live show

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Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash 

It is time to find out who won. It is time to talk live with the entire audience. It is time for the live show.

The entire backstage is bustling with people. I barely know what is going on around me as I am ushered into a comfortable room with the top final contestants. I assume the rest are separated into groups into other rooms to fit us all in. A TV is displaying a slowly spinning 'Survivor' emblem on it. I fight down my dinner when I hear the audience cheer down the hall.

Piper is the first to greet me, looking just as nervous. She smiles tensely at me before hugging Leo who came in behind me. I shake hands with people, exchange words, and occasionally hug people.

Lee is the first one to hug me before I can even say hi. I can feel her shaking a little, and struggle to say with all her hair practically in my mouth and face, "You good?"

"Yeah, just a little nervous," she says, jittery.

"We'll all be on that stage with you. Besides, we still have to watch the final episode in this room, remember?"

They always release the final episode with the live show, a grand finale. More people begin piling into the room. Before I know it I am sitting with players I disliked and players I loved in this game. I am in a room with people who betrayed me and people who watched my back.

And together, we all watch the final days on Survivor. It's been weird reliving it, re-seeing it all again. But I can't help but feel so proud of us all. So happy to have had these phenomenal experiences and life lessons I wouldn't get such an opportunity to learn like this in the real world.


Jeff likes to prod a little into personal lives, which is why I'm not surprised when he asks about Percy and I. Of course we answer with being a couple, maybe adding some details on dinners or going on vacations but I like to keep my personal life private - as Percy also agreed. But we must give enough to sustain Jeff.

I am a bundle of nerves the entire night, building up to the final reveal of who won the title of Sole Survivor. Of course I want to win, but I have realized over the past year that the experiences, the people, the opportunities and the lessons I have gained are far more valuable to me. In a way, I also want Lee to win as she not only works three jobs but she's now expecting a baby with her fiance, and I just admire how she handles it all and did not break down once in the game. Then there is Hazel who has been overlooked but she is such a strong woman and I would also love seeing her win.

And it all comes down to the moment Jeff begins reading the names, for once us all want to see our names written on the vote ballets. I grasp both their hands, us all supporting one another in this stressful moment.























"The title of Sole Survivor and the million dollars goes to...LEE!" Jeff shouts.

The entire room goes bananas. I pull Lee into a hug, saying how proud I am of her. Lee is crying and crying, while everyone congratulates her and hugs her. I smile watching it all happen. I mean, of course, I am a little disappointed but watching all of this, experiencing all of this, I really could not be happier. I faintly hear Jeff yelling over the noise to the camera about the next season coming out in the fall.

Percy spins me into an embrace, saying how proud he is of me. I grin. Yeah, I've definitely won in more rewarding ways and have never been happier. 

It has been a little nerve-wracking to release this and have Annabeth not winning, but I really didn't want to give off the impression that the main character ALWAYS wins. Because I feel like it was more important for her to not win. 

There is ONE MORE CHAPTER before you leave! It's a deleted scenes I composed that I thought you may like. 

However, I figured I'd say goodbye now. This story I have been by far the worst in terms of updates. You guys have been amazing and quite patient throughout it all. 

I began this story in a really rough time in my life and am now finishing it in a really amazing time in my life. Crazy how that works huh? I chose to begin writing fanfiction after it was what I read every night in the hospital when I lived there for months. I would end of days exhausted and fanfiction was there to make me smile. I wanted to do that for others, to provide stories for those who are struggling, who need a friend, who need something inspiring or exciting to grab onto. 

Thank you for all the support in every one of my stories. Have a great day/night wherever you are! 

Enjoy deleted scenes! 

- The Fangirl 

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