deep waters

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Photo by Christian Palmer on Unsplash 

"We should've split the vote," I mutter angrily to Percy.

He agrees, "I know, we should've done it regardless of what Jason and the others had to say."

I run a hand through my hair, the trees loud swaying in the background as the breeze sweeps through. I can't believe one of my strongest allies was voted out, and even worse? By one flipping vote. I could've prevented this from happening. When we got back from camp last night, Jason avoided eye contact, but I let him run away, too wrapped up in my own frustration toward myself.

Percy watches the smooth water in front of us, saying, "So, how're we moving – "

"– forward?" I finish.

"I mean, we have to think of who we can truly count on."

Tapping my chin, I glance behind us at the camp, "I know we can count on Leo and Hazel."

"What bout Jason?" he asks, scratching his arm. "Personally, I think he can be counted on if it's in his favour."

"I agree with that aspect. I mean, in real life he's like my brother. But in this game, I don't know. He'll do anything to get bragging rights at the table on Thanksgiving," I mumble more to myself than Percy.

He laughs, saying, "I bet holidays with you are entertaining. Can't wait." I look at him in surprise. He grins, leaning on his forearms in the sand. "What?"

"I've never truly allowed myself to think of after the game," I confess. "Is know, relationship something you want to pursue when we get back?"

Percy looks at me with such certainty, I feel bad for asking. He takes my hand lightly, saying, "I want you in my life, Annabeth. Is this something you want to pursue?"

I was expecting that when he asked me in turn, I would've felt hesitant. But I don't. I imagine our life after this. I imagine him meeting my family, learning more about him, taking him to the drive-in I always went to since the age of five. I imagine the years of happiness to come, the days of always learning more and more about each other. The fights, but the makeups. The work that it takes to be in a relationship, the commitment, and the end goal of marriage. I think the mornings in our kitchen, having a baking contest with our kids. Going on date nights even when we're 80. And looking back on this experience as what transformed our lives in more ways than one.

"Yes," I tell him, smiling.


Hazel braids her hair, talking to me on the edge of our shelter. "Oh 100%, I think Leo will be down for it."

I look to Connor in the hammock, conversing with Lee. "I just hope he doesn't tell Connor we're planning to vote him out."

"He just can't get the immunity," Jason comments, picking dirt out from under his nails.

I point at him, "That too. Any one of us gets it, perfect. Him?"

"We'd just have to get out either Lee or Travis."

I rub my hands together, "I want her out. But I understand that the Stolls need to be broken up first."

"Precisely, we'll have a better chance," Hazel reminds me.

Jason groans, laying back on the bamboo bed. "I don't have the energy today to do anything physical."

"I just hope we aren't balancing on tiny wood planks," I say.

Hazel smirks at me, "That was weirdly specific."

The cameramen a way down the beach begin setting up, our cue to prepare for another immunity challenge. I feel so weak from deprivation of food and tired from too much activity. The end of the game is coming, and I am not sure whether to feel relieved or a little sad knowing this whole experience is coming to an end.

Survivor: Percabeth AU✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat