I'm Just A Girl With Issues

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Bella's POV -

"Thanks." I whispered, finally releasing my tight grip on Tyler.
"Any time." He softly said.
"I'm an emotional fucking wreck." I chuckled, laughing at myself.
"Let's do something then to cheer you up." Tyler suggested.
I couldn't hide the smile that instantly lit up my face.
"What?" He asked.
"Issues. What is the chance we could watch their performance." I asked, my voice going higher with excitement.
"You a big fan?" Tyler wondered, a curious look now on his face.
"As of late, absolutely. Headspace is a work of art, I could and have listened to it for days on end. Flojo is my fucking jam!" I said, geting more and more excited.
"Woah there." Tyler laughed.
"Sorry, I think I'm allowed one fan girl moment a year." I giggled.
"That's fair. You know what though, I can one up just having you watch them perform. Palaye should be wrapping it up right now, so let me sneak you into the merch tables." Tyler told me, grabbing my hand and walking me through the dark halls.
"Don't go so fast, you forget I'm not coordinated." I chuckled, stumbling behind him.
"Relax, we're here." Tyler told me, stopping in a much brighter room filled with merch tables.
"You going to dress up your doll?" I asked, jokingly.
"Oh love, don't fucking tempt or tease me." He growled.
"As much as I love merch, I did get all cute and dolled up. The dress stays." I told him.
"Did you get all dressed up for me?" Tyler cooed, getting that adorable smile plastered on his face.
"Fuck off." I playfully snarled.
"You're my little bunny buddy." Tyler chuckled, pulling me close to him once more.
"Hey, I was promised some Issues." I responded.
He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He grumbled.
I waited for him to get in front of me, and once he was a giant goofy smile came to my face as it always did whenever I was around him.
Damn-he was fucking adorable.
"I legitimately don't know if Issues or this Palaye Royale you speak of are a part of this whole band kidnap shit show that has become my life. Don't ruin my two last pure idols for me, ok?" I told him, turning on my serious voice.
"Yes ma'am." Tyler playfully yelled.
Holy cow, I guess I could be a little tough.
"Thanks for taking me." I whispered, crossing the threshold into the left section of side stage.
"Of course, believe it or not I like seeing you happy." He chuckled.
"I don't doubt that one bit. You're a pretty good guy." I smiled at him.
"Thank you, Bella." He said, resting his right arm around my shoulder.
"Oh, you're welcome. I've got a serious question for you though." I stated.
"Shoot." He told me.
"What's your favorite color?" I whispered quietly to him, as the lights now fully dimmed.
"The shade of red your beautiful face blushes when you see me." Tyler whispered back, smiling down at me.
I sighed.
"Fuck me, you're smooth." I giggled softly.
"You love it." He cooed, becoming quieter as it was apparent Issues was literally seconds from going on stage.
He wasn't wrong, it was nice to be appreciated and swooned over.
A huge roar erupted through the crowd, it was a noise that Tyler and I fed off of, for very different reasons.
The frontman and the fan.
Tyler and I were a hot mess of a couple.
'Slow your role, you're not a couple.' My mind screamed at me.
I rolled my eyes, I needed to shut my brain off for tonight.
If I was even going to get slightly close to figuring anything out tonight, it would be emotions that told me, not my mess of a mind.
"Two for the show." I whispered, grabbing two shots of whiskey from the counter behind us.
Tyler grabbed his shot, extended his arm out, and bending it in a way where I was easily able to link mine through his.
"To Issues?" Tyler chuckled.
"To Issues." I giggled back, slamming my shot.
"Wooohooo! Issues, Issues, Issues!" Tyler screamed, chanting along with the crowd.
I closed my eyes, slipped my hand behind his back and leaned against his strong chest.
Relax, let go, have fun.........
My mind kept repeating phrases such as those over and over again in the back of my head.
Before I could gather another though the drums and bass started up the ever recognizable intro to COMA and I was finally ready to let go.
"Everybody needs lovin' sometimes, physical emotion, alright babe. To see your face light up would give me nothing but bliss, and when I start showing off I never know how to quit!" I belted along side Tyler, with the 4 thousand other fans here to enjoy their music.
This was my happy place.
Tyler's POV -
In no way was I a virgin to going to gigs and concerts, so when I said that Bella was one of the most enthusiastic fans I had seen, it was true.
She currently was standing up on the counter in front of us and slightly to the right of us screaming the chorus to 'Slow Me Down' with Michael and Tyler.
I on the other hand was behind her, terrified she was going to trip and fall off. Chris would kill both of us if we let that happen.
"Thank you, you're such an amazing crowd! It's been a lot of fun, but I know you've got more energy! Let's get some fucking Flojo in the house!!!!" Michael screamed.
One more thunderous roar ripped through the crowd and the lights and lyrics started up more.
Issues had no problem at all putting on a great show, however tonight Bella was the one that had my full attention.
I have not seen her this excited, vibrant, and overall happy since I met her.
Not only have I never seen her like this, but I've also never heard her like this. Cheering along with the crowd, singing loud and proud, and screaming from the heart.
As the concert went on, I knew I had to give her more of that pure joy tonight.
The rest of the concert it was Bella that had my whole attention, watching her had fun was a joy in itself for me.
