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(2 Weeks Later) - Chris' POV

"Home sweet fucking home!" Ryan bellowed.

"Tell me about it." I chuckled, following him into our house.

Ricky, Ghost, Balz, as well as a couple of our tech guys followed us in. Everyone practically had bags under their eyes. As much as we loved this tour and the environment around it it seriously could get taxing after a while.

That was any year though, this year we had the added missing Bella pressure for majority of the tour. The first 3-4 days weren't too bad because we still had a car and a phone to track, however after a day of what seemed to be rest for them we realized that they ditched all of their old stuff that could clue us into their location and plans in Missouri.

We all were clueless as to where they were going, what they were doing and what they had planned.

"Wow, someone got this place cleaned up. Last time I saw it, little miss Bitch had this place looking like a tornado went through it." William said, walking with me in the direction of the main foyer.

"Every single room is fully cleaned out, and how they should be. We've also got the basement's revamping started......if there's one thing to be excited about, it's definitely that." Kuza said, excitement in his voice and face.

"Thanks for staying back and taking care of the place." I thanked Kuza, honestly appreciating it.

"No problem at all." He replied.

After a minute or so he left, finally leaving myself fully alone for once in a long time.

Holy shit had I missed that.

Rummaging through the kitchen I finally found some spare vanilla cokes in the bottom rack of the fridge.

It had come down to the super little things that made me happy.

Resting on the couch, I threw my head back and for once in about a year I had peace of mind.

My eyelids were waging a war against me, they kept trying to close as I fought to stay awake. All of the other bands were coming by the end of maybe a tiny bit of shut-eye wouldn't kill me.

Sleep got the best of me and before I knew it I was out cold.


"Chris." A voice whispered.

"Chris...." the voice continued on in its angelic voice.

"I'm up, I'm up." I groaned, sitting back up and looking around.

No one was there.

What the fuck?

"Hello?" I called out.

Once more, there was no response. Was I fully nuts or was someone fucking with me?

"Isn't it fun to watch the prey drive the predator insane?" A voice I knew well whispered.


"That's me." She giggled lightly, appearing out of nowhere on the couch in front of me.

She was wearing only a form fitting blood red baby doll, a sweet and kind smile on her face.

"I mean it's not actually me.......just your mind's imagination of little old me." She corrected herself, slipping off of the couch and walking towards me.

"Where are you hiding my naughty little slave?" I whispered.

"You already know, Chris." Bella stated, her eyes not hinting even slightly at a lie.

With a sudden and quick turn of her heel she was now headed back towards the room's entrance.

"Hey, get back here!" I yelled, jumping up and grabbing her wrist.

My hand went right through hers, as if I just put my hand through smoke or fog.

Bella let out a cynical chuckle.

"Not even in your dreams can you have me." She snarled.

"As soon as as I'm up my love, I'll begin the hunt for you once more. Once I find you'll be begging for me to stop." I growled back.

"You're too stupid to find me, you and the rest of the of your little band sidekicks." Bella snickered.

"Chris." A deep voice hollered.

"Wake up!" Bella screamed from across the room, her voice shaking everything in the room.


A searing burn on my cheek snapped me out of my daze and who was I met with?

The one and only TJ Bell.

"What the fuck?" I gasped, snapping awake.

"You were in full conversation mode with your dreams." TJ laughed.

"Sorry man, it was so weird though. I saw Bella, but not like any other dream where you see people. I mean....shit, it WAS Bella!" I exclaimed.

"Dude, she has got your mind warped. This isn't inception and Bella's not waltzing into your dreams. Did you maybe dream of her? Yeah, let's be honest, who here hasn't? However, was it actually Bella in your dreams? Fuck no, and that's your reality check of the day." TJ replied.

"She told me something though TJ, something that sounded like something she'd say. 'Bella' said that we already knew where she was. We've got to stop looking in places that are unfamiliar to both of us. She and Chance will be someplace that they both know , we've got to stop looking for her to pop up in fully unfamiliar states." I explained, trying to get him to take me serious.

