Update on Me? (Tag)

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So, back in April I was tagged by IT2017Girl . She is a loyal reader of mine. I have changed a lot over the months of April to August. I thought I would make my own tag to update you guys on my life. Soooooo... here it goes.

1. Name
2. Birthday
3. Age
4. Height
5. Eye Color
6. Hair Color
7. Clothing Style
8. Friends
9. Internet Friends
10. Favorite Bands/Artists
11. Favorite TV Show
12. Favorite YouTubers
13. Favorite Song Lyrics
14. Favorite Class
15. Least Favorite Class
16. Hobbies
17. Dream
18. Other Random Facts

Here are the questions. Now, I will answer them. 😊

1. Jessica (I hate my name more than anything else about myself.)

2. I was born in March. Not super interesting. (I share a birthday with Lauren Graham from Gilmore Girls.)

3. I'm sixteen years old. I'm going into my Junior year of highschool.

4. I'm 5'5". Kinda short for a 16 year old.

5. I have blue eyes that sometimes go green or grey. They just do whatever they want.

6. I have natural brown hair that ombre's into a silvery grey, though, I might go teal or blue.

7. I wear band shirts and jeans, with the occasional sweater. I really like dark grunge fashion, but I'm to scared what my mother would think of it.

8. My best friend Sage is like my twin. My friend Brooklyn is basically my sister. I have two other close friends. I don't have a lot. I'm not really a social person.

9. I have two really close internet friends. Abby and Nico. They are both great and help me through hard times.

10. My favorite band is Sleeping with Sirens. I also love Pierce the Veil, Black Veil Brides, Palaye Royal, Paramore, Bring Me the Horizon, Saosin, Mayday Parade, Buttons, Kulick, Blink-182, The All American Rejects, Collective Soul, The Clash, Duran Duran, Nirvana, and many many more. I love way to many bands.

11. Stranger Things, Gilmore Girls, Doctor Who, Psych, Meteor Garden, Darker than Black, Blue Exorcist, Durarara, and yet again, many more.

12. Jessie Paege, Crankthatfrank, Dan and Phil, lilsimsie, Hans Wouters, Liza Koshy, Brad Mondo, Jonnie Guilburt, jessethereader, polandbananaBOOKS, and others.

13. I would rather be the Stray than be nothing to no one at all.
From The Strays by Sleeping with Sirens. It's one of my favorite songs of all time. These are some of my favorite lyrics.

14. Art. I love it, but I won't be taking it next year.

15. Language Arts or P.E. I hate both with a passion!

16. I draw, read, longboard dance and freestyle, listen to music, play the guitar, piano, and drums. My life revolves around music and art.

17. I would love to be a drummer/song writer for a post hardcore, alternative rock band. Big dream, but I'm determined to at least try to achieve it.

18. I play the Sims 4 almost everyday. I'm really good at math, even though it isn't my favorite. I want to move out of my state as quickly as possible. I love books more than anything, my favorite is probably Red Queen. I have social anxiety.  I'm pretty odd. (P!ATD)

So, that's about it. I don't have enough friends to tag, so I'll tag all of my readers. If you have a book here on Wattpad please feel free to do this tag. Make sure you tag 5 (or more) people as well.

I guess I'll tag a few people.
You guys don't have to do this tag, but you can if you want. 😋


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