"Okay, now that we have gone through the whole kitchen, we should probably do what we actually came here for, right?" I said cutting off Yua who was about to make another unfunny joke which the others laughed at.

"Miss Ichika, his majesty is asking for you. Please follow me." His majesty's servant said.

What could he be in need for now? He is the one who told me to help the first princess.

"Okay, please wait for a while." I said politely to the servant who was standing at the door with his hands behind his back, waiting patiently.

"Yua, would you Please help them with the food. And Aika, please tell her highness that his majesty has asked for me so I can't help her with the setting up." I said to both Yua and Aika who nodded at me.

"Sure, I can help them. I don't exactly have anything to do now." Yua said with a bright smile on her face. She is so kind.

"And I can tell her highness that his majesty have asked for you." Aika said.

"And don't worry, we will take this to the main hall without making any mistakes." Hisa said while smiling politely. Chieko also shown a smile on her face, a bright smile.

"Ok, thank you so much. You all are very nice. I couldn't be more honored to have friends like you." I smile at all of them which they happily return.

"Bye!!!" They harmonized which made all of us laugh.

I smiled at them one last time before turning around and leaving with the guard to his majesty's room.

When we reached the servant knocked five times, the usual servant knocking code except for me.

"Enter!" A voice yelled out from inside it but this voice didn't belong to his majesty. Who's voice was that?

The servant opened the door and we both bowed. The servant left after bowing to two people. One was his majesty. The second person, however; I didn't recognize. 

"Greetings to your majesty and your greatness." I said to his majesty an the unknown person in the room.

I am assuming that it is one of his majesty's personal people because only some people are allowed in the room of his majesty.

"Lord Hisato, she is here." His majesty said to the unknown man who's name is Histao, I assume.

The man got up and walked towards me. He stopped about a few inches away from me.

I bowed at the man still not knowing who he was.

"So you are Miss Ichika. You're father was indeed right about you. You are a troublemaker. The late emperor was also right about you. You are a perfect fit."
He started babbling out some words. I don't know this man.

How does he know my father's name? What is the thing about the 'perfect fit'?Why is the late emperor involved in this?

Questions like these were running through my head causing a lot of disturbance.

"Please forgive me, but how do you know my father. I have never met you before but you said I was a trouble marauding is how my father would describe me." I said while looking concerned at the unknown man before me and his majesty.

"Ahh right, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Jo Hisato, the late emperor's personal attendant. I was your father's friend, that is how I know him, you, and your mother. By the way, I met your mother a few days ago and she said that she will have your marry off to whoever she finds as soon as you go home."

My mother won't do that to me. I am her only child and she adores me.

"Ichika, why haven't you bowed to Lord Histao yet? You are in no position of treating him like this."

I looked at his majesty and then Lord Hisato before quickly falling on my knees and bowing at Lord Hisato.

"Please forgive me, your greatness. I was unaware of your identity. Please forgive me."

I heard him which caused my head to jolt up but looked down again as soon as I felt the glare from his majesty burning in me.

"Please get up, Miss Ichika. It will be rude of me if I let a friend's family bow to me.

He blended down to help me get up. I got up and looked at his majesty which he returned but with a glare. I broke the eye contact because he was really scaring me.

"Thank you, your greatness." I bowed a little at Lord Hisato and smiled politely.

"Lord Hisato, why did you wanted to meet her?" His majesty suddenly blurted out one of the question I was currently thinking of.

Lord Hisato made his way back to his seat and poured some tea from himself and his majesty.

"Your majesty, here drink some tea. And why I wanted to meet her, you asked. Well, I found out that the daughter of a  friend of mine's was here. So, I wanted to know who. I, of course, didn't expect to be her."

*Knock, Knock, knock, knock

Five knocks were heard on the door.

"Come in." I moved aside to prevent the door from hitting me.

The door swung open and there stood a unknown servant girl.

"What is it?" His majesty asked boringly.

"You're majesty, the main hall is prepared and the guests have arrived."

His majesty stood up along side with Lord Hisato. They made there way towards the door and out.

His majesty gave me an eye signal which meant for me to follow them.

Me and the other servant girl followed behind them.

We reached the main hall. The servant girl didn't go in because she wasn't allowed in.

I could go in though. We made our way in fully. Everyone in the main hall stood up and bowed to his majesty until he made his way to his luxurious chair.

Lord Hisato made his way to an empty chair and joined the people standing up bowing to his majesty.

I was standing behind his chair, a little to the left, while also bowing.

This really hurts my back.

"Don't stand on ceremony, everyone. Today is an another beautiful day and we shall cherish it and thank the gods above for letting us live one more peaceful and beautiful day. We shall thank and bow to the gods above for letting us see an another luxurious day full of happiness."

Everyone, who was sitting down, stood up and bowed again to show respect to the gods above.


Everyone in the room, including the servants standing outside bowed and yelled those words out loud.

After the bows, every prestigious person in the room sat.

I would sit to but right now, I am not in a position of that.

I looked at the guests and frown made it's way onto my face.

The daughters of the prime minister were really something. I did not like them. They always thought that they are better than everyone else.

They chuckled quietly without anyone noticing them, except for me, when they saw that I was wearing the maid's clothes.

I frowned even more. But a proud smile appears on my face when I saw the next faces they made.

The finally realized that I was served only his majesty, which made them mad and scoff. They always wanted to be the one near him by guess I'm the one near him now.

"Let the feast begin!!" Lord Kaito announced as bowls of food made it's ways on the table of each person.
Another chapter finished. In the next chapter, the name of the prime minister's daughter will be revealed and you will be surprised.

Try to guess who.

And as always, thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. Have a great day and I hope you are not one of the people getting any type of hate. If you are, plz bear with it and do not do anything bad.

Will You Ever Love Me Back?//Pentagon Yuto FF✔Where stories live. Discover now