We were talking about TJ Bell chances were highly unlikely.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but everyone's now here." Tyler said, popping his head into the room.

"Oh shit."

Popping up from the couch I made my way one more to the front entrance.

"Looks like you're not the only one being haunted by your love for the little pet." TJ chuckled in a whisper to Tyler.

"Shut the fuck up!" Tyler and I yelled at the same time.

"Woah there amigos, let's take the hostility down a bit." TJ replied.

Finally ignoring him I made my way to the foyer where I was met with an extremely full and packed space.

Sure there was always a good amount of bands here...but never all of them at one, let alone the two bands who were now here for the very first time.

Blessthefall, All Time Low, OM&M, Falling in Reverse, Escape the Fate, Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Black Veil Brides, Bring Me the Horizon, not to mention Kuza, Brandon & Angelo, Michael and DJ, Bobby Schubenski,William Control, Tyler, and even a couple of tour managers and even our band's crew.

Oh yeah, and then there was Issues and Palaye Royale who were brand new to this operation.

Let's be honest at this point it was beyond crowded....which got me it possible that once Bella was back we would need a larger place?

Fuck, that thought would have to be put on the back burner for a while.

"Holy shit Chris, I was told this place is huge. It's far beyond that though, it's absolutely amazing." Michael Bohn exclaimed, excitement clear in his eyes.

"I'm glad you like it, not to be self-serving but I don't think we could have picked a better place. There's plenty of room and space for everything Bella and everyone else's day to day life, but there's also rooms upon rooms for the work and band aspect of everything. Each band has their own suite if you will, which acts as a room for all of the members, and that's not including the workspaces for each instrument. We've got a separate room for vocals, guitars, drums, etc." I explained quickly.

"I see the only part missing is still Bella." Michael nonchalantly pointed out.

"Unfortunately. I know you guys haven't met, let alone see her yet but I'm sure you've heard enough stories to get a pretty clear picture of her overall person and personality." I guessed.

"Oh yeah, and that's only increased the anticipation to finally meet her." He informed me.

I let out a laugh and shook my head.

"I've heard that now from about over 30 guys both in and out of this room." I started to explain.

"What part of that is funny, exactly?" He questioned me.

"The part where everybody creates almost the same exact mental picture of Bella and who she will be. However, she's not how anyone truly imagines her to be. Yes, she obviously does carry certain traits that might have been mentioned right away, but you can never truly tell how she's going to react or take to you. For example, Tyler and TJ both came here relatively close in time to each other. Bella adores and gets along with Tyler amazingly....put her in a room with TJ though and there's bound to be bloodshed. If you're lucky enough you get to get inside her head and truly understand her a bit more, but even then she can sometimes be the most amazing and kind, or the most aggravating girl you've ever met. The funniest part though is where she's able to grab everyone's heartstrings at some point and play them like a violin." I snickered.

"You sound like you genuinely care, if not love her." Michael noted.

"As much of a pain in the ass she can be and currently is...she's a special little gem. I've only had about one or two truly intimate and genuinely decent moments with her, and she's truly a sweet and kind girl who I believe is honestly scared and being misguided by Chance." I said.

"Can I see this little gem?" He inquired.

I pulled out my phone, quickly going to the gallery.

There was truly only one picture that captured the fun loving and joyful expression on Bella's face.

"That's Bella." I stated, handing over my phone.

On my screen was a picture of Bella and I on the balcony at a Falling in Reverse concert. In this picture she had on a "Ronnie Radke Made Me Do It" t-shirt, black leggings with skulls on them. Her hair was curled (which happened only about once every three months), there was an ever so slight trace of eyeshadow and mascara above her beautiful sky blue eyes. The thing that made her most noticeably gorgeous in this photo wasn't any of the above that I mentioned.

Not even close.

It was that gorgeous smile on her face. The brightness in her eyes was also evident of it being a true and genuine smile.

"She's a gorgeous little missus." Michael complimented.

"Told ya." I chuckled, taking the phone back.

I quickly shut it off, the longer I looked at the happy picture of us together the longer and stronger the urge got to go and find Bella myself.

