the tie-breaker

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Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash 

"Who do you think...?" Hazel trails off that night at camp. I look around the camp, noticing Leo not with us. He didn't meet my eyes at tribal now that I think of it. But I trust Leo.

Percy speaks up, "Well, it wasn't me."

"Not me," Hazel raises her hand.

I shrug, "Wasn't me either." I pause, "Could it be Leo? It's so hard to think it was him, but did he switch sides?"

We just all sit there for a little bit, contemplating the possibility. The game is getting more intense, and I wouldn't be surprised. This is the stage where everyone looks out for themselves, where the claws come out – no more hiding now. I need to approach the end carefully. It's a fine to balance playing a good game but not truly hurting anyone on the jury for moral reasons and also, they need to vote for you at the end.

Leo comes into camp with firewood, his eyes looking at us then the wood, then us then the wood. I watch him set it down, walking over to us slowly. "You voted for Jason, didn't you?" I question.

He stammers, "Jason was a big threat to me. I mean, who would you choose to go to the final three with you and Hazel? Me or Jason?" I hesitate at the question.

Percy raises his hand, "Hey, I'm here too." I shush him. If Leo truly switches sides, we don't need the spotlight on Percy next. I can't have yet another ally leave.

I ask Leo, "So, are you on our side? Because that vote didn't show it."

Leo goes red, "I am on your side."

He turns to set up the fire. I feel my gut feeling kick in. Percy is the first to speak, "You want to vote him out, don't you?"

"If Lee doesn't win immunity, then yes," I say, clipped.





Lee won immunity.





I prop my water jug on the well, facing all my allies but Leo. Which is basically Hazel and Percy. No one wants to speak at first, as Leo has been such an amazing ally and friend. But slowly, we all have to go home at one point. It's who takes the first bite.

"So," Hazel says.

"So," Percy drawls, glancing over at me.

"Alright, enough," I snap, stressed out. I fiddle with a strand of my hair. "Leo has to go. There. I said it."

"How do we even pull this off? We don't have the numbers," Hazel asks.

"Now you do," we hear a voice behind us.

I turn around quickly, almost yelping. I see Lee and Travis standing there, arms crossed. I speak, "How can we trust you?"

Lee tilts her head, "You can't, I guess. How can I trust you?"

"You can't, I guess."

She grins, "I like you. Okay, so vote out Leo? He's your ally, interesting choice."

"He's also your ally," Percy shoots back.

Travis says, "Can we all just agree to vote him out? We don't know which side he's on."

"Which puts us all on one side for this one vote," Lee explains.

I stare at her for a moment. Is this really a good idea? Shouldn't I be using the numbers to take out another ally of hers? But then again, isn't Leo technically one? I massage my temples, feeling a headache coming on.

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