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Annabeth's POV:

I grab the torch perched on the sign and spin on my heels, turning to the left. The sound of waves becomes louder and louder and I wonder if my tribe is walking on the beach back, in the opposite direction, to camp. My thoughts stray to Jeff reading that last vote. And Percy's saddened eyes, a tear balancing on his lid. Betrayed.

I continue allowing tears to come, flowing down my face the moment I thought I was out of camera's view. Chances are, they got all of that. But it doesn't matter. What matters is me getting back in the game, and not allowing myself to make the same mistakes twice. I said for Survivor to watch out for me, and I meant it.

The beach comes into view ahead of me, the stars and pure darkness of the night swallowing my emotions. I stop. I see crew members and a boat – reminding me of the boats first year Hogwarts students take across the lake – come into view. Inhaling, I give myself one minute to compose myself. From this moment on, I will not play blindly. I will leave all these emotions on this beach, in this exact spot.

So, in the darkness, I drop my past and embark to the only place I can go. Forwards.

Percy's POV:

I watch her figure leave. I am the world's biggest idiot. Ignoring what everyone is saying, I grab my torch and leave the area. Footsteps pound on the wood after me as I make my way back to camp, not wanting to be around anyone at the moment.

"Perce," I hear Connor say breathlessly, jogging up next to me. "Listen, I know it sucks. I know you really liked her, but its honestly for the best. I hated, HATED, writing down her name. But she is a genius, and we needed to take advantage of the only opportunity we had to get her out. It's Survivor man."

"What do you mean only opportunity Stoll?" I ask, deathly silent. My anger pounds so loudly with my heart.

"It was easy, Percy," I hear the recoiling sound of Drew's voice. On the beach now, I turn to look at her. She continues, a smirk playing on her lips, "You cared so much for precious Wise Girl. And Just like she cared for you. Annabeth lost sight of the game the moment she saw you. Lucky for me, I realized that. You were her only blind spot, her only weakness in this game. And before you go, we needed to get her out because who knows just how good she can play when you aren't distracting her. And you know what, I think she knows that know. That you were her only weakness and her only disappointment."

"Shut up," I spit.

"Oh but I'm just starting. You know she had an idol...right? Or I think two actually. Who cares anyway, I mean I took them before she could defend herself. And you, Seaweed Brain, were just the cherry on top. The icing to her failures."

"You play this game disgustingly," I spew. "You know nothing of friendship and loyalty, and you know nothing about Annabeth! She is smarter than all of us combined, and she would have won if not for your cheat plays!"

"Says the boy who betrayed her," Drew mock pouts. I give her my best death glare.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask about that Perce. I know the twins like to cause mayhem but you? I was not expecting that in the slightest," Leo remarks, looking at me like I'm a different person.

"I can't look at you right now," Hazel shakes her head.

"I didn't betray Annabeth!" I yell. Camera men run around us to get good angles.

"Than who wrote her name down? Huh? Don't spin lies on us man," Leo sighs.

Travis looks from a sneering Drew to me, who is seething. He speaks, "Percy is telling the truth. He never even touched the pen at the urn."

Survivor: Percabeth AU✔️Where stories live. Discover now