I Can Never Say I Love You Enough

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"Are you ready yet? I chuckled, knocking once more on the bathroom door.

Chance gently kicked the door open with his foot, finally letting me into the bathroom.

"Since we all can't be as beautiful as you, some of us require a fair while to get ready." Chance said back to me, a goofy expression on his face.

"Oh you....your flattery is far too much for me." I admitted seriously.

"I just love you so much, and even though it was three days... I don't know, I just feared so badly I had lost you again." Chance stated.

Hearing that shattered my heart a bit.

"I'm sorry I left." I whispered, wrapping my hands around his waist as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You did what you thought was right, Bella. I know I wasn't happy with it, but I just had to trust you. It was just super hard to let you walk out that door, and know what you were walking into." Chance replied.

"In brutal honesty I didn't know either. Let's just say it could have turned out a lot worse than it was." I sighed, quickly looking into the mirror, making sure the Chris Motionless hand sized bruise on my neck was still being covered from Chance.

"Wait, what do you mean. Oh fuck, Bella did they hurt you?" Chance asked, worry and fear instantly injected into his voice.

Shit...I can't lie to him face to face.

Yet, I didn't want to hurt him.

But fuck, what if he didn't understand that in a really fucked up way I had asked to stay later.

The last thing I needed on this Earth was for Chance to leave me too, if he did then I truly was better off dead.

"You can tell me anything, Bella, anything." Chance whispered, fear still evident in his vocal tone.

"I went back to Warped to prove to myself that I was free, because let's face it I sure as hell didn't feel free. Chris just proved to me that I had been wrong." I replied, gently shrugging my shoulders.

Chance's silence threw me off, I peeked up at his face and saw just an overlaying sadness across his face.

"There was nothing wrong with the car, was there?" Chance choked out.

"No, just me." I sighed, stepping back and taking a seat on the edge of the tub.

"You know I don't believe that, not one bit. They want you to believe that though, to keep you weak. You don't need to tell me what happened, just know though that if you did I wouldn't and couldn't be mad at you at all. They put you in this situation in the very first place, whatever events follow it are nothing but their faults." Chance assured me.

I guess that made me feel a bit better.

"You really mean it?" I asked, hoping that I knew his answer.

"Of course." He replied, once more wrapping his arms tight around me.

I got back up and returned to Chance's side.

"They'll never take anything away from us again. You've made promises to me, this is the start of mine to you." I said.

"That's an awfully wonderful promise." Chance smiled.

"I thought so." I smirked back, leaning up and giving him a soft kiss.

Stepping back up to the counter, Chance once more turned the hair dryer on and started to finish drying his hair.

I gave him one more sweet smile and then left him to finish up. After all, I still had to change out of my old clothes from yesterday.

In the large room we were in I noticed that Chance had one of my suitcases situated under his.

Grabbing that, I went ahead and found some of my clothes. What a relief it was, finally wearing my own clothes, and not skimpy lingerie or some band member's baggy sweatshirt.

"Ok, finally done," Chance announced with a loud cheer.

I laughed and shook my head.

"So what are today's plans?" I asked.

"We can do whatever you want to. After tonight though we're stopping this hiding game. There won't be any more staying in hotels or running. We'll actually be safe. Like I said, though, today we can do whatever you want." Chance told me.

"It sounds random, but I'd love to go to a museum or some type of artistic place." I mused.

"Your wish is my command." Chance replied, taking my hand and leading us out of the hotel room.

As we were walking down the hall, for some reason I felt like every little detail popped out to me.

Every color seemed more vibrant, they all popped out and were far more lively than before. The sweet scent of cookies being prepared lifted my heart a bit.

I probably looked like an idiot, a smiling idiot to anyone besides from Chance of course.

"Have I mentioned that I love you?" I whispered, somehow managing to find a way to get even closer to Chance's body.

"You know you might have, but just to make sure why don't you let me hear it once more, or you know maybe even twice." Chance said, a telling smile on his face.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I practically squealed with delight.

"I love you too, beyond life itself." He replied, taking my hand as we walked in stride with each other.

"Je ne te quitterai plus jamais." I said, finally making our way out of the doors into the fresh and crisp air.

"I won't let you leave, Bells. Anyone that gets wants or even tries to get to you has to get past me first. In case you've forgotten, I was the quarterback on our high school's team. Anyone who even thinks about taking or harming you will be sacked 6 feet in the ground." Chance assured me.

I playfully placed my hands over my heart and swooned, "My very own superman."

Once more I heard that sweet chuckle of Chance's and suddenly I was swooped up into his arms.

He gently nuzzled my face and once more I was finally reminded what true love was. Words couldn't describe what true love was, however it could easily be described as how Chance treated me.

My heart fluttered, there was no way I deserved this.

There was no way I deserved this loving of a human being.

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