"Are you coming or not?" I realized he was talking with me so I quickly bowed to everyone in the room and ran.

"They are perfect for each other."

Meanwhile at the 2nd Room

"They are perfect for each other." Lord Hisato muttered.

"What do you mean by 'they are perfect for each other' and who are 'they'?" The queen said, confusion written clearly on her face.

2nd Prince also had the same expression.

"Forgive me, your highnesses. But, I reckon that it's not the right time to tell you. I hope you don't mind." Lord Hisato said while getting up.

"I will take my leave now, your highnesses. You should do the same. It is really dark outside." Lord Hisato bowed and exit the room going towards his room.

"I feel like nobody tells me anything anymore." The queen said while ahowing a playful frown on her face.

"Mother, that is not true. I tell you everything." 2nd Prince said outloud sounding a little offended.

"Are you sure? You don't want to marry the prime minister's daughter but you still won't tell me the reason why?" This made the 2nd Prince shut up.

"I am leaving. You should leave to." The queen got up and a maid from outside quickly came in and helped the queen to her room.

2nd Prince got up too and headed towards his room to finish another day.

Ichika's POV
(This scene is before anyone left the 2nd Room)

I ran after his majesty after I realized he called me.

"What took you so long?" His majesty said with a poker face.

"Please forgive me. It won't happen again." I bowed to him hoping he won't make a big deal with this.

"I will forgive you this time but it shouldn't happen again." He said while presenting no emotions.

I swear I saw a small smile on his face but it could be just my imagination.

I wish I could see him smile again but he rarely smiles. He has a beautiful smile though.

We were walking until he suddenly stopped for some reason.

"What's the matter, your majesty? Why have you stopped walking?" I said curiously.

"Tell me, have you met the two daughters of Prime Minister before." Why is he asking me about the two evil witches?

"I have known them since I was little but I didn't get along with them." I answered speaking honestly.

"What is the reason that you don't like them?" Why is he suddenly so interested in them? Is he interested in one of them? Oh Gods above, please don't let this handsome and wise king marry the ugly and no brain evil witches. I hope you listen to me.

"Well, it was mostly their fault. They just didn't like me for some unknown reason and they started hating me even more when they found out that my father had saved the previous emperor and had become a special friend of his majesty. The Prime Minister's family just didn't like my family. If it wasn't for my father, the prime minister wouldn't be where he is now but they still aren't thankful to my father and us. Another reason why I don't like the family."

I said out everything I felt about that evil good for nothing family.

"Wow, I never expected this from you." He said like he would laugh or at least smile at what he said but he showed no emotions. How can he be like this? I have to tell him on more thing about them.

"Your majesty, please forgive me for what I am suppose to say next. I might be killed for what I say next but I should warn you."

"What is it that you are risking getting killed for?" We were now walking again.

"Your Majesty, the prime minister's family is good for nothing. They don't care about the royal family. They won't even care if the whole royal family was suddenly wiped out. They only care about money, fame, and power. That is why the prime minister's tries hard to keep his title because without it he won't have any type of power and he would become poor in less than a day because of his daughters. Please forgive me if I have offended you or the royal family but I feel like this needs to be said out before anyone takes at wrong steps."

I'm praying that I won't get killed for it. I also didn't say anything bad. I said everything reasonable not because I hate them and I want to destroy them because that would get me nothing.

"I will think about what you just said abd figure something out. But for now, come in and message my shoulders. It hurts really bad.

Oh my heavens, his majesty is telling me to touch him like message his shoulders like physical contact. Am I dreaming? I feel like I am.

"Why are you still standing there? I am here not there. Come quickly." He sounded tired like really tired.

I quickly ran and stood behind him to message his shoulders.

"Your Majesty, you are tired. After I am done messaging your shoulders, please go to sleep. You have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I said sounding caring.

Of course, I care about him for some unknown reason.

"Why do you care? Don't you hate me because I am keeping you here not letting you see your mother. Lot of the maids here hate me because I am not showing any mercy to them. Why do you care whether I get enough sleep or not?"

"I don't know. I always do things but I never know why." I said in a hushed voice since I didn't want to disturb him.

"Is that the reason why you looked at me in front of a big crowd and not even get scared of what would happen next?"

"That is true. Sometimes, I do things I don't mean to do but I can't help it. It just happens."

"Ok, that's enough. You can go now. Tomorrow the 3rd Prince is coming back from his traveling. We will have breakfast together tomorrow. Make sure to make something new and something that fits his liking. Asks the other maids in your quarter. They will know what he likes."

3rd Prince? I have never seen him. I wonder how he is.

"Yes, your majesty. Have a good rest. Good night." I bowed and left.

I am still hungry but I am also tired.

I am going to sleep. I can always eat tomorrow.

I headed towards my room and fell asleep straight away.

Good night to everyone who is sleeping right now or is about to sleep.
Ok, so this chapter is edited and uploaded again because for some reason wattpad decided to mess with me and not save the last part of the story I wrote.

I am really sorry to those who were lost or confused. It is now fixed.

And as always, I hope you like this book and this chapter. And I hope you have a lovely day full of happiness.

Will You Ever Love Me Back?//Pentagon Yuto FF✔Where stories live. Discover now