| E L E V E N | Promise Me.

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| E L E V E N | Promise Me.

I push open the doors to Screamin' Beans, and find Myles already waiting for me. Two cups sit in front of him, one of them actually across from him, saving my seat for me. 

His face lights up when he spots me, and waves me over. I can't stop the stupid grin from spreading across my face when I make my way over to him, kissing him lightly on the mouth before taking my seat across from him.

He stares at me, his eyes traveling down my body--or what he can see of it-- and back up to my eyes, and impish grin on his face.

"I see you stole my sweatshirt." 

"It was an accident." I manage, attempting to defend myself.

"Hey," he throws his hands up, "I have no problems with everyone knowing your my girl."

My heart skipped a beat. When would he stop making me feel nervous and flustered around him? Never, probably.

"How was your day?" I ask, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

He shrugs, not giving me a real answer, instead, he shoves his phone in his back pocket. Eyeing me, his hand sits empty on the table, and I take it, feeling many sets of eyes on me.

"I wanna tell you something, but I don't want to scare you away." He blurts out, almost nervous.

"You can tell me anything, you know." I give his hand a squeeze to reassure him, but mainly to reassure myself. I don't know why I felt so scared to even listen to what he had to say. Was he going to break up with me? Confess to cheating on me? I mean, I had been his longest relationship and it had only been a few weeks since we started dating. 

I chewed on my bottom lip, and he squeezed my hand back, "I think I might be falling for you." he confesses. I let out a breath, and his leg started bouncing up and down under the table, he continued on, "I know, we just started dating. But, I mean, I think I've been slowly falling for you ever since I met you. I just didn't know it. I was gonna wait until I was sure I was in love with you, but I just wanted to let you know."

I sigh, a wide smile taking over my face, practically stretching to my ears. My knees went weak and I silently thanked god I was sitting down, or else I would've fell, Myles Foster thinks he's falling for me.

"Yeah, he does." His words snap me out of my daze. Did I just say that out loud? I totally said that out loud, I mentally slapped myself a dozen times before smiling at him.

"Well, right back at ya'."

'Right back at ya'?' Really, Lyla? What was that? An embarrassing smile covers his face, I don't think I had ever gotten that one from him, he was never embarrassed. Even when he out to be embarrassed, he usually just laughed it off, genuinely unbothered by whatever had happened.

"Are you freaked out?" He asks, his eyes trained on mine.

I shake my head, "Not in the slightest. I've known you my whole life, you don't freak me out."

"...and you won't run away, or leave?" He shifts his gaze to the wall next to my head, not looking me in the eyes anymore. I could tell this conversation was not planned, and this must've been on his mind.

"I won't ."

A smile takes over his face, and he looks me in the eyes again, taking his hand out of mine to hold up his pinkie, "Promise me." He demands.

"I promise." I slip my pinkie in his and twist, not breaking eye contact with him.


Alona pinches me in my arm, calling out my name. 

"OW! What the hell was that for?" I ask, rubbing the spot where her fingers were.

She shrugs, "You weren't paying attention to me." 

"You could've just tapped me, you know." I mumble, glaring at her. 

"How was it last night without me?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I shrug, and turn my attention back to the game we were playing, Mario Kart. I passed the finish line seconds before she did, she grunted, and slammed the controller on the table. "You guys didn't do anything spectacular?" She asks after taking a moment to cool down.

I shake my head, "The sleep was amazing, though."


I turn to her, confused, "What?"

"You mean the sex was amazing, right?" She gets up and stalks over to the 'kitchen', grabbing a plastic cup from the pile sitting on a desk, and a water bottle from the mini fridge. 

"No, I meant sleep." 

She groans, and pours water into her empty cup, "All you guys did was sleep?" she shivers at the word sleep, scrunching up her face as she drinks it.

"Yes," I clarify, "All we did was sleep."

She joins me on the couch again, "Why didn't you do anything with him? He's sexy as hell, and has experience."  

I roll my eyes, "I don't want to be just another hook-up for him, you and I both know how many girls he goes through in a year."

I still hadn't told Alona what Myles had said to me earlier, I didn't know how to bring it up, but there would never be a perfect time, so I guess I would just have to tell her. 

"Myles thinks..." I struggle trying to say the words aloud for the first time, "he thinks...that...he's falling in love with me."

Alona gasps, and chokes on her water, taking a moment to breathe when she stops coughing, a big smile takes over her face, "What? It's so early! You guys are so cute. Aww, I can't believe this!" A bunch of words tumble out of her mouth, and it seems like she can't stop herself until she covers her mouth.

"I know, it's really early. But he said he thinks he's been falling for me since the day he met me, and I think it's true, I mean maybe the feeling was always there, we just didn't know it."

Alona brings a hand up to her chest, "You guys are so cute." she says, shoving me lightly.

"I know." 


What do you guys think about Myles' feelings? Do you think it's rushed, or expected? I personally love them both already and can't wait to see whats in store for them! Vote, and comment!

Have a nice day, morning, or night! -Arrow <3

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