After talking with the 2nd Prince, I walked into the kitchen and washed all the dishes and began to think what should I make for his majesty for lunch.

While, I was still thinking what to make. Someone came from the King's Manor.

"Miss Ichika, His Majesty is calling for you. Please, follow me to His Majesty's Manor."

"Yes, Your Highness."

It was His Majesty personal assistant, Lord Kobayashi Kaito.

I wonder why did his majesty suddenly summoned me to his manor.

We walked for few minutes before arriving at the door of his room.

Lord Kaito knocked on the door to let his majesty know that we have arrived.

The door opened and there he was sitting on his throne. 2nd Prince was there too. And so was Yua since she made food for him.

"Now since both Miss Yua and Miss Ichika are here, His Majesty orders both of you to make something grand for tonight's dinner. There will be some important guests coming tonight." Lord Kaito reads a paper held in his hand which had this decree on it.

"Yes, Your majesty. We will give our best in making the most prestigious food for your guests."

I didn't say that. It was Yua. I just agree with her since I am so busy in my thoughts of what to make tonight.

We both bowed before leaving.

"So, Ichika, what are we going to make for tonight?"

"I don't know. What makes you think I would know?"

"You come from a noble family so I thought you probably had fancy dinner almost every night."

"It is true that I come from a noble family but it is not true that we have fancy dinner every night. It's just average dinner like the one I make for His Majesty."

"Really? I didn't know that. I always thought that all noble families have fancy food all the time. But I guess I was wrong."

"OK,  enough about that,  we still need to think about what should we make for his majesty's guests."

"This is my first time cooking for a royal guest. Ichika, What did your mother served when some important guests came to your house?"

That made me think something.

"Recently, a lot of mother relative came over to my house for my marriage since I am around the marriage age now. I once saw her cook "The Traditional Cuisine of Japan" for her mother and father when they came to see me."

"Ah,  I've heard of it but I don't know how to make it."

"It's not that hard to make. It's based on rice with miso soups and some other dishes. Plus, there are side dishes too. For the side dishes, we can have fish and salad but it's made with a pattern."

"Ahh, I really like this idea. Let us hurry and prepare all the dishes now so we can have a bit of rest afterwards."

"Haha, yes. It's going to be a long day. Let us do our best."

We started collecting the ingredients to make the Traditional Cuisine of Japan.

It's gonna take a while.
•Meanwhile, At the King's Room•

"Brother Yuto, who are our guests?"

"Reo, Mother informed me yesterday that she wants to look for a consort foe you. So, I invited the Prime Minister and her three daughters who are still unmarried. You can decide your main or side consort from one of them."

"But, Brother Yuto, I don't want to get married yet."

"You are at the age of getting married and so are half of the noble women in my kingdom. Most of them are engaged or already married. There aren't a lot left Reo. You have to get married now or there won't be any beautiful and wise women left in this kingdom."

"But, Brother Yuto, you still haven't married yet either and you are older than me."

"I thought you'd say that. The reason I haven't had a consort yet or any concubines is that I am already betrothed to someone by our father but I still don't know who she is. The decree that father has written that no one but my father's personal assistant know, in that decree what I just told you has written in it."

"Oh so that's what's in it. But if you've been told that father's secret decree says you are betrothed to some one. But why have you not been informed about your consort?"

"I did ask that but I received the same answer as always."

"Oh, ok, but brother I still don't want to get a consort."

"Reo, what so the reason you don't want a consort yet? Is it that you already have someone in your mind? If you do, tell me. I am your older brother and the king, no one will say no to me."

"I don't have anyone in my mind. I don't think I am ready to take a responsibility for another someone yet. And I want to get married to the woman I love but that time isn't here yet. When I do like someone, you will be the first person to know."

"Ok, ok, but if you don't want a consort yet, you are going to have to talk with mother about it. If she can agree, than you can wait for your loved one."

"Ok brother Yuto. I will be taking my leave now. Have a safe day."

"You too, Reo."

2nd Prince left to find his mother to try to talk her out of  him getting married.

On the way to find his mother, he had an encounter with a special someone who has been on his mind several times.

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