Enjoy the chapter everyone😊😊
"Your highness, Lord Kaito, we have arrived."

Lord kaito removed the curtain on the tiny window of the carriage aside to look at the big manor of the prime minister.

A servant brought the three step stair case out and put it on the ground.

It touched the carriage's edge and it allowed the person on board to come down without having them to jump down especially ladies as they were wearing dresses.

The servant helped Lord Kaito climb the three step stairs down.

"Aware the prime minister that Lord Kaito is here with an imperial decree written by his majesty."

Lord Kaito ordered the servant who bowed and left to inform the house butler.

After about a minute, the same servant came back and told Lord Kaito that the prime minister had invited them in.

Lord kaito started walking towards the house with some of the servant following behind him. When they walked past the manor guards, all of them bowed and returned to their normal position.

This was, of course, normal for everyone who lived in the palace except for the servants.

When they finally entered the beautiful and elegant manor, they were greeted by the faces of every single member of the prime minister's manor.

The prime minister's family bowed to Lord Kaito, while Lord Kaito returned the bow to the them along side with the servants.

"Welcome Lord Kaito to my humble manor. What has stood out the most to you for that you decided to come here personally?" The prime minister asked while the rest of the family just smiled their brightest smiles of the day.

Each member of the prime minister's family as thinking about why has Lord Kaito come to their place, personally.

Only the prime minister knew why had Lord Kaito came, etc he asked as a show of politeness. He is a prime minister, so, how could he ruin his position just for not pretending he knew why exactly had Lord Kaito come to his manor.

"I am very thankful for your humble greetings. It is my honor to be greeted and treated as a special guest by the prime minister." Lord Kaito answered with a small smile plastered on his face.

"Lord Kaito, I would not dare to treat you as someone lowly. Someone prepare a comfort space for Lord Kaito. You can rest here for as long as you want, Lord Kaito. It was probably my a long journey from the palace to here. You must be tired."

Prime Minister did not say a single word before sugar coating it. He was, of course, experienced in these type of things.

"No, no, prime minister. I am just going to do my work and leave. I have other matters to look into to. So, I won't have time to spare. Hope, the prime minister understands." Lord Kaito refused the request with a laugh at the end.

"I am actually here to read an imperial decree given to you, prime minister, which was written personally by his majesty, the emperor of this kingdom. Bring me the imperial decree."

A servant handed the imperial decree to Lord Kaito who took it, opened it, and started reading but before that he quietly coughed to freshen up his throat.

"I, the emperor Adachi Yuto, have arranged an meeting of your  daughters with the 2nd prince. Both of them should come to tbe palace tomorrow and will be given a tims to meet the princs but at seperate times. From the emperor himself."

"We thank his majesty and pray for his safety." Everybody said at the same time and bowed.

"I will be going then."

"Have a save journey, Lord Kaito."

Lord Kaito smiled at them and walked away with his servants following behind.

Back at the palace, was another thing. Lord Hisato was in his majesty's room along aide with the queen.

"Your majesty, I think it's time to reveal the name of the future queen of this kingdom." Lord Hisato told while caressing a piece of parchment that looked a lot like an imperial decree.

"Lord Hisato, I don't think it's necessary to tell his majesty about to the future queen now. We have a marriage coming up in a few weeks. We can't have his majesty worry about his royal consort." The queen protested against Lord Hisato while his majesty just watched both of them.

"That is what I am trying to say. Your majesty, don't you think people will talk about it if a prince gets married before the king does. Won't they think that your are disobeying the royal rules?" Lord Hisato made a great point.

"Reo doesn't have to get married yet. He can just be engaged and that's it. Before he gets married, we will look for a suitable consort for his majesty and they both can marry before Reo does."

"That could be possible but what I am trying to say is that his highness is already engaged by the previous emperor. This is the imperial decree written by his majesty himself. He gave it to me and told me to reveal it to you when it's the right time. I think this is the right time now."

Lord Hisato words caught off guard both of the royalties. They certainty had not expected this.

"May I read the imperial decree, Lord Hisato?" The emperor asked Lord Hisato.

"Certainly, your majesty." Lord Hisato passed the imperial decree to his majesty who was in complete shock after he read it.

"What does it say , your majesty?" The queen asked her son.

"Mother, Lord Hisato is right. I am engaged and this is written by father. Here, read this." The emperor handed the imperial decree to the queen.

When the queen read it, she was in utter shock. She couldn't believe it.

"Your majesty, we need to discuss about this matter with them. Shall I tell someone to prepare a carriage for us to take us there?"

"Yes, Lord Hisato. We do need to talk this out. Oh, and please tell someone to bring her along."

"Certainly, your majesty." Lord Hisato bowed to both of the royalties and left.

"This...How...could this happen?"
The queen was at loss of words.
Oh, do you guys know what is in the imperial decree? And who is 'her'?
I am leaving you guys on a cliff hanger. I know, I hate them too. But, I am really for updating really late. I had work to do. So, I was busy.
But as always, I hope you like this chapter and this book. Have a lovely day, my cute readers.

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