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Hi! Thank you for reading this so far.  I've started reading The City of Bones since that series has been recommended to me by my friends more than once and it is amazing! I highly recommend it. Not to mention there's a Netflix show for it. - The Fangirl 

P.S. - Happy belated Canada Day!! 

Hazel's POV: This is only happening for one reason. –The Fangirl

Tony clasps his hands together. "So, someone did find that clue, I was beginning to wonder if I'll ever get to talk to any of you."

Annabeth chuckles, "We know, from watching you, to always be on the lookout for a clue. Although I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Hazel, she found it." She points to me, beaming.

I turn a deep shade of red. "Hi."

Tony nods at me and then motions us to sit, on the couches laid out for us, on the other side of the cave, on the sandy beach. "What's your plan?" Tony starts.

I look at Annabeth, motioning her to go. "Like you said, make allies; but too much to get a lot of hate if I do in fact, flip, at any point. ('flip' means going to over to the other groups, basically betraying your allies)"

Tony watches her, "That's a plan, but not what I was looking for."

Annabeth purses her lips, "I have more but I mean, we're not alone." She motions to me. I understand, she, like everyone, has their secrets on how they want to play this game. Usually, you don't want others finding that out.

Tony facepalms, "I forgot, okay, we'll take turns. Hazel, you can go first since I haven't heard from you." Annabeth smiles and gets up, walking away and out of earshot.

Tony turns to me, "Spill."

Fiddling with my rope bracelet, I speak, "I planned on outsmarting them all, but I quickly learned that Annabeth would do that. She's incredibly wise. So, I recently have gotten a lead-"

Tony holds up a hand to stop me, "Don't ever underestimate yourself ever, especially in this game. Now, what's this lead?"

I smile slightly, "Percy and Annabeth, who are really cute together, seem to like each other."

Tony raises his eyebrow, "Like meaning, attracted to one another?"

I nod, "They are pretty oblivious to it though. So, back in the cave when we were walking out, I secured Annabeth as a potential ally, which means I secured Percy too. They both could get me to the top five or four."

"That's a great lead, but when you get the chance, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. My tribe mates had the opportunity and they didn't take it, then I beat them," Tony voices a good point.

Annabeth's POV:

The talk with Tony was very beneficial. He told me to keep playing my strength down, so they don't get me out before the merge and use my allies to good use, I didn't know why he winked at that part. Then he told me to start looking for immunity idols. Personally, I did plan on doing that, but I don't know if I'll tell anyone about it if I do find one.


"Annabeth!" Leo shouts when Hazel and I pull up in a boat to camp.

"Hey," I greet, stepping onto the sandy shore.

Leo rolls his eyes, "We are all worried where you went. Well...mostly, Percy, he was freaking out."

Before I can even open my mouth, Connor cuts in, "Jeff told us you collapsed from heat exhaust. Are you alright?"

Hazel and I exchange looks. Good, Jeff covered us. Averting my eyes from Hazel to not make it too obvious, I clasp my hands together. "I am perfectly fine, thank you very much. Hazel here," I point to Hazel. "Helped me out."

Travis, who's been standing by and watching, bursts into laughter. We all stare at him in confusion, and he quickly explains. "Percy left a little bit ago. His face was ghostly white. He won't rest until he sees you."

I quirk an eyebrow, "Which is...when we either do a challenge or the prank. Which one comes first Stoll?"

"Tomorrow right after Immunity. Jeff says that in order to do the prank, we have to win," Travis says.

Hazel for the first time this conversation speaks up, "Will he help us?"

I shake my head, "No, we have to do it ourselves."

The Stolls agree. "The last two will then compete for the second immunity while the first group gets to leave."

Leo raises his hands, "Wait. Wouldn't it be obvious that we are the ones who do the prank?" He makes a good point.

Connor smirks, "That's not when we're doing it. We are setting everything up and leaving Percy a note. Then at night is when the action will happen."

Travis bursts out laughing, "They'll wake up and be like whattttt."

I roll my eyes and go prepare for bed, as the sun is setting quickly. Hazel follows me. "Annabeth?"


She crawls into the shelter next to me and whispers, "Do you think the prank is wise? Like a good idea? It could gain us a lot of enemies if anyone knew. They could frame us."

I spot the cameras focusing in on our conversation, the microphone hanging over the roof. Contemplating on what to say, I purse my lips. "They could. But, this is Survivor, we can turn it on them just as easily." With that thought, we both turn and try to sleep, tomorrow's activities haunting us.


The wind howls and I struggle to open my tired eyes. When I open them finally, sand blows into them. "Argh," I grumble.

Getting up, I rub my tired eyes and pull my curls back. Hazel tends to the fire, talking with Leo. They laugh and smile at me when I come into view.

"Have a good sleep?" Leo asks, adjusting a piece of flaming wood.

Quirking an eyebrow, I say, "Does anyone have a good night's sleep in Survivor?"


"GUYS HURRY UP WE WILL BE LATE FOR THE CHALLENGE," Travis yells from down the beach.

Swinging my bag on my shoulders, I start down the sandy stretch of land, Hazel, Leo, and Connor following. Hopefully, I will get to explain myself to Percy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Survivor, PJO or HoO. I do not own these characters. 

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