Moving On

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Bella's POV

2 Weeks Later

"You and Chance seem to be getting along much better lately. I guess that little vacation that you took helped out a bit." My mom said, as I sat down to the kitchen table with her.

"You know....I think we just had to come together and let go of some of the past to make peace." I admitted, cutting out the part that we weren't on a vacation, I was with Tyler and he was as he told me with friends.

I realized as soon as we both got home and I was reconnected with my mom I realized I needed to let go and breathe.

My life couldn't be consumed with hate, I knew that if something got to me it could fill me head to toe with rage.

That simply wasn't a way to live life, especially the one that I'd been thrust into.

Right now though, I was enjoying a laid back breakfast with my mom as Chance was on a golfing trip with one of his friends.

We agreed that it was a good idea to have some personal space, it would protect our sanity.

"That's good. I of course feel horrible that you're kind of stuck here, but it's good to see that Chance can take a breathe and give you some space now and again." She replied.

"Hey, don't say that. Me being here is far safer than anywhere else." I said, trying to keep her sane.

"It scares me to even think about where you've been and where you were." She whispered, shaking her head.

"Hey, hey, don't think about that bad stuff. Leave it to me to deal with all that baggage." I chuckled.

"I always thought it was the job of a mother to do the worrying." She replied.

"Well, on the flip side it's the daughter's job to reduce worrying. I think I've been doing that, well...hopefully." I said.

"Trust me, you have. You're looking so much healthier and happier." She smiled.

That's when she came over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"For this past year plus, I've continuously asked myself what you truly need in life, not just want. And you know....I've finally figured out that all that truly matters is being healthy, both mentally and physically as well as being with ones who truly love you." I told her.

"I can't even begin to tell you how much my life has improved since you've been back Bella. I don't think you know how special you truly are to everyone you meet. You make my life worth living." She cooed, tears in her eyes.

"That alone gives me enough strength to fight anything that would take me away from you." I promised.

"You better believe that I'm going to fight with you." She agreed with me.

"Well shit, the battle's already over then." I chuckled, knowing what we both were capable of doing for the ones we loved.

She giggled back and agreed with me once more, I didn't let her know though that it was only one battle in what's become an all out war.

I gave her a giant hug, and prayed that it was enough to convince her that everything would be as ok as she thought and hoped it would be.

1 Month Later

Ronnie Radke's POV -

"Holy fuck, how much stuff is in this house?" Danny exclaimed, walking through the hall a few steps in front of Michael Vampire and I.

"Enough stuff to house 12+ bands, some crew members, and more." I chuckled, trying to go into this process with a bit of humor.

Just as we were making it to the end of the long hallway, we got stopped by Kellin Quinn and Justin Hills coming out of Sleeping with Sirens' room.

"Hey, I thought you guys were coming later today." Kellin said.

"We figured we'd be safe just to get here early so we can work through the night, Chris said we had quite the task in front of us." Danny told him.

"Well, our room is fully cleaned, and Of Mice and Men as well as Pierce the Veil were here right when we were arriving so there's is all cleaned up and fully empty. It's a very small dent, but it's at least 3 rooms down." Justin told us.

"Awesome, we're going to work on the storage room on this floor tonight and then take care of each of our own bands room so we'll be here for a while." Danny explained.

"Well if it makes it any better, we've got iced coffee in the fridge, fresh brewed coffee and we left the alcohol cupboards stocked for you." Kellin chuckled, locking the door behind himself.

"Yes!" Danny and I exclaimed in joy.

"We should get going, we've got to meet the rest of the guys in about 3 hours for practice and we're 2 and a half hours from the venue." Justin said.

"Ok, well thanks for helping us out. Hopefully we'll see you in a few weeks at Self Help." I replied.

"Absolutely! Good luck with everything here and give us a ring and let me know what day you want us to move into the new place." Kellin told us.

We said our last goodbyes and it was once more down to Danny, Michael, and I.

Michael took the lead and made his way into the storage room first.

"Oh fuck!" He sighed, taking a few steps in.

"Oh my...." I sighed, walking in behind him and realizing just how much we had stored in this room, let alone this whole house.

"Ok, I'm going to go grab some boxes and booze and then we'll go from there." Danny groaned, running back downstairs.

"Is it just me or does it seem insane that we're actually moving?" I asked Michael, sifting through the closet filled with wrapped framed pictures, stage props from all our bands and clothes/ undergarments from Bella.

"It is insane, but so is everything that's happening with her. Chance is fucking Cassie, but yet trying to knock Bella up, Bella's gone fully AWOL, and there's probably a shit ton more we don't yet know." Michael replied.

He had a point.

"Ok, I've got vodka and boxes, let's sort this shit out. I can deal with all the pictures and frames. Michael if you want to pack up the props, Ronnie can go through all of her clothes, and I think that'll help us get this room done the quickest." Danny explained to us.


The three of us split up into each corner of the room, and figured out how we would approach this.

I decided to start off with the basic band shirts, those were easy enough to fold and pack up into boxes.

At first it was easy, my mind went blank and muscle memory worked its magic as shirt after shirt got folded.

Soon enough though, memories flashed through my eyes, emotions, places, and words were associated with each article of clothing, and I felt that lightness in my heart that only Bella has ever been able to produce.

She was amazing in that sense, among many other ways.

Bella was able to put that extra spark in my life that made everything more fun and interesting, and being forced to go through her clothes with literally no idea as to her well-being.

I had to push that all to the side though as I folded shirt after shirt, pants, and lingerie.

Time dragged on and 3 hours later I had 5 boxes full of her clothes and an empty closet.

I stacked them up into a pile of 2 and 3 and took a quick rest sitting down on them for a moment.

"So, did you guys also get the long ass email and talk from Chris and Craig about the whole "what to do if Bella's spotted plan?" Michael asked us.

"Oh yeah, every last possible detail." Danny groaned.

I couldn't help but to laugh at that, as important as it was to have a plan laid out in case one of the bands do spot Bella, they had gone overboard in making sure that literally EVERY possibility was covered.

We knew who was the designated Bella-napper in each band, what crew members could grab her too, the max amount of people in an area where it was still safe to take her, etc.

I liked having a plan when it came to that fireball of a girl, but this was something else.

"I personally think she's now slipped up so many times, she won't do it again. The next time we see her won't be of her own accord." I said.

"I disagree. I think Tyler was right when he said Chance was going to hurt her so bad that she'll have to come back to us for help." Michael declared.

"What do you think?" I asked Danny.

"I've got no clue, I've gone the longest out of everybody on how long ago I saw her. Everyone else has seen her after she left either directly or from a distance, I haven't. I've heard a lot of stuff about her changing since I last saw her so I can't really judge that." He told me.

"Well, nobody's heard from her in the past month. She literally just disappeared, they're not even at that same house anymore. The last hint of her we experienced was when her number popped up on the group chat about her, and the whoosh! She's gone." I said.

"There's not much we can do. We have to keep moving forward, get all of this stuff emptied out in this house and move into the new mansion / estate. Somehow then we'll get Bella, have a few guys break her in this house and when she's finally properly broken to our liking....she too can move in with us to the new place." Danny replied.

I looked away and said nothing, sure that sounded all nice and easy, but I think we all secretly knew how much of a battle we had in front of us.

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