Chapter 9

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I bolt up in a cold sweat. My hair sticks to my brow and my hands shake uncontrollably. My face is stained with tears and my heart races. I take deep breaths to try to calm myself down.

I then realize that I'm no longer in the Upside Down. I'm in Jane's bedroom with everyone hovering above me. My gaze falls onto Will, knowing that he also had to endure the Upside Down.

I laugh, thinking about how crazy I must look. I'm sure the hoarse laughter isn't helping my case. Jane and Max look at me with concern. The boys seem confused and a little terrified.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Jane asks as she slowly approaches me. She reaches out, but I pull away. Guilt overtakes my emotions once I remember what happened before the dream.

"I'm fine, but I don't deserve to feel good after everything I did to you and your friends. I'm sorry, Jane. I'm going to leave. Go back to Papa."

"No,"Jane and Will say as I try to sit up from the bed. My skull receives a sharp pain from the effort.

The two look at each other. Will signals that Jane can speak first.

"(Y/N), I won't let you go back there. You only hurt me because of him. You can stay with us. Live a normal life."

"I don't deserve a normal life. I've hurt hundreds of people. I've made men complete shells with no memories. Even if I tried, I would always be on the run from Papa. He would go after me and you. I will never be able to live a normal. You've never been able to live a normal life."

The words poor out without thinking. I know what I've done, and because if it I don't deserve to live a happy and normal life.

"Don't talk like that! I want you to stay here, and to be my friend. Normal is relative, and I won't let Papa hurt you again," empathetic tears flow down her face as she speaks to me.

"Jane," she cuts me off with a bone crushing hug.

"Please stay."


The quiet is almost to much to bear. Will stands in a corner of the room, waiting for Jane to finish speaking to (Y/N). Or should he say 010?

He was right about her being connected to the Upside Down, but maybe he wasn't right about everything.

She truly loved Jane as a friend. The reason she tried to take Jane away from them was to please her messed up father figure. Will didn't see that coming.

He felt sorry for her. Though he would never show it. He wasn't sure if he could trust her, especially after what she mumbled in her sleep about being in the Upside Down.

Why wasn't anyone worried about that, or about why she had been crying and screaming in her sleep. Jane might have been determined to form a friendship with 010, but Will wanted answers. Now.

He was tuning out the conversation as he thought about her dream, but came back to his senses by a voice.

"Will, you wanted to talk to (Y/N)?" Jane asked him from her place on the bed.

"Yes," he stepped forward. "What was your dream about?"

He didn't want to seem insensitive, but he wanted answers.


His words made me wince. He still had a sharp tone while speaking with me, but I don't blame him.

"I dreamt about the Upside Down," I say above a whisper. My voice shaking. "I've been there before. Papa put me in for two weeks to see if I could survive with my powers. I barely made it out alive.

"In my dream there was a boy. He had black hair and blue eyes. He seemed normal, except he was covered in blood and black goo. The goo seeped out of his mouth, nose, and ears.

"He started chasing me. I ran and ran, but tripped. He was about to pounce on me when I woke up."

"Was he familiar. Do you know him?" Will asked.


Will kept asking me questions, and I answered all I could. He made me look into the tiny details of my dream.

"I think that's enough for today, Will," Jane said after Will's forty-sixth question. "Let's let (Y/N) rest."

"Fine," Will quickly turns on his heel and walks out the door. I sigh, finally realizing how sick I feel.

The other boys, and Max, leave the room as well. No doubt, heading back home. But Jane stays at my side.

I finally let the tears fall. It's an odd feeling. I've only ever cried through pain or fear, but I'm not sure what emotion I'm feeling now. Jane rubs her hand up and down my back, telling me that everything's going to be okay.

But I don't believe her. Nothing will ever be okay.

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