Reconnected Once More

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It's been about 2 hours since Bella went down in the tent.
She's still just lying on the couch fully passed out, no sign of movement.
Poor little thing.
I can't was so strange seeing her like this. The different clothes, nothing to show that she was ours, the fact that she somehow looked a bit more....tired.....and of course that ring that was honestly pissing me off.
I mean we all knew that Chance and Bella were extremely close, but in all honesty she hasn't really been gone for all that long. Seeing a ring seemed like such an extremely fast paced thing.
It was no surprise that she still hated our guts....but I felt this was just too far.
Most of us band guys have been hit, bit, kicked, and sworn at by this little feisty girl, the ring seemed like one big extra punch.
I took a deep sigh and kneeled in front of her.
"Bella, you silly little naive thing. Getting married to piss us off really isn't your best idea." I whispered to her, petting that beautiful hair of hers that I love so much and had missed like crazy.
I would be an absolute liar if I said I hadn't missed this ball of love like mad.
Yes, she hated most everyone's guts....but she exposed a side of herself to me that no one else sees.
Don't get me wrong Danny and Chris have Bella more figured out than I do, so much more actually. I just have seen this one side to her that they haven't themselves experienced.
For example....our little teasing game every time before we got into bed with each other.
It seemed stupid to everyone else, and pissed some of the other guys off because they viewed it as Bella disrespecting me, but I personally knew it was a way for her to show something other than hatred towards me.
Now the house was practically empty without Bells.
Only some of the bands were on warped, the other bands and some of the extra guys like Angelo, Bobby, and Kuza, etc were still at the house.
Not having the one thing that was the center of our attention and focus in the house made it somewhat awkward, silent, and honestly a bit bitter sweet.
Scared as well.
I worried often about Bella's health, not so much physical but rather mental.
I know based off the past she has struggled with coping with all of this. As extremely shown by what had happened at Michael and DJ's house.
It was hard going to bed every night not knowing if the person you cared so deeply for was going to wake up the next morning and see the sunrise.
It's amazing truly how you realize how much someone means to you as soon as they're gone.
It also was a bit bittersweet having her right here, inches away from me once more. That was the sweet part of this whole thing.
The bitter part stemming from the fact that we all knew she would be leaving today, Danny's promise wasn't a bluff.
This all was part of the plan to get her back, letting her go today would give her that extra boost of trust in us.
Out of nowhere in the corner of my eye I noticed Bella's chest start to come to a much more normal beating pattern.
"Bella?" I quietly whispered.
Her eyes ever so gently started to flutter open, which elicited the biggest and happiest smile on my face.
Thank goodness my precious one was alright.
I took a deep breath in, half was a sigh of relief that she was alright, the other was to ready myself for what was possibly about to come my way.

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