Chapter Twenty-Five: "Breath Spray is Pretty Effective"

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  The sun shone through onto the comfortable sleeping bodies of the six zodiacs as they stretched and snuggled back into their beds, is what I would say if they weren't in a cold jail cell with no windows and no beds.

  Sagittarius stretched and got up from her uncomfortable sleeping position on the floor, her bones creaking and protesting as she struggled to stand up. She looked to the cell door and saw Virgo tapping the keyhole, "Be careful, that mashed potato turns rock hard after a few hours, you don't want that in your stomach," He said, deepening his voice in an attempt at imitating Ophiuchus. He tapped the keyhole again, "Well, looks like old crap-face is right. Just like cement, I can imagine why Capricorn threw up now. What do they put in this stuff?"

  Eventually, everyone had woken up as they huddled around Virgo for a recap of the plan. They had smothered the keyhole and the hatch with the mashed potatoes. Overnight, it had hardened like superglue and now the keyhole was blocked and the hatch was not able to be opened. They also placed some in the door hinges. In the corner of the room, in the pee bucket, all of them had placed their stinky meat. The previous night, after Ophiuchus had left, Libra had taught them a few Muay Thai moves, shaking her head in disappointment more often than not, complaining about how they were useless.

  There came a sharp rap at the door as they saw someone attempt to open the hatch. They all scrambled to their positions as they heard the sound of keys being jammed into the lock. "Hey?" Came the voice from the guard Larry as he tried to unlock the door, failing miserably. Aquarius stood behind the door as Leo stood by the entrance, holding the bucket in his hands. "Open up," said the gruff voice of someone who wasn't Larry, probably another guard.

  There was a sudden loud bang as the door fell forward off its hinges, almost squashing Aquarius in the process. Pieces of the cement-like potatoes flew in all directions. Two men stormed in, one of them being Larry. The other was a short stubby man with an eye patch and his muscles rippled through the sleeves of his tight shirt.

  Immediately Leo slammed the bucket of rotten meat over Larry's head, receiving a grunt in response as Larry yanked it off. However, it was too late, as the disastrous effects of the treacherous scent had already started. The meaty smell started its work and invaded his weak senses as Larry began to feel unsteady on his feet. He stumbled back a few steps and stumbled into Leo, who immediately kicked him in the groin. Larry fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

The other guard, Michael as they later discovered, turned around. This was a bad idea as they used this distraction to their advantage. Libra charged towards him and punched him across the face and kicked him in the stomach, sending him staggering back a few steps. However, he quickly recovered and made a beeline towards Libra. He raised his fist, ready to throw a punch when Aquarius suddenly emerged from his hiding place and jumped on Michael's back.

Michael, not being ready for the attack, promptly fell forward, flat on his face. He tried to get up, but Aquarius sat on his back. He eventually gave up and lay on the ground, Aquarius patted his stomach and grinned, "This is why you should eat three meals a day, kids."

Larry was still tripping all over the place as Sagittarius came up behind him and hit him over the head with the metal bucket, instantly knocking him out. She sent the bucket clattering down as she kissed her bicep proudly. Capricorn picked up the bucket and did the same to Michael, who had begun thrashing again. It took a few tries to knock him out, but eventually, he fell quiet and Aquarius clambered off him. Virgo clapped as he took the keychain and walked out of the door, he clasped his hands in front of his chest like happy mother, "I'm so proud of you guys," he beamed and they all laughed. Aquarius patted his back,

"Well, we were only following the orders from our fabulous leader,"

"Hey! I'm the leader!" Capricorn complained as everyone shook their heads.

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