So Much Love For One Lovely Lady

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Bella's POV

11:47 PM

I brought the blanket further up my face, covering my eyes as the heroine in this horror movie let out a blood curdling screech.

"Ok, we're done." I cried out, running to the tv and shutting it of.

I was into horror movies, but this was way too damn terrifying.

"Aww, you're no fun." AJ whined.

"No, you're just fucked up." I shuddered, making my way to the fridge and grabbing myself a bottle of 7up.

"Want some booze with that?" Michael inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't threaten me with a good time." I chuckled back.

I looked through the window and watched as the stars started to come alive and litter the sky with their light.

It was absolutely stunning.

All of the sudden though, there was a new light amongst the light glow.

Something much brighter and fully man made.

"Expecting any guests?" I wondered, a little shocked when the car kept coming towards our bus.

"Just a guitar tech, nothing special. If you want to go to bed, feel free." Ty offered.

"Ok." I playfully groaned, throwing my head back.

"Night!" They yelled to me.

I made my way into the bunk room, slipped on my pajamas and got under the covers.

I peeked through the blinds one last time, and I swear that the car pulling up looked familiar to me. There was a million black cars, I was just too paranoid.

My eyes shut as my head hit the pillow and I was out just like that.


10 Hours Later - 9:45 am

A quiet groan and the sound of feet hitting the floor woke me up.

"Sky?" I muttered, knowing he had the more dense build out of all the other guys.

No response.

"Fuck." I groaned to myself, slipping on an old Escape the Fate sweatshirt that I had.

Once it was back on, I crawled out from under the layers of sheets and hoped down to the floor as gracefully as I could.

Quickly searching through everyone's bunks I came to the realization that everyone was out of bed.

Time to face yet another day, I mean couldn't be too bad, right?

I opened the door that lead back into the main/front lounge and got my answer.

I was wrong, it could be too bad.

"Good Morning, Bella." Chris cheered, sitting one one of the couches with Ricky right next to him.

Instantly I stepped back into the bunk area, got on my knees after closing the door and folded my hands together.

"Give me strength to not kill them, and please, please, please don't let them kill me either." I whispered.

Before I went back to the front lounge, I slipped my car keys into my sweatshirt pocket, maybe I could run fast enough to get in the car.

Was I best friends with Issues, fuck no. I knew why they were appearing open and friendly to me, but Chris and all of MIW were on my naughty list. They were easily the most dangerous band I've dealt with.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, leaning up against the kitchen counter with folded arms.

"Currently I'm staring at a very beautiful girl." Chris cooed, a smile growing on his face.

"My god, it's like you want me to stab you again." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Don't be like that." Chris sighed, now folding his arms as well.

"You've made me this way." I spat back.

"Oh boy, here it comes." Ricky quietly groaned.

Chris and I locked eyes, both of us trying to get the other one to verbally concede.

"Fuck me, this is tense." I heard Tyler C. whisper to AJ.

I sighed.

"Stop fucking with me and tell me why you're here." I demanded of him.

Chris suddenly stood up, and once more I was reminded of his towering stature.

As much as it killed me to admit it, he was handsome, but above all he was intimidating as all hell.

I slipped even further back into the counter.

"Come on, let's walk." Chris said, heading towards the door and opening it up.

After standing there for a few minutes Ricky chipped in and told me "Don't worry, he's not going to do anything, unfortunately."

"No, let's drive." I replied, pulling out my keys and dangling them.

Walking was more of a risk to me, but if I drove I knew that I was in control.

"Alright." He agreed, opening the door for me.

I slipped out in front of him, made my way down the stairs, and walked to my car.

His steps were heard clearly behind me as those boots weren't exactly quiet.

Taking a quick peek behind me I saw a smirk on his face.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing's funny, I just find you very cute." He stated, his bright eyes contradicting his dark demeanor.

"Pretend to kiss my ass later, just get in." I chuckled in annoyance.

We both slipped into my car, and I finally had a chance to quickly take a true peek at Chris as the engine turned on.

He had on a blackcraft cult t shirt on whose sleeves were hidden by his black leather jacket. A black beanie covered his head, and he already had makeup on this morning.

I would never tell him this.....but he looked good today.

"Let me is somewhere in our future?" Chris chuckled, putting his feet up on my dash.

Ugh, he seriously knew everything that pissed me off.

I couldn't stand when people did that, especially him, it allowed his body language to be even more domineering over me. Literally, the last thing I wanted and needed.

"Yes, and please put your feet down." I told him.

Excitement popped on his face as he looked over at me with this smug as fuck grin.

"Beg me, love." He cooed.

"Oh hell no." I snapped, sending daggers at him through my eyes.

"Hey, it was worth a try." He laughed.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" I asked, needing his full attention.

"Yes, of course." Chris replied.

"Have you found Chance yet?" I wondered, needing to know.

Chris Motionless' POV -

"No." I lied to her, needing her around for another day or two to determine that health wise, she was ok.

"Oh." She sighed, her spirit instantly broken.

You seriously could just hear her heart break.

"If it makes you feel better, your mom thinks that you and Chance just went away for a little vacation. She bought the story without fail or question." I said.

