Under The Illusion Of Escape

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1 Week Later
Craig Mabbit's POV-

"Hey, where did Bella go?" Danny asked, walking into the main living room where Chris, Ricky, Cameron, and I were hanging out.

"She was attempting to put the baby to bed." I told him.

We were all silenced when Bella suddenly walked into the room, her eyes tired and her body clearly exhausted as well.

"Is everything alright?" Chris asked her as her legs gave out so she fell back onto the couch next to Ricky.

"No." She whispered, shaking her head.

"Go get some sleep, then. You're not going to feel better if you stay up exhausted." Ricky told her.

"Don't tell me what to do." She growled softly, pushing herself as far away from him on the couch as possible.

"Easy, there." Ricky cooed to her.

"I'm sorry. I just....I just need to find a place for us. I haven't been able to yet, and it's stressing me the fuck out." She softly told us.

We all shot each other a quick confused glance, none of us having any idea as to what she was talking about.

"Are you talking about your old bedroom? If you want to sleep in there instead of the room next to the nursery that's okay, we can get that set up for you." I offered to her.

"No! I didn't come back to stay. I came because I needed help bringing her into this world. Now that she's here I can handle it. I just need to find an apartment or something." She told us.

Oh shit, there it was.

The big glaring elephant in the room....Bella under the impression (that she created) that she wouldn't be staying.

She tends to forget that his whole situation with Chance and the effects of it could and would have been avoided if she had just behaved and stayed with us.

"Hey, could you quickly go run and grab Tyler?" I whispered to Cameron, knowing that he was going to be the only possible solution to keeping this a non-heated discussion.

"Absolutely." He replied, jumping up right away.

"Bella, can you honestly say that it would be in either of your interests for you to leave on your own with her?" Chris asked her.

"My daughter does not need to spend any longer here. I don't need any part of this in her memory or life, and hell knows that I don't either." She growled.

"You're avoiding my question. You do that when I'm proving a point that you don't want to agree with." Chris stated.

"You're making it seem like I can't take care of my baby on my own! I can and I will!" She yelled at him, jumping up from the couch.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down Bella." Tyler cooed to her, running into the room and blocking Bella from going anywhere else.

"Tyler, get off!" She cried, trying to push him back.

"You need to relax, love. Just breathe and tell me what's wrong." Tyler begged her, working his usual relaxing charm on her.

"I'm going to go grab my baby and leave." She finally said, looking up into his eyes.

"Woah, woah, woah, let's slow our role." He replied, grabbing her hand as she once again went to walk around him.

"Let me go." She hissed now trying to pull herself out of Tyler's grip.

"No!" He growled back at her.

"No one's going to be happy if all we do is just fucking yell at each other." I pointed out.

"I'm never going to be happy as long as I'm stuck in this hell hole." She snapped back.

"You know what, I'm done with this conversation. It was your decision to run away and play house with Chance. I warned you that it wasn't going to work well for you, I prove you right and now once again you are under the delusion that anything good would come from leaving" Tyler growled at her.

He released his grip on her and that's when she then did something none of us expected.

Bella curled up her fist, pulled it back and planted it full force right in his jaw.

That was the point where we could no longer just sit and watch.

"Bella, stop!" Chris scolded her, jumping up to grab her, but I beat him to it.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her away from Tyler.

"If I ever here that name come out of one of your mouths again, I will kill you." Bella snarled.

"Knock it off!" I hissed at her, picking her up and dragging her out of the room and down the hall to the closest room to us.

It just happened to be Angelo's old room.

"Stop! Let me go! My baby needs me, let me out!" Bella screeched, punching and kicking the door incredibly hard as I managed to get her in the room and lock the door behind me.

"Relax Bella, just go and sleep for the night. Bianca will be perfectly fine. You on the other hand are going to break your damn hand if you keep punching that door." I warned her.

"Fuck you." She snapped at me.

Ok, that was that. I obviously wasn't doing any good trying to relax her.

I double checked that the door was locked one last time, and once I was assured of it I made my way back to the room where we all had just been.

Chris was bringing Tyler an ice pack for his jaw just as I entered the room again.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"I'm fine. Honestly, at this point I'm more pissed off than in pain." He told me.

"I'm just confused, that came from nowhere. I've got no idea as to why she suddenly has the idea that she's just going to leave, and that we'd let her." Danny stated.

"It doesn't matter as to why she thinks it. It's not going to happen. She's managed to get out far too many times. I'm done with that." Tyler replied.

"What do you propose?" I asked him.

"I say we give her two more weeks with Bianca here. There's no way in hell I'd ever let Chance touch or see the baby. I'm sure Taylor would take good care of her until Abby's finally back from her work in France. She raised one amazing girl, I'm sure she can do the same with Bianca." Tyler answered me.

"I fully agree," Chris said.

"I'm going to go off on a wild limb and say that it might not be a good idea to share the plan with Bella right now," Ricky stated, right after Bella let out a blood-curdling scream from in the room she was in.

"She doesn't need to know, period. We're in charge, we make the rules, and she's to follow them." Tyler declared.

No one said anything, he wasn't wrong in any way, shape or form.

The only sounds that could be heard were the inconsolable cries and screams of Bella.

I felt bad, I did, I knew Bianca wasn't her fault, but she should have never left in the first place.

Now she'd have to face the consequences.

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