Breaking Promises Tit For Tat

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Andy Biersack's POV
After hour and hours of non stop rain pounding down on all of us it finally came to an end.
I don't think anyone was as excited as all of the band members were. We just wanted out of those crowded tents and to get back to our buses to finally move on to the next city.
I had been in a tent with a couple of our band's crew members and Rich Vargo and Josh Korel from MIW's crew. They both went off and finished getting all of the gear wiped down and put back into our trailers. That left me to walk back to the buses by myself.
Or so I had thought.
About halfway to the buses I noticed a girl getting out of her car and walking in the direction that I was headed.
The clothes she was wearing then quickly gave her away.
"Bella!" I called to her.
That absolutely caught her attention as she quickly turned around and waited for me to catch up.
"Hello." She said coldly but still somehow managed to seem to give a crap.
"Hello, yourself. It's been quite a while since I've seen you." I replied.
"I've been busy." She told me.
"And now you're back?" I asked.
"For 2-3 days. I need some time to try and think clearly. Being constantly watched over by a scared, worried, and extremely over protective fiance isn't exactly the best environment to make your best choices, believe it or not." She said.
"Wow, they weren't joking about the ring?" I exclaimed, coming to a quick stop.
"Nope." She said, ever so carefully extending her left arm a tiny bit towards me.
The sparkle from the diamond in the band of her ring told me everything I had wondered.
He actually had proposed.
What a shame for him, even if she left in 3 days we'd have her back soon enough. He put a shiny ring on something that simply didn't belong to him.
I focused quickly and changed my attention back to the adorable princess in front of me that was dressed in one of Tyler's sweatshirts and sweatpants.
That's the only reason I was so quickly able to detect her when she was walking out of her car.
"Are you just planning on staying with Tyler, then?" I wondered.
"Well that's the thing. I was um....I was hoping that maybe I could stay with you, and the rest of your band." She said so extremely nervous, hanging her head and looking away.
A huge unhelpable smile popped onto my face.
"We'd love to have you on our bus." I said.
"One thing has got to leave. I refuse to be in the same bus as him." She demanded.
"Ashley?" I chuckled.
"No shit." She snapped at me.
Apparently she didn't find it as funny as I did.
"If that's what will allow you to stay with us for the night, I don't have any problem with that. Ashley won't be happy, but you're doing that so it's not like you don't already know that." I told her.
"I'll deal with it." She said through her teeth.
We were getting closer to the buses and I saw Danny and Chris standing right next to the gate that led into the bus area.
"Ugh, fuck." I heard her groan under her breath.
Suddenly she quickly turned toward me with a look like a lightbulb just went off in her head.
"What's up?" I asked.
"The only thing is that my car is here.....I don't know how we can keep that with us." She said.
"We can leave that here and then have someone drive back with you." I explained to her, once again starting to walk closer to Chris and Danny with her.
"You're absolutely insane if you think for one second I'd go with you guys without having my car, the one frickin way I can get out." She growled at me.
"My oh my, no reason to get so angry." Chris said in a very almost fatherly tone of voice.
Fatherly in the way that he was almost shaming her for taking on such an aggressive tone of voice with me.
She rolled her eyes and then once more turned to me.
"Where's your bus and may I have the keys?" She asked with a bit of huff in her voice.
I pulled my keys out from my pants pocket and handed them off to her.
"The bus is empty, but CC's coming in a few." I warned her.
She didn't even give me a response, but she gave Danny and Chris the death glare as she walked past them and made her way onto our bus.
"Oh no, no, no. That simply will not do." Chris said, talking about the insanely disrespectful tone of voice Bella used with all of us.
"She thinks she has the power and upper hand and that went to her head lightning fast. For some insane reason she thinks that she can just ignore every lesson she was taught. Obviously I wasn't expecting her to call us Sir or Master, but I also wasn't expecting this blatant lack of respect." Danny stated.
"Well....she was promised that she was going to be let go. I think she took that little inch and stretched it into a mile and a half." Chris said.
"Wait, wait, wait." I exclaimed suddenly.
"What?" Danny asked.
"Tell me what exactly you promised her." I stated.
"I promised her that she would be able to leave when she wanted. I told her we'd also just talk." Danny said.
"Well the second part of that promise hinders us a tiny bit.....but I think we can just look past that. It's not like Bella's never broken a promise before." I replied.
"What exactly are you thinking?" Chris wondered.
"She might need a little reminder that we're still actually in charge. For hell's sake she has admitted that she knows we'll get her back here anyways.....why not really cement that idea into her head?" I questioned them.
"I like what you're getting at." Danny smiled deviously.
"I do too, but how will we manage anything like that?" Chris asked me.
"All we have to do is slip some sleep medicine into her drink and she'll be out like a bulb." I announced.
"That's not going to work, someone else will have to drink some too. There's no way in hell she's trusting us with that." Chris told us.
From the corner of our eyes we saw Tyler and CC walking our way, and I also saw our volunteer.
"Just the guys we were looking for." Danny exclaimed.
"Oh no, what did she do now?" Tyler groaned.
"Just been a naughty little pet....we're trying to go and put the little pup down at least for a few hours. However, we need someone else to agree to drink it with her or else she won't do it." I explained to both Tyler and CC.
"All you need is her out, right?" CC asked.
"Yes." Danny, Chris, and I all answered simultaneously.
"You guys make it to hard on yourselves." CC said with a light chuckle, and then walked towards our band's bus.
We all watched CC with caution as we saw him quickly disappear into our bus.
A few minutes of silence outside of the bus passed, and finally CC walked back out of the bus, but this time with an unconscious Bella cradled into his arms.
"I mean, that's one way to do it." Danny laughed.
"Where do we want her then? This will only keep her down for a couple of hours, max." CC said.
"We can take her, we'll have Kuza and Brandon as backup so I don't think we'll have any problems." Chris stated.
"Sounds good." I agreed.
"Just don't use the pet too rough, ok? We've been itching for some fun with her for a while....don't wear her out." Danny said.
"No promises." Chris sniggered, as CC gently laid the knocked out Bella into his arms.
"Good Luck." I whispered to the now sleeping Bella.

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