"Thank you. As long as she's not freaking out....that's all that matters." Bella stated, her focus going back to the road.

I let silence simmer the rest of that conversation to an end.

"You know, I've been talking to the guys in Issues for the past week or so when you've been there and I'm honestly surprised. You seem to have taken a liking to them, even Michael which blows my mind." I told her.

"Woah, woah, woah, let me stop you there, I don't "like" any of them, we're simply co-existing and I don't want any tension." She exclaimed.

"What about Tyler?" I asked, honestly curious.

While she said nothing, she turned to me and her eyes told me everything.

"It's been a while, can you still read me like you always used to?" She chuckled.

That instantly got a smile on my face.

"Like a wide open book." I replied.

"Then you know how I feel about Tyler." She whispered.

Instantly an idea popped into my head.

"Let's stop at a park after we get our drinks, ok? I want to show you something." I said.

"Um, yeah, ok." She stuttered out.

"I do need to bring something up worry of your health and safety." I quickly told her.


"Through the grapevine I've heard that you and Chance know consummated your marriage. My personal worry is that there hopefully is some caution." I stated, trying my damndest to get the hint across to her.

"My physical relationship with Chance is not something I'm bringing up." She growled at me.

"That's not what I'm trying to get at. I'm more worried about your health and well-being." I explained, holding my hands up in defense of myself.

"My health?" She said, a bit confused.

After a few seconds she suddenly screamed, "Oh my god, you think I'm pregnant!"

"Woah, no, no, no. I just am trying to make sure you're healthy and safe." I said, not wanting to get her that pissed off.

"Here's the deal, I understand where you're coming from. I know what happened in the past and it does scare me, that's why I had Chance buy me birth control on top of the condoms we were already planning on using, ok? I'm not stupid, or naive....well maybe a little bit of that, but that's besides the point. I know every time anyone has sex there's a chance of pregnancy, but with all the precautions I've personally taken.....I'm far more likely to get struck by lightning." Bella explained to me.

She had thrown in 2 very important details to me though after that first rant, she gave me the name and description of the pill she'd been taking.

I instantly pulled out my phone, and texted the drug name to Tyler Burgess, next to it I wrote, please look this up and let me know what you find out about it when we're back.

"I appreciate you telling me all that." I said, very honestly.

"Ok, now done with that shit, let's go get caffeine." She stated, pulling into a parking lot of a quaint little coffee shop.

"Let's." I agreed, smiling back at her adorable face.

We walked side by side into the little shop and I noticed a few people give us looks, looks that you'd give a couple.

Thank the lord Bella didn't see that.

I went ahead and ordered a praline latte and Bella ended up ordering something called a flat white.

"What?" She chuckled, noticing my puzzled face.

"The fuck is a flat white?" I replied, opening up the door for her to walk out to the outside patio.

"Just espresso and steamed milk, the good stuff." She giggled.

"The strong stuff, huh?" I smiled back at her.

"If I'm dealing with your ass, and crabby Ricky back at the bus, I need the strongest stuff possible." She told me.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her, and she stuck her tongue right back out at me.

"Here's your drinks." The barista said, setting down our coffees in front of us.

"Thank you." We said.

"Ok, so the thing I was talking about in the car.....the thing I wanted to show you. Come here." I told her, patting the spot next to me.

I pulled out my phone and instantly pulled up the group chat between all of the bands, the good one.

The one where when we missed Bella we could all discuss it. I'll be honest, all of the band members were in 2 categories. Either you sided with Ricky and TJ and wanted to literally drag Bella back to the house by her hair, or you took the side of Tyler and Danny, who still wanted Bella to desperately come back, but also recognized that giving her some time and space may work out best for all of us.

One thing couldn't be fought about though, the absence of Bella affected each and every one of us.

It was like a huge hole that could not go unnoticed.

Finally, Bella got up and sat down right next to me.

"You mentioned Tyler and your feelings for him, and it made me think of this little group chat thing we've all got going on. I know that you look down at just about all of us and think we all hate you and want to hurt you...but that's not true. We miss you Bells. And no, not just your body or what you can do for us...but you. If you don't believe me, which I know you don't, just read these." I prompted her, sliding the phone in front of her.

Sitting back, I sipped on my coffee and enjoyed the beautiful scenery around us as I also couldn't help but love the close company of Bella once more.

As she read the literal thousands of texts I watched slow smiles creep onto her face, looks of anger, and at times some even of anguish.

All of a sudden though, I saw her face soften and turn sad. What really concerned me is when I saw a couple of tears trail down her face and she pushed the phone back to me.

"Oh dear, what's wrong?" I cooed, gently resting my hand on the small of her back.

"Ronnie has a point." She whimpered, putting her head in her hands.

That's when I quickly pulled out my phone once more and saw just what she was talking about.

Ah, I knew what exactly had set her off.

One week ago Ronnie had sent out a text message to all of us concerning his fears about where Chance was and what he was doing disappearing.

