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I think I will write this story in the 3rd person pov. It seems much easier and it will help me with my story that I am writing in my class.
Enjoy the story~

"This....How...How could this happen? Yuto, tell me this is just a joke." The queen begged to her son not believing in whatever was written in the imperial decree.

"Mother, you are the queen of this nation, of this kingdom. You know that imperial decrees are something to not mess with. Then, how could this be a joke?" The emperor stated that it was not joke.

As soon as he finished talking, five knocks were heard indicating that a servant had came.

"Come in." His majesty said.

The servant came in and bowed to the both of them.

"Your majesty, the carriages are ready. Lord Hisato wanted me to guide you both to the carriages." The servant said not daring to meet the eye of his majesty even though he was a male servant.

"Has Miss Ichika arrived there?" The emperor asked for some curious reason.

Don't worry, you will find out. Be patient.

"Yes, she has arrived and is waiting for you." The servant said again.

"Mother, let's go." His majesty  helped his mother get up and exist the room.

Some servant immediately started following them.

When they reached outside, they were met with Ichika, Lord Hisato, and Lord Kaito, who were all waiting for the two royalties to arrive.

Lord Kaito and Ichika had no idea about what was happening. Ichika was wondering why had she been invited to come along. She only served him as his cook and cleaner only. However; Lord Kaito being there made sense as in he was the personal servant of his majesty.

"Ichika, you will be with mother." His majesty said but he did not dare to make eye contact with Ichika. While he said that to Ichika, a light blush decided to climb up on his cheeks and rest there until its mother calls it.

He quickly walked to his carriage not wanting someone to see it but poor him, Ichika noticed it and wondered why was he blushing.

She bowed to his majesty and the queen led the queen to her carriage.

The queen sat at her spot and Ichika followed and sat sideways from her not daring to make any eye contact with her.

The rest of the people took their places and like that, the carriages started moving.

"Do you know where we are going?" The queen asked to Ichika While eyeing her suspiciously.

Ichika was feeling uncomfortable under her intense gaze. She did not dare to make eye contact with her when she answered her question.

"No, your highness." Ichika looked down and played with her hands.

The queen gave Ichika another uncomfortable gaze before averting her eyes to the small window in the carriage and looked outside.

After that, it was just silence in the carriage.

After a while, the carriage suddenly stops. Both of the ladies understood that they had reached their destination, which was still unknown to Ichika.

"Your highness, we are here." A servant called out from outside.

Ichika stood up but carefully to not hit her head on the roof of the carriage.

The queen stood up and slowly got out of the carriage followed by Ichika.

Ichika looked around her and soon realized that they were at her house.

She looked really confused. She heard Lord Kaito tell someone to inform my mother that his majesty was here.

Everyone was just standing quietly, not making any conversation or sounds.

Passerbys bowed to his majesty and walked away quickly, but some chose to walk slower as to see what was happening.

It was rare to see his majesty to come personally to someone's home.

After some minutes, Ichika's mother had came out very quickly when she heard who had come.

She bowed to the his majesty not looking at his face at all, then bowed to the queen.

After bowing to the queen, she bowed both of the Lord's and finally her eyes set upon the one figure who was standing watching her every move.

She let out a gasp and ran towards Ichika and engulfed her in a tight hug.

Tears were streaming out of Ichika and her mother's eyes.

Everbody was now watching them even the people who were just passing by.

"Madam, shall we go inside?" Lord Kaito begin as he gestured everyone to head inside.

His majesty begin to walk first, followed by the queen who was followed by the Lord's and then Ichika and her mother.

Ichika gestured her mother to go and lead them in first. She nodded and quickly got ahead for everyone and said, "Please follow me, your majesty. I'll lead the way."

After some seconds, they reached the main hall of the manor and Ichika's mother lead the way in.

Everyone sat down as some servants brought in wine. Ichika, however, remained stood in a corner as she was confused wether to sit because she was in her mother's home or to stand because she was his majesty's servant and he was presented there at the moment.

But soon, her confusion was slightly cleared as she heard Lord Hisato say, "Miss Ichika, please sit down."

Ichika hesitated at first but reluctantly sat down next to her mother's table.

"What's brings your majesty here?" My mother asked after a minute of silence.

"Lord Hisato has the answer for you, madam." His majesty said as he pointed towards Lord Hisato.

Lord Hisato nodded and stood up. In his hands, once again, was the imperial decree.

He opened it and begin to read what was written inside it.

"I, the 5th emperor of this kingdom, hereby bestow the daughter of my best official, Aki Mu, with my eldest son, Adachi Yutoda. Their marriage will be held once he becomes the emperor. This is my gift to my official for saving my life when I was in danger. Written by the emperor himself."
Finally, I updated. I am sorry for making you guys wait for so long.
The thing is, when I am not inspired to write anything, I can't write good.
But, I hope you like this book so far. And did the ending of this chapter shocked you.
That was basically my climax. Sorry, if it's a disappointment.
But, as always, thank you for reading. I hope you guys like it. Have a lovely day, my beautiful readers.

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