Smooches & Surprise Visitors

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(2 Weeks Later, chronologically right after Chapter 30)

"What are you going to be up to when we're gone?" Bella asked her mom, as we finished getting ready to head out for clothes shopping.

I know she was okay with wearing my clothes most days, but I know she also was probably missing most of her clothes and being able to have her own wardrobe. Most of her clothes were still stuck with the bands, and as we knew there was no way to get those back.

"Worry until you get back." She sighed, hanging her head.

"Don't fret Abby, your daughter's a bad ass." I chuckled.

"He's got a point." Bella attempted to comfort her.

"Bel...Isabella." Abby started, quickly correcting herself.


"Be safe." She whispered, giving her daughter one last hug.

"You too." Bella said, slipping from her mom's arms to mine.

"Ready to get clothes of your own?" I chuckled in her ear, opening the door up for her.

"Absolutely. No offense, but I can only go so much longer before going insane in your clothes, even though they're comfy as hell." She replied.

A smile stretched onto my lips, I was so beyond thankful to finally be exposed to the fun side of her once more.

"Is it inappropriate for me to say that I'll miss seeing your sexy body barely covered by my sweatshirts at night?" I whispered into her ear, as I opened up the passenger's door for her.

Mentally, I crossed my fingers in hopes that it wouldn't rub her the wrong way but she quickly proved me wrong.

"It would be insanely inappropriate. am I." She softly murmured, pulling me even closer into her and locking lips with me.

The intimacy at first threw me off my guard, but I was soon to join in.

I wrapped my arm around the back of her neck and put everything I had into this kiss.

The passion exuding from her was like nothing I'd ever felt before, it was so strong it felt as if it ended, the world would soon follow lead.

This was like nothing Bella and I had ever experienced together, so I knew I had to keep some wits about myself to know what line to stop at.

But, fuck.

She put Venus to shame with her beauty and loving.

I slipped further into the car with her, placing my right knee in between her legs and ever so gently tilted her chin back to see her breathtaking eyes.


Before I knew it Bella had pulled her legs up to her chest and was pushing against my own chest with an arm now putting space between the two of us.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, completely moving her gaze away from myself.

"Hey," I started to say, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

In a blink of an eye my love was gone, she wasn't seeing me, she was seeing her past.

"I'm not a slut, Chance." She whispered, pushing me even further back.

"I know you're not Bella." I responded.

"Please don't call me that." She whimpered.

"Don't lie to me. I know you absolutely hate the name Isabella. Listen...I know they've taken just about everything from you, and trust me I know that makes me sound like an asshole. Don't let them take your name from you." I told her.

"Everytime I hear that name though...I see them Chance. I feel them all around makes me sick. It's why I can't even fucking kiss you because I look up and every memory of them strikes me like lightning." She said ashamed.

I wanted to kill all of those motherfuckers for damaging such an innocent human.

"Give me your left hand." I demanded, now kneeling outside the car, extending my own arm.

Obvious hesitation flashed through her, but she gently laid her hand in mine.

"Whenever you think you've lost me look at this ring. It represents not only our love, but it's like you're wearing a piece of me. I gave you this, no one else. No one else could ever love you more than I do, and that's what you should think about when you see anyone of them from the past. Ok? Don't let them take anymore of you." I told her, gently rubbing the top of her hand with my thumb.

Silence lingered through the air for a few seconds that honestly felt like hours, and then I heard a sound I wasn't expecting.

A giggle, Bella's giggle.

"You're right." She giggled.

"About what?" I inquired.

"I really fucking hate the name Isabella." She chuckled, playfully covering her face.

"Well that's good, I hate it too." I agreed, a smiling coming back to my lips.

"I'm sorry, I think I overacted with the name thing. It's just that...after a certain amount of time you get sick of everything." Bella apologized.

"Don't be sorry, it's understandable for this crazy situation." I assured her.

"Would you be opposed to a make-up kiss?" She whispered, blushing.

"Well....I can now feel your mother's gaze boring a hole into my back. Maybe we should wait." I said.

I was suddenly pulled back into the car and my lips finally met hers once more.

She gave me a few blissful seconds more of that kiss, and then slowly released.

Once she let my hand go I ran to my side of the car, hopping into the driver's seat.

"You know what I saw with that last kiss?" She asked me, rolling her head in my direction.

"Why don't you tell me."

"I saw us...and the future. Correction, our future. Finally one day being able to put the past in the past, and erase the memories that I know haunt both of our nightmares. Us growing old with each other, our never ending love growing to new limits. I saw us, and nothing more, for there is nothing more than that." Bella explained, grinning ear to ear.

