Months 5&6 ~ Bella, Truly Loved By One and All

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I sat on the couch and couldn't help but be mesmerized at the oddly cute little bump my stomach was creating.

There was a human inside of me, a little baby that Chance and I had created.

In no way was my brain small, but I could just not wrap my brain around this situation.

I admit, when I first found out that I was pregnant, I lost it.

I screamed and cried at Chance, demanding to know how this could have happened. We had taken every single contraceptive option to prevent something like this, I was fearful of becoming pregnant for many reasons.

I didn't feel I was mentally and or physically capable, I feared that if I got pregnant again it would end in the same unfortunate way as last time, and then there was the fact that I had no doctors to help!

Most people who took notice of my disappearance through the news still believed I was missing, never to be found or heard from again. I couldn't let the public know I was out, let alone suddenly show up to a hospital pregnant with Chance and expect help with the baby but no questions of where the hell were you and are you ok?

Between Chance and I we had overloaded ourselves with research to know as much as we could before the 9 months were up.

It was honestly frustrating knowing I was in this situation when I didn't feel it was my first choice by any means.

However, if after we took all of those precautions and I still managed to get a baby, many it was a sign from something bigger than Chance or I letting us know that this was how it was supposed to be.

In all seriousness, it didn't matter though.

"You and I are in this together, bean." I whispered, gently running my palm against my abdomen.

Currently I was home alone, my mom was forced to travel out of country for work a month ago since she was promoted to head manager, and Chance was at his job.

Lucky him, he was allowed to show his face in public.

As far as the bands went, I've managed to stay far away from them, it looks like Chris kept his promise when he told me that unless I wanted to see them, I wouldn't see them.

It didn't mean I they didn't cross my mind though.

Of course they popped in and out of my thoughts, especially Tyler as much as it killed me to admit it.

I couldn't help but to think, would I be in better care health wise with them?

Would this have ever happened if I had stayed with them?

Is this what Tyler had been fearing?

Was this his idea of Chance hurting me?

I truly didn't know, and I'm not sure I wanted to.

The only thing I truly kept telling myself was that all I had to worry about was my baby.

As long as she or he was safe, I would be at peace.

Just as that thought finished, I felt a little kick.

"Yeah, you like that idea. Bella and baby?" I giggled to the squirmy little human growing inside of me.

"Let's make a deal, I keep you safe and you let me see my toes through these last 4 months." I chuckled, in reference to how I've grown.

Slipping on a pair of my jack skellington slippers I stood up, and walked to my door where there was a full length mirror hanging on the door.

I had this crazy messy bun going on, I was in a black tank top with a pair of dark red boyshort underwear, and these adorable slippers.

While my outfit was a bit of a wild college, I was finally physically getting myself together.

There was once more a pep in my step, color in my cheeks, a healthy weight (baby included), and I just had that glow to myself that I had been missing.

It's been one hell of a ride, and for a while every time it seemed that I would be able to get my life back on track, I'd get thrown off.

Whether it was Tyler getting friendly with me, Chance deciding to abandon me for days at a time, or my own mind, things never seemed to cease and let me breathe.

Now was different though, I had something so much more to fight for.

A family, a husband and a constantly growing child that I had to stay strong for and to love like no one's business

"Don't be scared, Momma's here and she's going to protect you from anything." I whispered to my baby, tearing up a bit.

I got one more little kick and I knew it was their way of acknowledging me.

With one more smile, I knew I had this.

It was time for me to regain my life.

Nothing could stop me..........right?


Craig Mabbit's POV ~

"Am I more than you bargained for yet....?" Ben Bruce and I screamed into the microphone, getting the crowd excited for hours more of good old fashioned emo fun.

Emo Nite was something that I'd always been a huge fan of and when Ben, and I along with Telle Smith from The Word Alive were offered to host it in Los Angeles we took it without a single thought.

Obviously when we were trying to keep Bella in check it was just about impossible to leave for a weekend if not a week to head to LA and host a show or two.

The night continued on, we sang, we danced, we screamed, we crowd surfed, and by no time it was 3am.

"Thank you, and good night!" All of us screamed to the fans as we shut down our set.

"Holy shit, that was insane." Telle chuckled, tossing Ben and I a beer.

"Absolutely, I'm so glad we got to come out to do this." Ben exclaimed.

"I suppose it's easier now with Bella not around." Telle stated.

"Oh fuck, don't remind me." I groaned, dreading thinking about her.

Mainly because I was afraid of the situation she was in with Chance.

"Oh boy, bad topic?" Telle asked.

"More frightening than bad. Basically our biggest lead right now is the possibility that Bella is hiding out somewhere with Chance, 6 months pregnant. Obviously that causes us a lot of fucking worry based on everything that could go wrong with that." I informed him.

"Woah, woah, woah. Pregnant? What the fuck did I miss?" Telle exclaimed, setting down his drink.

"You don't know about that? What about Chance and Cassie?" Ben questioned him.

"No, I guess I've been too busy touring." Telle chuckled.

"In a real short synopsis Chance started almost revenge fucking Bella's old friend Cassie who sold her out to us. Then Ricky and Chris found him and Chance told him that basically he wanted to knock Bella up so that in case she ever finds out, she'd somehow find comfort in the fact that despite him cheating they have a child to keep them together." I quickly explained.

"Oh fuck, that's fucked up." He scoffed.

"No doubt. I know that they can't prove it, but I'm pretty damn sure he wouldn't bluff on something that serious." Ben said.

"What the hell is the plan then? Are we really just going to leave Bella alone like that? She could actually die if not taken care of properly. Are Danny, Chris, and Craig that headstrong that they're willing for her health and wellbeing to be at stake?" Telle asked.

"It's not that easy. We've got no idea where they are. Bella's mom is in France for work, so Chance and Bella moved out of that one house we had found them in before. He's got her hidden very well, no one's been able to find her." I sighed, frustrated at the situation.

I wasn't one to admit so openly that I had fears, but I did.

Bella while a pain in my ass no doubt, did mean something to me.

She was the sunshine on my cloudy day if you will, as cheesy as that may be.

Head to toe she was adorable and one of the best, most honest people I've ever met, when she wasn't causing problems though.

Before Bella had come into my (and the rest of our lives) I knew I was missing something, I just hadn't figured out what.

That first moment I saw and spoke with Bella, I knew she was what I had been missing. I still couldn't describe what it was about her to this day, but perhaps that's part of the magic.

"Earth to Craig!" Telle yelled, shaking me.

"Sorry." I mumbled, realizing I had let my thoughts cloud my head for a few moments.

"Well, I suppose we should get back to the hotel and rest up for the flight tomorrow." Ben said to Telle.

"I don't blame you. Thank you guys for coming out though and doing this with me tonight, it was a lot of fun." Telle replied.

We said our last goodbyes, grabbed our couple of duffel bags full of equipment and made the half mile walk back to our hotel.

"You were thinking about her weren't you?" Ben asked, suddenly stopping me in front of our hotel's main entrance.

"Aren't we all?" I countered.

"I suppose, you just seemed super extra focused." Ben told.

"I'll be honest. The last 7 nights have been filled with dreams I've been having of Chance brutally killing Bella. Her being gone is really fucking me up." I admitted.

"Oh, shit. That's rough." Ben said.

"You're telling me." I chuckled, shaking my head and entering the hotel's lobby.

"You know, nothing's going to be right again until Bella's back, safe and healthy." I finished telling him.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that." Ben agreed, following me up the stairs to one more night where we had to face the truth of Bella being gone.

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