Ichika left the room after bowing to the two royalties in the room.

She walked down the hallway with her head down that she didn't notice another person walking in front of her.

The other person also didn't notice her. They both walked in sync and finally crashed with each other causing Ichika to fall on the ground but the other person to just stumble back a few steps.

"Ouch." Ichika hissed. She fell on the hard floor so it obviously hurt her behind.

The other person finally caught their steps and move forward to help Ichika up.

The person held their hand out for Ichika.

"Here, let me help you." A mysterious deep voice said.

When Ichika heard the voice, she quickly looked up to see who the owner of that deep voice was.

She quickly got up and bowed. "I am really sorry, 3rd prince. I did not notice you there. Please forgive me." She bowed several times.

She had walked into the 3rd prince, a royalty. Most of the royalist were cruel and this was the first time she ever met him, so she didn't knew how he was going to be. The only suitable thing to do was apologize and keep bowing to him and that is what she did.

"Stand straight. I am not that cruel. It was also my fault. I wasn't looking. You don't have to worry, miss.."

"Ichika. I am his majesty's personal maid." The prince looked at her like trying to remember something.

"Oh, I remember now. I saw you this morning when you were serving 1st older brother."

"Yes, your highness." Ichika looked down but then suddenly looked up as if she remembered something.

"Did you get hurt anywhere? If you did, please tell me. I will get he imperial doctor right away." She said in a panicky voice. Who wouldn't?

Her life was at cost right right now. If the prince was hurt, it will be the end of her life unless the prince was nice enough to let her off.

"Ahh, don't worry. I am alright. What about you? You are not hurt anywhere right?"

Ichika shook her head. She realized that the 3rd prince was just like the 2nd prince. They were both so friendly, nice, yet they had royal blood running through their veins. She didn't understand that how were they so nice?

"I have to go now. Have a good day, your highness. And if you need anything, I am always at your service. Have a good day."

"You as well." Ichika bowed and started walking away from the 3rd prince.

The 3rd Prince stared at Ichika's back while she walked further away from him.

*Interesting girl. She has a good future ahead of her. But she has to go over a lot of obstacles to get that good future.* The 3rd prince thought.

(He can't read someone's future or past but he is just good a observing which causes him to know what will be ahead of a person's future. It's because he traveled a lot so he also learned a lot.)


"That is much better." Said someone. "Son, remember this: never trust those servants. They might look innocent but there is always something going on inside a innocent looking person." The queen said cautiously.

"And send the letter to prime minister's manor right now. I don't want to hear any more excuses."

"Yes mother." His majesty bowed to his mother handed the room.

He now only had one choice which was to write a letter to prime minister to tell him that he should send his oldest daughter at the Mystic Lake.

He went back to his room. He grabbed a piece of parchment and his quill. He dipped the quill in the black ink and started writing.

After he was done, he took the red stamp and stamped the paper.

"Lord Kaito, come here." Lord kaito who was in the room quickly came over.

"Yes, your majesty." His majesty handed the red envelope which contained the yellow piece of parchment, to Lord Kaito who obediently accepted it.

"Deliever this message to the prime minister's house. It's an imperial decree. And tell someone to bring Ichika in."

"Yes, your majesty." Lord Kaito bowed and walked out of the room.

"Why does my heart hurt?" His majesty said while clutching the left side of his chest where his heart remained beating rapidly.

"Someone, bring Miss Ichika to his majesty's room this instance." Lord Kaito ordered a servant walking by.

The servant bowed and left hurriedly towards the maid quarters.

"You, prepare a carriage. I need to go to the prime minister's house this instance." Lord Kaito ordered another servant who bowed and left too.

Lord Kaito walked another direction towards his room where he wore a traveling robe on his body and left his room.

He began walking towards the place where royal carriages were placed and taken care of.

He might not have been a royalty but he still had a high status which allowed him to travel in a royal carriage.

"Greetings your highness." The head of the Goling Place, where the horses and carriages basically lived, greeting him with a bow followed by many other bows from the workers there.
(I made that name up. It doesn't have any meaning, at least I think so, and I don't think it exists as a word. So please don't mind it.😸)

"Take me to the prime minister's house, an order from his majesty." Lord Kaito ordered the head of the Goling Place who obeyed obediently.

"Someone, prepare a carriage immediately. This way, your highness." The head lead the way while Lord Kaito just followed while clutching the red envelope in his hand tightly.

A servant brought out the steps and Lord Kaito climbed them and sat in the carriage.

A servant led the horse while two more followed.
Yay, I finally updated. I am really sorry it took such a long time. I just wasn't motivated on writing and when I am not, I don't write good. But, right now, I was actually motivated so I took some time and finally finished this chapter.
Did you guys hear EXO's Tempo? I am like in love with that song. And Kai's crop top, OMG, I can't explain how it felt. It was just really unbelievable and it looks sooooo good on him then it looks better on any girl in this world.
But anyway, I hope you like this chapter. And like always, thank you for reading this chapter and book. I hope you enjoyed it. And have a good day my lovelies.

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