One Battle Down, Many More To Go

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Hours had passed since anything was said. I had taken up my spot in the corner of the room and Chance was sitting on the couch. You could practically hear a fourth of a pin drop.

My eyes were red, puffy, and they hurt really bad. My sides felt like they were being stabbed with all of the sobbing that had been done.

It just.......hurt.

And bad.

Chance suddenly got up, interrupting all of my internal thoughts.

"Bella, I don't want to worry or scare you but we do need to get onto the road, and now. At least for now we can't just be sitting ducks." Chance told me.

There it was, the ugly and painful reality that I had to be snapped back into.

I was still on the run from Chris and all of the others. It was a serious task, it wasn't like Chance and I were just travelling for shits and giggles.

"It's fine." I choked out, my voice trying to sound clear and strong.

We quickly left cash for the bill on the table, and just about practically ran out to the car.

Just as he was about to get in the car, I quickly stopped him and grabbed his hand.

"Please don't think I'm mad at you Chance. It's just---------well, I'm just confused, freaked out and honestly horrified. I mean for gosh sakes, I get out but my whole life is still plagued by them. The nightmares, the huge fear every second of being taken back, having to be on guard at all times, and just having to face the reality that what happened to me wasn't a dream. And the fact that I realized I slipped up and said what I said- it scared me so badly. To realize that I still have an entire war to battle within my head is such a terrifying reality. I promise you, I didn't mean and want to take it out on you. I'm sorry." I apologized.

His response was short, simple, and extremely meaningful.

Chance pulled me tight into his arms and held me close to his chest, my head right over his heart.

"Bella, it is completely alright. This is as you said going to be a long fought battle, I fear and know. I'm right behind you though, we'll beat the odds and every single monster along the way. Even the deepest, scariest ones, that are hiding up here from what those sons of bitches did to you." He softly spoke, gently placing his one hand on the side of my head.

"We can do this together." I whispered, carefully taking his other hand and placing it over my heart.

"That's the Bella I know and love" Chance smiled, looking down at me, his face glowing.

I playfully scoffed, "Mr. Hayes, are you saying you don't love the demons inside my mind?"

"Absolutely not, soon to be Mrs. Hayes. Those demons in your mind are a part of you, and you are absolutely beautiful." He complimented me.

Before I knew it, Chance had me lifted up, legs around his waist and kissed me extremely deeply.

I kept a tight grip on him as we continued on the kiss, not ever wanting to let go. Smiling against his lips, at that moment in time I was the happiest person in the entire world.

I jumped down for a second, smiling and giggling and ran to the driver's seat.

"What are you doing, silly?" He questioned me, not able to control the huge grin on his face.

"Driving." I smiled back.

I could see the almost fatherly look he quickly shot me, he wanted to drive.

He shook his head and let out a tiny sigh as well as a laugh.

"I swear Bella, if you weren't so damn cute and I didn't love you like crazy." He said, shaking his head playfully.

"Hey, you're at least shotgun." I compromised with him.

"I can't argue with that, but I also get to pick where we go next." Chance told me.

I sealed the deal with one last quick kiss.

"Hey you little kiss stealer, if you don't stop giving me sweet little kisses we aren't getting anything done." He chuckled.

"Ok, ok, ok." I agreed.

I put the car in drive and started off down the road once more, this time in good spirits and calm inside.

We had just gotten through one more small battle in this huge war. We were on an even playing ground now.

"What's that devious smile thinking up?" Chance asked me.

"This war is totally on, and I'm ready to kick some ass and take some names." I stated.

"Now that's the old, true, and real Bella I know." He smiled.

Chance was right, I was back.

Chris and the others should be worried, very worried.


Danny's POV ~

"Thank you Milwaukee!!!!! You've been fucking great today! Stay crazy!" I yelled, trying to keep the hype up for the next band to go.

The rest of the band gathered up their instruments, I grabbed my mic and we headed off stage.

"Good fucking job, mates. I think we killed it." James cheered, as we all passed out a beer to each other.

"Absolutely." Sam agreed.

"Well, we've got about 20 minutes until we have to go and deal with hormonal teenagers." Cameron sighed, talking about the signing we were required to go to.

"Ugh, don't fucking remind me." Ben groaned.

Did we enjoy meeting and talking to our fans?
Of course.

However, we did not enjoy the many sexual offers we get as well as questions that followed that same theme.

There was a line that was no longer acceptable, but we knew that it was inevitable for these types of events.

"It's honestly just going to get me more and more pissed off about the whole Bella situation." James admitted, which honestly I know each and every one of us agreed with that.

"We'll just suck it up and get through it like always. And soon enough she'll be back. Even though in all honesty, if she was back 2 days ago that wouldn't have been fast enough." I replied.

Finishing all of our beers we made our way to the tent past the screaming fans and got set up.

Cameron leaned against the table with his back to the crowd for a second and said to me " So many brunettes with blue eyes, yet none even come close to our pet."

"I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that." I said.

My phone beeped, I looked down to find a message from Craig

CM: After your meet and greet come back to Motionless' bus, we've got to gether a more solid plan.

I simply texted back a 'sounds good' and my attention was quickly turned to the line of screaming people.

Let the chaos commence.

30 Minutes Later -

The line finally was dwindling down, each of the other guys was busy talking to and signing stuff for a fan. The next girl came up, and my oh my did she turn out to be an interesting girl.

"I am such a huge fan, it is an honor to meet you." She practically screeched.

"Well that means a lot to us, so thank you very much." I thanked her.

"This may seem crazy and probably is extremely innapropriate....but um I'm very much into what you do and would kill to have a chance to do it with you." She said, in a hushed tone of voice.

"I'm sorry, what exactly is it that I do?" I asked for clarity.

With not even a slight change in the blush of her complexion she replied "The rough stuff, you know. The chains, the whips all of the fun stuff." She replied.

"Well that's cute and all but quite honestly you have no idea as to the extent of what "I do."" I told her.

"That's ok, I'd be fine with it all." She said.

I chuckled, this girl had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

"See, the thing is I need a loyal slave. Not just a sub, no, no. So much more. Someone who is there every second of the day to loyally serve and submit to you. Not just to love and cherish, but to use as I see fit. I don't take it lightly either, it's not just some taps with a crop or some rope tied tight. It's whipping and spanking until beautiful bruises kiss the skin, bringing them up to the edge of passing out, and so much more." I explained.

Her face had went from flirty to fearful and freaked out.

"N-n-never mind." She whimpered as she left.

With her leaving it was finally just Ben, Cameron, James, Sam, and I.

I let out a huge groan of just frustration and impatience.

"What's up? Ben asked, concerned.

"I need Bella, and I fucking need her now." I growled.

Our slave needed to be right back where she belongs.

Until she's back at her place, under our control and at our feet (where she belongs), it would only get worse for her from this second onwards.

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