Everyone's Pet Needs A Reminder

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Chance's POV

For the 5th time in a row now I was met with Bella's voice cutting straight to her messages.

She wouldn't pick up the freakin phone, and honestly I had originally gotten pissed off but that anger turned to fear.

I left my fourth message for her quickly

"Bella it's Chance again. I'm hoping you're either sleeping or just out and about. I just want to make sure that you're ok though. I originally just called to say goodnight and that I love you, but I was honestly surprised to get your machine. Just call me whenever you're back to your phone just so that I don't fully go out of my mind. I love you so very much, and I look forward to hearing from you." I recorded.

Before I let bad thoughts and fears into my mind I had to just give up and forget about everything.

I would take a nap and hopefully wake up to a phone call or message from Bells.

Let's just hope for once I was completely and totally wrong.


Ryan Sitkowski's POV ~

"Shut the fuck up." I groaned at the stupid recorded message playing off of Bella's phone.

"What's going on?" Kuza asked, walking into the room.

"Lover boy is losing his shit." I explained with a bit of a chuckle.

"I don't think he'll be too happy after 3 days of hearing nothing from Bella." Kuza stated.

"Well he also won't be too happy if he ever finds out that the only reason we decided to keep her for these 3 days is because she was the one to suggest it basically and lie about her car troubles." I pointed out.

"True, very true." Kuza agreed with me.

Kuza walked over to Bella's still unconscious and limp body placed on the couch with one hand handcuffed to the lamp screwed onto the wall and kneeled in front of her body.

I watched as he ever so gently brushed her hair out of her face and softly caressed her face.

"She made her own bed with that decision, she'll have to lay in it." I said.

Kuza and I suddenly saw Bella's body ever so slightly twitch.

"Oh Bella......" Kuza cooed in the quietest voice I've heard.

A whimper escaped from her lips, and her head shook no the tiniest bit possible. She wasn't awake though, must have just been a nightmare.

"Well, it doesn't look like she's getting up anytime soon. Let's just get her a gag in case she wakes up when we're gone. Wouldn't want anyone who doesn't know about her to find out now." I said.

Kuza went through one of the bottom cupboards, grabbed out a ball gag and slipped it into Bella's mouth, quickly tying it around the back of her head.

"That'll keep her quiet until she either wakes up or we get back." Kuza stated.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and after reading the text I realized how late it had gotten.

"We've got to get going, we're on next in like 10 minutes." I exclaimed.

"Ok, let's go." Kuza said, giving Bella's handcuff just one last gentle tug to make sure it wasn't going anywhere.

I guess he was satisfied enough with it because he followed suit right after I exited the bus.

As soon as we got off the bus I honestly wanted to get right back on it. No one could ever know for sure how long Bella would be out. Sometimes she would only be out for an hour, there's been other, scarier by the way, days though where she would stay out for at least half a day. We would just have to count on the ball gag and hope for the best.


3 Hours Later -

"Any bets on if she's up or not?" Vinny chuckled as we finally started making our way back.

"Oh I hope so.....that would make everything so much more fun." Chris said with a bit of a grin on his face.

"Well let's find out and see." Brandon smirked.

He pulled out the key and unlocked the door, within a second we had our question answered.

She was awake....and not happy, not at all.

Even from behind all of the other guys I could hear her muffled screams from the gag that hushed her.

We all made sure to get into the bus as quickly as possible and we shut the door so that only we could hear her weak cries.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're fine Bella, be quiet ok?" Ricky hushed her, going over to her and kneeling right in front of her.

She shook her head no like crazy and kept screaming through the gag, but luckily it was doing its job and keeping her screams silenced a bit.

"Do you want to get that gag out and that handcuff off?" I asked from across the room, trying to help Ricky out.

Thankfully that seemed to strike a chord with her.

She calmed down for a tiny bit and nodded yes.

"Then you've got to calm down. Once you're calm I can take the gag out and then the handcuff can come off after." Ricky promised her.

Bella once again surprised us all as she firmly shook her head no.

"So you don't want them off?" I asked, a bit confused.

With her hand that was uncuffed she grabbed the handcuff on her other arm and gave that a tough yank.

Now we understood exactly what she was saying, or more less wanting.

Too bad she wasn't in control.

"No, you're not getting that off until we take that gag out." Ricky explained.

That elicited another muffled scream from her and she pulled tight against the handcuff.

