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Olivia Pov:

I took the cookies out of the oven and the aroma started filling the air. I set the cookies on the stove to cool down.

I grabbed a timer and set the timer to 5 minutes and set it down next to the cookies. "There." I said with a smile before walking away from the cookies.

Axel Pov:

"What is that smell!" I said to myself. I walked over to the kitchen to see cookies. I licked my lips at the thought of the taste of the cookies. 

I grabbed one, but it burnt my hand making me drop it. "Aww man." I whined as I looked at the cookie now on the floor.

I blew on my hand that was still hot from the cookie. When my hand cooled down I grabbed a napkin.

I picked the cookie up this time not burning my hand. I began to devour the gooey chocolate chip cookies. Then I heard a ringing noise.

Olivia Pov:

I heard the timer go off which meant the cookies are done now. I walked to the kitchen to see the pan filled with crumbs. 

I knew he ate them all. Axel. He was nowhere in sight. "AXEL! GET OVER HERE!!" I shouted. "Nah I rather stay over here." He said beginning to climb down the treehouse ladder. 

I chased after him going down the ladder as well. Axel jumped off running towards the forest. I jumped down after him chasing after him, "GET BACK HERE!!" 

Jesse Pov:

I laughed at the scene of Olivia chasing Axel into the forest. I opened the window. "Run, run, run as fast as you can Axel!" I shouted at him making him glare at me. I started to crack up as they disappeared into the forest leaving me and Reuben in the treehouse.

Reuben nudged my leg wanting attention, so I picked him up and set him down on my lap. I gave him a belly rub his favorite. He smiled at me and I returned the smile. "I don't know what I do without you." I whispered to Reuben.

I set him down and opened the trapdoor to go outside. Reuben ran over to me eager to go outside. I picked him up and headed down the ladder.

When we reached the bottom I set him down and he began to look for carrots. I leaned against the tree as I watched Reuben. I saw Axel and Olivia in the distance.

Axel's hair was now a mess, but it didn't seem like he cared. Olivia smirked. As the walked closer I could tell Axel had fallen in mud his clothes were filled with the messy substance.

Note to self never make Olivia mad! "Promise me you'll never eat all the cookies!" Olivia said in a harsh tone making Axel flinch. 

"Okay, okay I promise." He said putting his hands up in defense. "That's more like it." I heard Olivia say.

Reuben ran up to them and ran around them in circles making them smile. He sure knows how to brighten people's day...


Olivia: You better make me some more cookies!

Axel: Nah

Olivia: -pulls out sword- I'm not afraid to use it either

Axel: *gulps* Okay okay geez *starts making cookies*

This was fun to write! Anyways the surprise is halfway out!

What I mean by 'halfway' is half of it come out and the other half I'm working on.

Link to 'half' surprise should be at the bottom!

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