys and I stopped just at the door.

"Oh but Danny, self destruction is such a pretty little thing." I whispered, giving him the bitchiest grin I could conjure up.

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