"If you're going to be like that Bella, then we're going to let you just scream and cry and fight, but all that will get you is a quick way to run out of air. Then what? You'll run out of breath and be passed out along with still gagged and handcuffed. Is that really worth it? Or should you maybe just let me take that gag out first?" Ricky continued, right after her scream.

"I'm too tired to deal with her shit right now, I'll be in the back with Vinny." Ghost whispered to me.

He shot Bella a warning glare, but kept pace until he was in the back room with Vinny.

That left a kneeling Ricky by Bella, Chris, Balz, Kuza, Brandon and myself.

"Just so we're clear and on the same page my dear pet......the moment you even try to scream or raise your voice, that gag will be back in your mouth so fast you won't even know what happened. " Ricky warned her.

Bella responded with a sharp and sure nod.

As soon as Ricky took a step closer to her to release her mouth from the gag, we all noticed an extreme flinch that ran through her body.

Rick fully ignored that, and quickly undid the strap going around Bella's head.

"Please unlock me." She said, somehow saying it quieter than a whisper.

"As long as you keep quiet and can behave." Chris stated.

"Yeah, yeah. Just please get this off." She grunted, once more pulling her arm back sharply.

Ricky looked back to me, since I had the key and reluctantly walked forwards to Bella.

"Don't do anything stupid." Ricky warned her as I unlocked her wrist from her restraint.

"Well I can't do anything more stupid than coming back, so we're good on that." She muttered, pulling her wrist quickly to her chest.

Once Kuza and Brandon were sure enough that we had everything under control they went to go in the front and drive once more.

We all backed off a bit from Bella to give her some space.

As soon as she was given enough room she shot up and headed to the back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Balz asked.

"Away from this fucking nightmare, oh but don't worry I still am tortured in my sleep by you guys so no need to worry." She said, opening up the door and walking past all of the bunks to the very back lounge.

"I swear, when that girl is back permanently she's going to regret even so much as breathing wrong in our presence." Chris growled.

That's when we all quickly heard the door behind the bunks slam open.

In marched a pissed off and out of line owned pet.

"Listen you piece of utter shit, after these 3 days in hell I'm gone and I'll never see you again. Is that fucking understood?" She yelled, her face reddening and fists clenching.

That's the straw that broke Chris' back.

With what seemed to be a split second Chris had his hand wrapped around her neck and quickly pinned her against the wall.

"Listen, and listen well. No matter what you do on this planet, you will always belong to us. I don't care about the fact that you're going to run your disrespectful and disobedient ass away at the end of 3 days. Just as much as my hand is around your throat right now, that is the power every single one of us has over you every second of the day. Don't fucking kid yourself and think that you can throw every lesson we've taught you away." Chris hissed directly at her.

Bella clawed a bit at Chris' hand as it was clearly obvious that she was running out of breath.

"Can't.........breathe...." She softly choked out.

We all watched the struggle Bella was going through with not only breathing, but trying to once more adjust to the power struggle she had with Chris.

Finally we witnessed Bella stop struggling and just let Chris control everything.

He then leaned in extra close, his body fully touching hers and whispered "Just as much as this body is mine......so is that breath. Nothing you have, do, or are is yours."

Releasing his hand from around her neck, she fell straight to the floor.

"Never forget that this is where you always will belong. Even when you're sleeping with Chance, pretending to be something you're not. You belong under us, and when you're back for permanent......my oh my you'll have that lesson drilled so far into your head." Chris told her, as she shook and whimpered from what I believe to be from shock, a bit of pain, and trying to catch her breath.

"With that nice little thought in your mind though, I'd say it would be a good idea to go to bed." I said, interrupting their little session.

Balz and Ricky made their way past Chris and Bella, headed to the back.

"I can't deal with her anymore tonight, I'll lose my mind. Are you alright with staying up front with her to just keep an ever so slight eye on her?" Chris whispered to me.

"That won't be a problem at all." I said, looking back down at the now shaking and obviously tormented and terrified Bella.

"Thanks a ton. I'll see you tomorrow." Chris practically sighed, running his hand through his hair with obvious frustration as he looked back down at Bella.

That same frustration that Chris felt was echoed throughout the whole bus, even Bella had her own frustration.

Soon enough those tensions would fully come to a boil. No one could lie though, we all knew who would win in the end.

But damn, it would be a fight like none other.

I couldn't wait till it was over.

I'm sure somewhere outside of the fear running through Bella right now she also had that same belief

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