It read -

Poor Bella, I really do feel for her. She fears us and runs from us, but we're always there for her. We know how much we care for her, but it's impossible for her to see that. However, she puts all of her faith in that piece of shit Chance, and what does he do? He leaves her and she's left to deal by her own. She's too naive to see that what she's really afraid of is the thing she married.

"Shh, don't cry Bells, ok?" I cooed, starting to gently rub her back.

Once I quickly realized her distress wasn't coming to an end I picked up her sobbing body and carried her back to her car.

I slipped her into the passenger's seat, buckled her in, and quickly walked around the car and sat down in the driver's seat.

It just crushed me to see her like this, knowing that the one person she trusted and had claimed to love so much was now causing her this much pain.

"This is my fault as always, I pushed him away." She whispered, her voice just in anguish.

"No, no, no. It's his fault, he left you, he's a big boy Bella, if we wanted to he could handle your situation. Don't blame yourself, you don't need that stressed." I said, attempting to soothe her.

She then sat up straight in her seat, dried her tears and tightly wrapped her arms around her waist.

That's when I fully broke, she was too precious.

I got out of the car, walked around to her door, opened it up and bent down so that I was crouching on my knees in front of her.

"Can we please just go back to the buses?" She whispered with a broken voice.

"That's what you want, not what you need." I replied.

"And what do I need?" She asked.

I outstretched my hands and waited for her consent.

"A hug." I smiled.

She thankfully relented and opened her arms up, and that's when I went in for an extremely tight embrace.

Feeling her arms around me was close to one of the best things in this world.

Bella rested her head gently on my shoulder and I held her tight for just a few seconds, but it felt so much longer.

As soon as I let go, I noticed a very small smile peeking out at the corner of her sweet lips.

"Thanks." She whispered.

"You don't need to thank me for being there for you." I told her.

She then put her hands carefully in her lap and I took that as my time to get back in the car and head back to the buses.

"Thanks for the coffee. I thanked her, getting on to the highway.

No response.

That concerned me.

"Bells?" I said, turning my head to see what was up.

Oh geez, she was passed out, fully asleep against the window.

I guess last night didn't provide a good rest for her.

20 minutes later we pulled back into the lot for Issues' bus.

I instantly noticed that Tyler Burgess was outside sitting on one of the picnic benches, looking like he was about to kill someone.

Oh shit, this wasn't good.

Taking a deep breath I collected myself and got out of the car.

"I've got some really bad fucking news." He said, walking up to me.

"Fuck, just what I didn't need. Just lay it on me though." I told him.

"That medicine that Chance is giving Bella, the 'birth control'. It's not that. It's a fertility pill that increases the chance of pregnancy." Tyler B. growled.

"That motherfucker!" I yelled.

"If that piece of shit cheating on her isn't bad enough, he's trying to get her knocked up so that she won't want to leave him. That's the definition of a scumbag asshole, if you ask me." He hissed.

Yeah, if there was one thing to piss Tyler Burgess off, it was to fuck with Bella.

Especially in this big of a way.

"That's some fucked up shit. I'm still trying to figure out what his plan is though. Is he just going to show up and whisk her away? I mean....if she is....carrying.....that would literally be the worst thing possible." I said.

"Let's stop wondering, let's figure it out now." Tyler told me.

"You lost me, what are you talking about?" I wondered.

"Don't kill me, but I've sort of been going ape shit about this." Tyler admitted, pulling out a small hypodermic needle and a small tube.

"Oh no, no, way. I'm staying far away from that shit. If you think you can get that from her without waking up, bless you. I'm not getting involved." I said with a slight chuckled, backing away with my hands up in defense.

"I'll die if I let her leave and don't find out, Chris." He sighed.

I stepped back even further and let him make up his mind.

He quickly ran up to the door, and slipped it open, he grabbed Bella's one arm, placed it in front of her and made sure that she was still sleeping.

I turned away, not wanting to see the outcome if this went bad.

3 minutes later, I heard Tyler's footsteps approaching me.

"Oh she didn't kill you, how nice." I chuckled.

"Haven't I always told you she's a good girl?" He responded.

"I know she is." I said.

"Ok, well I've now got to go and find someone who has a connection to the medical field, so I don't have to carry this around." Tyler laughed, holding up the vile of Bella's blood.

"Yeah, you go do that." I sighed.

Just like that, Tyler left on his mission to figure out Bella's health situation.

That left me with Bells.

I went back to the car, unbuckled her, threw her into my arms and walked into the bus once more.

"Hey there lovebugs." Michael Bohn chuckled.

"Don't start with me." I growled.

"Bad day?" Sky asked.

"No, no, it was good, Tyler B. and I are just concerned with what Chance is up to. We'll figure it out within a few days though." I explained.

"Ok, good to know. If you want to feel free to let her sleep in one of the bunks." AJ offered me.

I nodded back, and did as he suggested.

"Ricky and I are going to go and grab some dinner with the rest of the bands, I'm going to be in Tyler's bus though tonight, so if you need anything, come and get me. I love you princess." I whispered, brushing her hair behind her ears and gently pulling the top sheet just above the top of her chest.

With one last kiss on her forehead, I shut the lights off and smiled down at her beautiful self.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

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