Taking a quick second I reevaluated what was going on beyond Michael Bohn and I's conversation.

Ghost and Vinny had taken Palaye Royale on a tour of the overall mansion, while Sleeping w/ Sirens were going over some other basic guidelines and requirements with everyone else from Issues. (Tyler Carter, Skyler and Ty Acord, AJ Rebollo, and Josh Manuel)

"Hey, I just hit the jackpot!" Angelo yelled with excitement.

"What is all that?" Danny asked in reference to the large stack of lined paper Angelo was carrying.

"You know how we've been doing a little bit of construction and fixing up in the auditorium, and where we originally housed all of the others, along with Bella?" Angelo asked us.

"Yeah." We agreed.

"These were all found in Chance's old bunk. Half of it is letters between him and Bella, one quarter is what appears to be some kind of journal entries from Bella, and then the rest are all papers with addresses, phone numbers, and a couple emails. The handwriting is Chance's as far as those go though." He explained.

"Holy shit, that is the jackpot." I cheered with excitement.

"I still think we need to wait and let her have enough time outside to think she's gotten away and has freedom. Hopefully, we'll be able to learn a fair amount more about her from the journals though." Craig suggested.

"Would it be a horrible idea to try at least one of those numbers? It might give us just a tiny hint as to what they're up to." Danny added.

"It's worth a shot." I said.

Silence quickly rushed through the room.

I guess no one was rushing to volunteer for that.

"Fuck it, hand me a phone." Kuza growled.

"Thank you." I said as sweet as possible.

"Yeah, yeah." He grumbled, taking my phone.

Kuza also went ahead and grabbed one of Ange's sheets with the list of phone numbers on it.

After a quick dial, the phone started to ring and he decided to put it on speaker for all of us to hear.

Ring after ring....and nothing.

I sighed and signaled for him to just hang up, leaving a message probably wasn't going to be the best idea.

"This is Abby, how may I help you?" A woman introduced herself.

Kuza's face instantly screamed 'oh fuck'.

"Hello?" She repeated.

I snatched the phone from his hand, afraid the silence would end the phone call.

"Abby Velie, correct?" I asked, making up a name on the spot.

"No, my apologies. My name is Abby Noel." She corrected us.

No fucking way.

This wasn't real.

"I'm so sorry, wrong number." I apologized, ending the call as fast as I possibly could.


Silence screeched through the room.

Everyone was dying to say something, but the shock hushed everyone up.

"Well....who ever said phone calls couldn't be interesting and useful?" James chuckled, trying to break the silence.

"Can someone explain what the hell just went down?" Tyler Carter asked.

"That was Bella's mom." I whispered.

"Maybe your crazy ass dream was true. Bella very well could be in a place we already know. It's not impossible that she could be hiding at her mom's place if that's where Chance decided to take her." TJ informed me.

"Now that we simply can't allow. Her mother is honestly the biggest liability out there. How in the hell can we figure out though if she is there?" Danny wondered.

A few minutes passed as we all contemplated the question, and that's when Austin Carlile spoke up.

"Bella was a huge fan of us before she even met any of us, based on the fact that Chance, Cassie, and Taylor knew that I'm making the assumption her mother knew about it too." Austin suggested.

"I think that's a fair guess." I agreed.

" remember that day about a year ago, correct?" Austin asked.

"No." We collectively answered.

"Remember? At the end of our show we had that one fan come up to us, who worriedly informed us about Bella's kidnapping. She let us know that she had been a huge fan of us all and it meant the world to her if we would keep an eye out and others informed." Austin started,

"I like where this is going." Craig whispered, a smile on his face.

"That's when we went to the police, which is where they told us that we should keep out of it, because they've got it under control, which of course broke all of our hearts. Tours came and went, and all of that time we kept an eye on her case, praying that we would one day fine her or hear of the news that she'd been found. After a year though of grim news and vanishing hope, we realized that we needed to step in and we figured the best direction was to go straight to her mom." Austin finished explaining.

"I love it." Danny said.

"Well.....what are we waiting for? Let's go find out if our little pet ran to her Mommy for protection."

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