the merge

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Annabeth's POV:

My feet hit a wooden platform and I see all of the bars and obstacles set for me to climb. At the end I see a line of light which tells me it's a shut door. I need to get to that door. I hear Reyna's footsteps above and begin my jogging to the first wall of bars and platforms. I see a row of monkey bars and sigh. Jumping up, I grab the first bar, my blistered hands crying out in protest. Too bad, hands.I swing my body to the next bar, then the next, and then the next. When I near the end I hear a thud behind me and know Reyna has entered. My heart picks up speed as the urgency fills me. I can't lose this. I won't.

My next obstacle is this rope that leads to a grid of bars above. I grip the rope. The first thing I notice is how thick and heavy the rope feels when I twist my leg around it. Pushing against the rope wrapped around my one leg, I reach up and pull. Re-positioning my leg up the rope, I repeat my actions. My hands slide a bit, and I grit my teeth. My muscles twitch in exhaustion as I pull up again, sweat dripping down my sides and chin.

The top comes closer and closer with each push and pull. I fight against my straining legs, my screaming arms and my core tightening so much I can barely breathe. I am not weak.

With one last push, I reach up and grab the metal bar. My legs let go of the rope and I am left dangling over pure darkness. Grunting, I swing my legs up and hook them over the bar. Then I push up until I am sitting over the grid like the kids do on the structures at camping parks.

I take a moment to catch my breath and look down. I see Reyna reaching for the rope. Then I see two more people hop down from the trap door. I need to be faster. More people come. And more.

Thud. Thud. Thud...faster, faster, faster.

Percy's POV:

Jeff explains to us once everyone drops into the so-called trap door what they have to do. I just stare at the massive structure, imagining Annabeth fighting for her spot in the game in there. He then tells us to walk to this platform that a little while into the water. A boat takes us across and while it does, he says their last obstacle is to swim this to the wooden, floating platform where we'll be standing. Whoever stands on the mat firsts gets the spot. Then the boat is going to take us to a special spot on the island for the merge feast.

I bite my lip in anticipation, watching for her.

Annabeth's POV:

After staring at the grid, I realize I get across it to the wooden platform. Pushing from my hands, I hook and unhook my legs on the bars as I go, moving at a quicker and quicker pace as time goes by – especially since Reyna has almost reached the grid. The movement is agony after everything I did, and my body is so utterly exhausted.

Once I reach the platform, I then see a walkway twisting around everything I just did, leading to the door. When I say I booked it, I ran for that door faster than anything in my life. Breaking through it, I see a pole as I am still high off the ground. Without giving it a second thought, I slide down it – my feet hitting the sand. That is when I hear yelling and look across the water. They all stand on a platform really far into the water.

"I'm going to have to swim to that, aren't I?" I say to myself. Then I hear the door open above. Reyna.

I sprint to the water, it splashing up my legs and into my eyes but I don't care. Risking a look behind me, I see her running across the sand. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. I pray that she isn't a good swimmer and take the final leap into the water when I am deep enough. My arms swing out as my legs kick furiously. Water engulfs me and I stop keeping my eyes open by this point, just pushing myself through the water as fast as I possibly can. It goes into my eyes, my ears and my mouth but I don't dare to stop. Peaking my eyes open, I squint through the water in my eyes and see the platform close. So close.

When my hand jams into the platform, I don't even feel pain – just relief. Heaving myself up, I roll onto the mat like a fish out of water – gasping and spluttering as water is coughed out of me. A hand comes to my back and I see Jeff, smiling at me, "You really fought."

I nod in my dizzy state, forcing myself to stand – completely frazzled in front of everyone. I watched as Reyna comes onto the platform, then Nico, then Calypso, then Barry, then Drew, until everyone is standing – dripping water everywhere – on the swaying platform.

"Annabeth," Jeff starts, the camera's focusing on him and me. "You won your second chance back into the game. How do you feel?"

I purse my lips, holding the tears sternly behind the dam, "It's been long, long days since I was voted out, and I have dreamed of this moment. The chance to have another shot at my lifelong wish is just unbelievable and I'm so grateful." I turn to my edge of extinction buddies. "And I'm so grateful for everyone on edge of extinction because honestly, without them, I don't know how far I would have gotten until I raised that white flag."

"We're so happy for you Annie," Reyna smiles, and I know they all genuinely are...well, not Drew, but I don't care.

They take me into a hug and when we let go, I feel my mind shift into game mode. I am going to take down every person for these people on extinction, take down every person who voted them out, and not let this chance go to waste as they did help me get to this moment.

Percy's POV:

I couldn't tell you how much stress I was feeling upon watching Annabeth and Reyna swim battle it out. I was basically jumping up and down.

Annabeth looks so exhausted and as I watch her say farewell to the people on edge of extinction, I can't help but feel so proud of her. I can only hope she forgives day. And the merge feast is where it will start.

The boat carries us to a place on a different island, enriched with greenery. I can't help but marvel around me as we walk into this completely different world. My heart beats rapidly in my chest as I look to Annabeth walking a few people ahead of me.

Annabeth's POV:

The river flows gently and effortlessly through the rich and vibrant greenery. Chirping from all directions is the base instrument to the alive forest around the waterfall. The leaves and plants among the rocks sway softly with the subtle, warm breeze. The air tastes fresh with the strong scent of plants and through the misty air, steam floating up from the waterfall. An aggressive form of water barrels over the narrowed ledge as it descends directly into the calm river below. The greenery overwhelms the rocks surrounding the place, as if it's trying to keep it a secret world, hidden from any disturbance to its serenity. As I walk along the wet, slippery rocks closer to the waterfall, I reach out my hand and feel the lush leaves of a bush. It's tender and delicate surface feels healthy and leaves my hand slightly moist. I hear the light padding of my footsteps on the rock, and the roaring water I am quickly approaching. Mist makes contact with my skin and I smell the moss all around, some moving in the water between rocks. Closing my eyes, I feel the humid air, hear the vibrance of nature and allow myself to exhale in complete peace. 

Have an amazing day/night wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

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