I am only publishing this chapter out today because today is my birthday and I feel a little more generous. I am 14 now. Also today is the birthday of one of the members from the Golden Child. I forgot his name. But, Happy birthday to him.
After like 40 minutes, my dish was done. I took a look at it and looked satisfied and so did Niko and Yua.

When we were making it, we talked a lot and we found out a lot about each other.

They also found out how did I ended up working as a maid.

They told me that their mothers worked here before they died. After they died, they had to work here as their replacement. They also no where else to go if they get to leave.

I promised them that if they get out of here first, they could go and stay with my mother. She will happily except them.

And I'm pretty sure that by now, she already received the news of me being here.

"Ichika, it's about to 8 in like 3 minutes. You should head out. I will guide you to his room while Niko cleans this up."

"Ok. Let's go."

We both walked to his room while still talking.

After a minute of walking, we reached his room. Yua knocked a 5 times before entering.

They explained that they had knock codes. All maids had to knock 4 times. All of people close to him had to knock twice. The guards had to knock 3 times. And the vistors from outside had to knock 4 times which every men did because they were the only one who were allowed in.

We both entered and I saw him sitting at the table.

I set his food at the tabkw and stood beside the door with Yua. Before coming in, she reminded to not talk or look at him unkess he tells you to. I reminded myself to not forget that. I wanted to look at his really bad though.

"Yua, you may leave this room."

I was curious about why did he only made her leave and not me too.

But I just stood silently.

Yua bowed and left the room.

"I'm assuming you have heard the rules from the head maid."

"She did."

I just made a big mistake that would cost me my life.

"Did you just talk without my permission? You really don't learn."

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. It won't happen again."

Ugh...why do I keep talking?

"But you just did it again. I'm assuming you have a death wish. Shalk I fulfill that wish for you?"

I pressed my lips together to prevent sound from coming out.

He chuckled.

"I'm taking that as a no. I'll let you go since you are new here but this is your only warning."

I kept my head down the whole time trying not to talk or look at him.

After a while later he was done.

"You may collect the rest and leave."

I collected everything and bowed before I left.

I heard him chuckle again.

His laugh was really cute.

I went outside when I saw Yua waiting for me to come out.

"Yua, let's go."

She nodded and smiled and we went back to kitchen.

"Hey Yua, does he always take this long to eat?"

"Shhhh....don't say that outloud. If a guard heard you, he might you are disrespecting him."

"Oh, I didn't know. Sorry."

"So what did he talked to you about. Honestly, this is the first time, I was ever told to leave his room while he was eating."

"Seriously, wow. But, I'll tell you later when we are back in our quarter."

"Ok. Let's hurry up so we can sleep."

I nodded and we quickly hurried up and cleaned everything up and put it in it's place.

After 10 minutes, we were completely done so we headed back to our quarter.

When we arrived, everyone was sleeping.

I told Yua everything that happened there before we went to sleep.

I was awaken up by Aoi. She told me to get ready and make Lord Yuto breakfast.

I wasn't really feeling excited anymore because I realized I kind of started to like him but I know he will never return these feelings.

I got up, got ready and headed out with Noki and Yua. They help me make it.

I made eggs with milk and fruit on the side. My mother said it was healthy to drink milk and eat fruit in the morning.

I left while Noki and Yua cleaned up and gathered more ingredients for lunch.

I knocked 5 times before entering. There was another guy in the room. I recongnized him.

He was the 2nd prince Reo.
(There are only 3 princes and a princess.
The king is Yuto because he is the first Prince.
This is the order of the princes.
-Adachi Yuto is the 1st prince.
-Adachi Reo is the 2nd prince.
-Adachi Hironori is the 3rd Prince.
-The princess name is )
He had a really handsome face.

Women were allowed to look at him. He was nice and he was not like Lord Yuto at all.

"I am sorry 2nd prince. I didn't know you were here. I'll bring you're breakfast immediately. I'm am truely sorry."

I kept bowing over and over again.

He chuckled. His laugh was really cute too just like him.

"Ahh, you never learn you're lesson do you. Haven't you learned not to talk until you are told to?"

I knew talking was a bad idea so I quickly got on me knees and put my head down.

He really was a pain. I might end up hating him soon.

"Yutoda, stop it. She can't talk to you but she is allowed to talk to ne whenever she wants to. Get up and tell me your name."

"My name is Aki Ichika, your highness."

"Ahh, what a pretty name for a pretty girl like you. Yutoda, why is such a pretty woman working here?"

"Can you stop calling me Yutoda? The reason she is here because when I was passing by the market yesterday, she dared to look at my face and never looked away until the guards forced her to."

I was practically back at my usual spot which was beside the door.

I heard them talk about me which was embarrassing.

When 2nd prince called me pretty, I blushed deeply. I could see Lord Yuto look annoyed when he called me pretty.

"Oh, but why did you bring her here? Last time a 29 year old girl looked at you she was beheaded front of everyone. And you told me one time that if a girl looks at you without your permission, you will be head her, but you brought her here. What's the reason behind it?"

What the 2nd prince said that very sentence, it made me shot my head up which ended up with Lord Yuto glaring at me and I quickly put my head back down again.

"Reo, do you want to eat breakfast?"

"No, I have already eaten."

"Ok, Ichika go and wait outside"

I went outside and waited there patiently.
A new POV is coming in the next chapter. It could be A/N's POV, Yuto's POV, or Hongseok's POV.
Also I am only addibg few members in this story but if I can find spots for the other members, I'll put them in here. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day.

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