An hour later, Bella jumped back down into my arms as the concert came to a close. Her voice was completely hoarse, her hair dishevelled a tiny bit, heels had been kicked off about an hour ago, yet she had the brightest and largest smile on her face.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!" She squealed, her arms around me tight.
"You are so welcome." I chuckled, amazed and humoured by how excited this cute little human in front of me was.
From behind Bella, I watched as Tyler started walking towards us.
She was still unaware of his presence, even as he was inches away from her back.
He gave me a sly smile, I just rolled my eyes in response.
The second he wrapped his arms around her waist, Bella screamed in fright, jumping into me almost making me topple.
"Holy cow, jumpy are we?" He chuckled, as she finally turned around to confront him.
"A little bit." She admitted, turning around.
Tyler smirked at her, "Tyler." He introduced himself to Bella, extending his hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Bella." She replied, taking his hand.
"I saw you having quite a blast during the show, you should've come up and sung with us." Tyler said, smiling.
Bella blushed.
"I like to leave that up to the pros." She joked.
Tyler smiled back at her, his eyes quickly wandering up and down her body.
"How do you two know each other?" He asked.
"We ran into each other at a show." Bella quickly blurted out, fully lying.
Tyler knew that was a lie, but he was going to keep that under wraps for now.
"Nice." Tyler replied.
She looked down nervously, and that's when she suddenly said, "It was so nice meeting you, I've unfortunately have to leave though."
"What?" I asked in surprise.
"I have to go home." She told me.
"Excuse us, we need to have a few words." I told Tyler, grabbing Bella's hand and taking her one room over, where it was just the two of us.
"What's wrong?" She hissed.
"Don't go, not yet. We're going to go grab some frozen yogurt, and head back to our hotel to swim. Stick around and have some fun." I whined to her, trying to get her approval.
"Tyler, Chance is probably worried. I should get back to him." She said.
"Give me your phone." I demanded.
"Why?" She snapped back.
I groaned, and slipped her phone right out of her back pocket.
Aha, just what I figured.
"No missed calls, no texts, no sign of worry at all. You told me he goes missing in action all the time, I think it's only fair that you get a night to do that as well." I told her, trying to persuade her.
"Tyler......" She said, in a very unsteady voice.
"Pretty please." I begged, giving her my best set of puppy eyes.
She huffed, and crossed her arms.
"You're killing me." She chuckled, rolling her eyes.
"I'm a lady killer." I said seductively, winking at her.
"Oh for fucks sake, I'll go if your promise to NEVER EVER say that again!" Bella exclaimed.
"Deal!" I shouted, lifting her up and tossing her over my shoulder.
"Tyler!" She screamed, pounding on my back with her fists, a hint of a giggle in that scream.
"It's faster this way." I laughed, starting to jog my or in this case OUR way to the back band parking lot.
"Decided to join us?" Tyler asked, as I finally dropped Bella back down on her feet.
"What could it hurt, right?" She replied, still blind to the fact that they were a part of this whole thing.
"Awesome, let me introduce you to the rest of my band." Tyler exclaimed, walking us over to the 5 other guys crowded around the large SUV.
As soon as she saw the rest of the band, I watched her body tense up. She was on edge, but from her very own perspective, could you blame her?
"Guys, this is Bella. Bella, this is Michael Bohn our unclean vocalist, Josh Manuel our drummer, AJ Rebollo our guitarist, Skyler Acord our bassist, and lastly Ty Acord is our man on the turntable." Tyler introduced them all.
"It's really nice to meet you all." Bella softly said.
"You as well, and feel free to call me Scout." Ty told her.
We all chatted for a few minutes, getting those first awkward moments of meeting someone new out of the way, there was no hiding that Bella was way beyond nervous.
"So, I heard you're coming with us." Tyler said happily.
"Yeah, I figured why not." She explained.
"Feel free to hop in wherever." Michael offered, pushing open the large back door.
"Um, I've actually got my own vehicle. It's easier for me to go in that." She whispered, her voice lowering, a sign she was uncomfortable.
"If you don't mind, we could maybe split up, that is if you're ok driving a few others around." Tyler suggested.
She instantly looked back up at me for the answer.
I shrugged, this was her call.
"Sure." She shakily agreed.
"I'll drive the SUV, so if you, Sky, and AJ want to drive with Bella, go ahead." I told Michael (Bohn).
"Sounds like a plan." He agreed, grabbing the two others and following Bella back around to the other side of the building.
Bella's POV -
I quickly unlocked my little car, and slipped into the driver's seat, taking a huge and deep breath to calm myself down.
Looking to my left, I saw Michael Bohn, AJ, and Sky walking towards the car.
Surely I could trust them, right?
They didn't seem too aggressive, or knowledgable about me. Maybe, just maybe I met the one band I idolized that didn't want to kidnap me.
As soon as they made it to the car I unlocked it and sat quietly as AJ slipped into the seat next to me, and Michael Bohn and Sky sat themselves in the back.
There was silence that echoed in the car for about 10 minutes as I pulled out and followed Tyler in their large SUV.
Aj finally decided to break the silence.
"Are you always that pumped at concerts?" AJ asked, curious.
"No, truth is Issues is probably my favorite band lately, and I've had some alcohol today." I admitted.
I then chuckled to myself.
"What?" Michael asked from behind me.
"I'm just a girl with Issues."

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