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Einar blinks a couple times, clearly taken aback by my blunt declaration. "You... you are planning to-"

"To send out a small group of Viscounts, split them up amongst the four quadrants of the desert to scour it for survivors of those who were banished. I intend to bring them all back here where their crimes can be revisited and sentenced via my judgement as much as the courts."

"My Lady, I am not sure if now's the best time to be giving such orders-"

"Why not?" I question, looking her dead on.

For once she looks genuinely stumped as she breaks eye contact, releasing a shallow breath.

"It is just... I can in no way be sure of what you will discover upon going out on such a major search. I do not wish to give the others with banished persons any unnecessary hope or sense of optimism when it is most likely-"

"What are your reservations here?" I press, wanting a straight answer.

"What do you-"

"Is there any specific reason why I shouldn't send those men out? Concrete evidence that those banished are already dead? If so, bring it forward and I will reconsider my order for the meeting to take place at all."

Einar's lips part, a glimmer of respect accenting her narrowed eyes as she takes my declaration under consideration. "I cannot say there is a specific reason behind my reservation-"

"Then you have said enough. Once the other court members have permitted such actions, you will gather the Viscounts, send them out in groups of two in case they find themselves confronted by any unexpected obstacles, and you will do so the second this notion is approved. That's four quadrants, two men to a quadrant, eight men total. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to set up for the morning-"

"Wait," Einar halts me with a raised hand, drawing my attention back to her eyes that now harbor a sheen against the starry sky. When she speaks, her voice is unwavering per the norm, but is laced with hints of genuinity behind her usually cold tone. "Thank you, My Queen."

I take a moment to consider her before speaking again, choosing my next words carefully. "If we're going to do this, Einar, make the order, you have to promise me something."

"Anything, My Queen."

"You have to promise me that you will keep yourself in check no matter what we hear, no matter how worried you are, and you have to promise that it won't interfere with your head while the order is being debated, and even while they're out there searching for you daughter. Can you promise me that?"

Einar straightens, checking her expression and keeping her tone cool as ever as she assures me, "I can promise you that, My Queen."

"Good. Notify the court of the meeting. It'll commence as soon as the sun has risen."

"Yes, My Queen."

I nod and saunter off without another word then, two guards following me in place of the royal guard who must be feeling nothing short of overwhelmed as of right now.

By the time dawn is ascending from the horizon, there is an abrupt knock at my door, rising me from a restless sleep.

"Oh, shit." I mutter, scrubbing the sleep from my eyes as I slowly rise to sit up, keeping any weight off my right arm. "What is it?" I bark, reaching for a silken white robe with sleeves that end just at my elbows. The material is slightly translucent and incredibly light, but it better this to cover the simple nightgown I wore than nothing over top of it. I have not seen my own clothes in quite some time now.

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