"I love you Bella. I love your mom too, but right now I'm getting the feeling she wants to kill me, so it's time to head out." I nervously chuckled, getting the car in drive.

I gently laid my hand down on the center console, and to my heart's delight Bella's hand was quick to find mine and we interlocked fingers, tight as we could.

It wasn't too often angels fell from the Earth, I had been gracious enough to been allowed to love her, and the least I could do is love her with every ounce of my being and protect her from anything to come.

Chris Motionless' POV -

"Are you sure this is the house?" Alex (Gaskarth) asked me from the passenger's seat.

"The GPS lead us to the neighborhood, and all of the local realtors told me this is the only house that's been moved into within the last 4 months." I replied.

"If Bella's in there we've got to take her out right away, I don't give a shit how banged up she gets. As long as she's alive that's all I care about." Danny growled from the back.

"Relax, because if she isn't there we've got to stick to our original plan and keep calm." I sighed, looking in my back rearview mirror to him, along with Vic.

"Let's do this thing." Alex suddenly cheered, clapping his hands together, and getting out of the car.

Danny, Vic and I followed his lead and before we knew it we were ringing the doorbell, waiting for one of 2 possibilities to occur.

The doorbell's soft tune slowly died out, and instantly Vic was pressing it again.

"Patience." I chuckled under my breath.

"You can't honestly tell me this isn't pumping you up with adrenaline." Vic snapped back at me.

"It is...and if Bella's in there she'll be the first to see it." I darkly chuckled.

Vic finally rang it for a third time, and bingo.

The door was ever so slightly pried open, just enough for us to make out an older female figure, early 30's I'd guess.

Shame on Bella though, she should have taught her mom better to answer the door for strangers.

"Ma'am my name is Vic, can I please talk to you with a couple of my coworkers. It's about your daughter, Bella." Vic said, as we all watched the front door slowly open inch by inch.

We were greeted with essentially an older Bella.

Her eyes and hair matched Bella's to a perfect T, yet somehow they didn't even match half of the beauty that Bella's held.

Our precious girl was a true gem.

"The police told me not to talk to anyone." She stated, obviously worried.

"The police told us the same thing. We're on your side, we want to help find Bella too. I myself sing in a band called Pierce the Veil, Chris here sings for Motionless in White, Danny for Asking Alexandria, and Alex for All Time Low." Vic explained, introducing each of us to Abby.

"Those are Bella's favorite bands!" She gasped, placing a hand over her mouth.

"So we've heard. We couldn't stand hearing a fan of ours had gone through such horrible things and we wanted to help you out." I butted in, trying to sell her the story.

"If you would just let us in......we can explain everything more." Vic promised her, softening his voice even more.

We watched as conflict racked her brain.

I already knew Bella had made contact with her mom, that's why her reactions weren't nearly as raw as they should be. It was just a matter of how well her mom would listen to her daughters warnings, and of course if Bella was currently in the house.

Oh man would that be fun....finally getting to wrap my hands around that pretty little throat once more.......what a treat.

"You're Bella's idols. If she trusts you.....I do too." Abby finally whispered, giving in against her better judgement.

Oh Abby, it was not hard to find out that she was the one to give her daughter so much naivety.

"Thank you." We all said.

Abby stepped further into the house, allowing the four of us full access to the house.

Once Danny came in behind everyone else he shut the door, a sound that I knew this woman would regret, whether it be a few minutes, hours, or even weeks.

"Oh shoot, I left the dishwasher on. I'll be right back, please make yourselves at home." Abby called to us, suddenly running to the kitchen.

"Lies." Danny suddenly muttered under his breath.

"What do you mean?" I asked silently.

"The realtor I talked to made a clear point to say that this house doesn't have half of its appliances yet, dishwasher included." Danny whispered to us.

"My oh my. It looks like we have two naughty little Noel's." I said, shaking my head back and forth.

"If that didn't give it away, look what I found." Alex suddenly said from across the room.

He picked something up and brought it over to us.

A VIP laminate for backstage access - specifically for the last tour we had taken her on before Warped. It had a double purpose though, we programed that one to unlock our bus doors for her, after all she had been being transfered bus to bus on almost a nightly schedule.

That bitch, I can't believe she snuck that out with her.

"I'm so sorry about that." She apologized, rushing back to us.

Alex slipped the laminate into his back pocket as fast as possible and just like that, we once again had her under the impression that we knew nothing.

Silly Abby.

Maybe her daughter should have taught her a few more lessons before she left her home alone.

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