For my ghosts

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Hello my beautiful ghost readers, 

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did - I know there was some dark bits, and some dirty bits, but I really like how this all turned out. If you hated it - let me know... If you want an epilogue let me know that to. 

And my two "not-so-ghost" readers who have been commenting and voting, I need to tell you that writing this story has been rough - not because it was hard to write - but because I was sharing it and opening myself up to be judged.  And then when I wasn't getting any one reading it I was equally distressed and ecstatic, because while part of me wanted a million people to read it, part of me wanted no one to read it, and at one point all of me wanted to quit in the middle of writing it.  

What I'm saying is that you may think that reading, voting and commenting was a little thing, and may be even insignificant in your eyes, but YOU kept me writing this story and helped me to remember why I was writing it in the first place. 

So please keep reading books from unknown authors.  Please keep choosing the ones with a tiny number of reads.  Your actions might mean a whole lot to the person behind the screen. 

Love you both

OK enough of that - time for self promotion?  I have a really dark and angsty book called He's my light which is a Taehyung and Jimin book (I don't know why I keep putting Jimin in my stories) so please go and have a read. 

And, if I manage to get past my own self-image I might have a third story in the works.      

Thats it - so comment if you want - or don't 


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