17-New Year's Present/Part 1

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<Happy New Year guys. Let's say goodbye to 2018 and welcome 2019. I hope good things happen this year and it's a better year. Let's all forget the bad things that happened last year and focus on the good things that will happen this year. Remember there's always good after bad.

Today was the wedding day, which means that today was busier than any other day except for the emperor's birthday.

The prime minister had been informed, including the citizens of the kingdom, about the emperor's wedding. He could not have been more angrier than any other day, well, except for the day when he had found out that his money making machine had died. In other words, his spy had been killed by the people he was spying on.

With all the marriage mess, everybody had forgotten that their emperor's wedding was on the new year's day.

When they finally figured it out, it meant that everything had to be more than perfect now. And who knows what that it cuz I, the author, don't.

"Madam! Madam!" A servant yelled looking for Ichika's mother.

"What is it?" Ichika's mother asked the servant who was yelling for her.

"Madam, the bride's dress has been sent over by the palace. Where should I place it?"

Ichika's mother's eyes widen at the news that just left her servants mouth.

"Who brought the dress here? Are they still here?" Ichika's mother asked the servant while lightly shaking her.

"L-Lord K-Kaito brought the dress, madam. A-and he i-is s-still h-here." The servant said, not being able to talk good because of her being shake, which caused her to stutter.

"Oh my goodness, you should have told me." Ichika's mother said as she ran to the main door to greet the Lord.

"Lord Kaito, I am really sorry for not welcoming you properly. Please have a seat and drink." Ichika's mother said as she bowed to Lord Kaito.

Lord Kaito smiled before saying, "It is okay, madam. And I am sorry but I cannot accept your kind offer. I have matters to handle. I am only here to deliver the bride dress and some servant who will get your daughter ready for the wedding. At noon, the emperor will come and take Miss Ichika to the palace. You have about 4 hours, I believe. I shall get going now. Have a great day madam." Lord Kaito bowed and handed the dress to a servant who took the dress inside. He bowed once more, followed by Ichika's mother, and left.

Ichika's mother went back inside and into her daughter's room. When she saw her, She engulfed Ichika into a tight hug as warm tears ran down her cheeks.

"Mother, why are you crying? Today is suppose to be a happy day. Then, why do I see tears coming out of your eyes? Are you not happy for me?" Ichika asked her mother.

Her mother shook her head and wiped her tears before saying, "These are tears of joy. I am really happy to see my daughter marry off to a good family."

Ichika slightly smiled and said, "Mother, the royal family is not even that good. Just think about all the rules you have to follow and have to have a son. Isn't that a little too much?"

"Silly, these rules have been here for centuries. Without these rules, we won't be safe, you know." Ichika's mother chuckled.

"Okay, now get ready. You only have til noon. That is not a lot of time."

"You too, mother. The bride's mother needs to look good too, right?" Ichika's mother chuckled and walked out the room to get ready too.

After about some hours, Ichika was finally ready.

(Only focus on the dress, makeup, and the hairstyle. The girl in the pic is not Ichika.)

"Go call mother." Ichika ordered a servant girl who was helping her to get ready.

The servant bowed and left the room to look for Ichika's mother.
Ichika sat down on the chair and looked at herself in the mirror. She, indeed, looked beautiful.

"You look beyond stunning and beautiful." A voice said behind her.

She turned around to be greeted by her mother. She softly smiled at her mother and hugged her.

"I will miss you." Her mother whispered to her. Ichika nodded as a sign that she will miss her too.

"Don't worry, mother. I will keep coming to visit you." Ichika said to her mother.

Her mother slightly chuckled before saying, "My daughter, don't forget that once you are married to his majesty, you will become the nations queen. How can you still have time to visit me when you have so much to take care of?"

"I'll find a way. Don't worry, mother. There are some of my new friends in the palace to take care of me. I'll be fine. I'm just worried about you." Ichika said as she hugged her mother tightly.

"As long as your fine, I'm fine too." Her mother said with a soft smile on her face.

"Madam!! Madam!!" A maid came running to Ichika's room.

"Madam, His majesty is here. Please hurry." The maid said hurriedly.

Ichika and her mother panicked. With all the things going on, they both lost track of time.

"Ichika, sit here and don't come out. I will send someone to get you when you are needed. But don't come out no matter what." Ichika's mother told her before leaving the room in a hurry.

Ichika's mother ran to the main door and greeted his majesty.

"Greetigns, your majesty. Please come in." Ichika's mother bowed and led the way in to the main hall.

"Madam, forgive me. But, we do not have time to spare for the sitting and resting. We will like to go ahead with the main thing." Lord Kaito explained to Ichika's mother.

She did not understand about why did they not have time when they had come at the right time.

"Madam, will you please lead the way to the mourning hall and please call your daughter?" Lord Kaito said again.

Ichika's mother nodded and ordered someone to get Ichika to the mourning hall and led his majesty to the mourning hall.

When Ichika was told to go to the mourning hall, she was surprised because it was a bit early to go the mourning hall. She just nodded and followed the maid to the mourning hall.

When she arrived, she saw his majesty already ready for the respect paying.

She got ready too and stood next to his majesty and bowed to the tomb tablets of Ichika's ancestors.

It was tradition, so, there was no way that even an emperor could miss this.

After paying the respect, Ichika was brought outside to get into the palace carriage. Ichika hugged her mother one last time and sat in the palace carriage with the help of a palace maid.
Hello and welcome to part 1 of your new years present.
Read part 2 now to understand the full present.
I hope you liked the gift and this chapter.
Have a lovely day/night everyone. Let's see each other in the part 2. Bye bye!😊

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