Months 3&4 - Chance's Dirty Little Secret

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Kuza's POV -

"Killer set!" I told Chris, as he walked off stage.

"Thanks." He replied, a huge smile on his face.

I knew that just like myself, after performing to an interactive crowd that could let go and have fun it was like a straight on shot of adrenaline.

AJ, Rich, Jose, Shane, and Logan helped the rest of the band put away the instruments and set, as well as loading it all up into our giant bus.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked Chris.

"Well, we're going to check out the new place, and hopefully if everything shipped there in time we can start getting a room or two ready before we hit the next show." Chris explained.

"How far is it from here?" I wondered.

"Apparently 6 hours from any other property. William (Control) knew some freaky rich man in France who is a full time dominant/slave trainer that had this....castle in the mountains of Colorado. I guess he figured out our situation and decided we could use a new building." Chris told me.

"No shit." I scoffed.

"Isn't that wonderful? If I had known that we could have lived in a castle for Bella running, I would have practically pushed her out." Ricky chuckled, coming behind us with his guitar rack.

"Speaking of Bella....any word on or from her?" I whispered.

"No, absolutely nothing. Tyler went to get that blood sample tested and we found out we waited too long so we now don't only have no idea as to where she is, we also don't know her health condition." Chris said.

"Fucking great." I groaned, throwing my head back.

"Don't bother getting frustrated. Tyler's pissed off enough at himself that it makes up for all of us." Chris informed me.

Geez, I hadn't even thought of that.

I knew how much she meant to him though. I was there when all of the other bands were on tour and it was him, Angelo, Brandon Rage Richter, Bobby Schubenski, and I alone at the house. She would get tired and pass out on the couch and in an instant he was over at her side, taking her pulse and making sure she was ok.

That girl was his everything, and that's part of the reason I was so surprised to have found out that he lost it on her.

"How bad was it?" I asked, curious.

"Pretty fucking bad, he even had me scared for a minute. I thought I was going to have to rip him off of her." Chris said.

"Correction, he did rip Tyler off her." Ricky chipped in.

"That's the past though, what's done is done. Right now though we've got to figure out who's driving overnight." Chris said, and instantly there was a collective groan.

None of us wanted to drive, we were all tired, but obviously we couldn't have a bus driver take us to our secluded new home.

"Holy shit we're going old school." I laughed as Ricky pulled 7 straws out of his pocket.

One for each band member, and one for me.

Shortest straw would have to drive.

Ryan was up first.

"Come on Sitkowski." Ghost groaned as Ryan was ever so carefully gazing over all the straws.

With a quick glare back at Ghost, he pulled a straw and for his sake it was long.

"Fucker." I groaned.

I was up next, and I too thankfully was safe.

Now it was Vinny's turn.

The second he pulled his straw, his face reddened and he tried to put it back.

"Don't even fucking try, here are the keys." Chris said, chucking them to him.

"What if I fall asleep and kill us all? Vinny asked.

"Then Danny and Craig will get all the fun with Bells." I chuckled, knowing that would stop Chris in an instant.

We all knew there was no way in hell Chris would let Bella slip out of his hands quite like that.

"Fuck that! I guess sleeping in won't affect our time too much tomorrow." Chris exclaimed.

"Thank you." Vinny muttered under his breath to me.

"No problem." I said.

I took one last quick look around the room and we were all beat, completely exhausted. One by one we left the venue and got into our bus.

In my bunk Bella's blue eyes pierced into mine from the small little 4X6 picture I had of her hanging on the wall. Tonight was turning out to be a night where I couldn't bear to look at her face, since I knew it was nowhere for any of us to find.

I could figure out that everyone else had fallen asleep based on the oddly in sync breathing echoing throughout the bus.

I did my best to think of things that weren't directly Bella related, but that girl was ingrained deeply into my mind and inner most thoughts.

Her presence wasn't leaving my conscious until I held her once more in my arms.

1 Month Later (4 months in) -

Chance's POV ~

"Chance.....I don't know about this." Bella whispered, shaking like a leaf on the sofa.

"It's ok, I promise. No matter what happens it's going to be okay." I attempted to comfort her.

I wiped away a few tears that trailed down her cheek and took her hands in mine.

"I'm scared..." She started to say.

"Shhhh, don't be. No matter what the outcome, we will make it work." I interrupted her worries.

Finally, her hand stopped shaking enough to the point where I was able to slip the little test into her hand.

Without any other words she got up and shakily walked to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

I already knew what that test was going to say.

Positive, yes, two lines pop up, in another sense, she was quickly going to find out that she was carrying our child inside of her.

I knew she was going to be beyond scared and surprised as well, I would be too if I thought every action to not get pregnant had been taken, but that was not how my plan shaped up.

We needed something that would bring us so much joy it would overshadow my own guilt of what I was doing with Cassie, and hopefully in case god forbid Bella ever found out about what I did she would be able to look past it for the sake of our child.

I quickly took notice of the clock and realized it had been 10 minutes, something was taking too long.

"Bella?" I called out, gently knocking on the bathroom door.

No response.

"Bella, let me in. Everything's going to be ok." I attempted to comfort her.


I knew the door was locked, but I also knew I had to get in there.

That's when I put all of my force into a single kick to the lower corner of the door.

It flew open and I ran as fast as I could to get to her still body that was sprawled on the floor,, I had no idea how I hadn't heard her fall.

"Easy there." I cooed, picking her up gently in my arms, quickly making sure there was no obvious injury to her head.

Just as I was carrying her out to get to the bedroom I noticed the white little test laying on the counter.

2 little lines streaked across the screen.

"You..we did it baby. We're going to be a family for good now. Without those assholes around you you can once more be who you once were and we'll be the happiest people alive. No one will ever be able to take my happiness away again and change who I fell in love with." I whispered in her ear, knowing that this would be the only time I would ever be able to tell her the truth, when I knew she wouldn't be able to remember it.

Some things were better off that way, kept as a dirty little secret.

Afterall, we all had ours, right?

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