deleted scenes

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Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash 


"You flip it - " Connor instructs. 

Everyone in the Brains tribe listens, flipping their bananas. Annabeth frowns at hers, wondering where the Stolls are going with this. 

"And then you peel," Travis says, pulling at the banana from the bottom. 

"This is stupid," Annabeth comments. 

"I kinda like it," Hazel inspects hers. 

Leo takes a big bite, garbling through his mouthful, "They thought the Earth being curved was stupid. You never know, Annabeth." 

She gives him a long blink. 


"We move undercover and we move as one," Leo sings at the back of the group as we make our way to the Beauty tribe camp. 

"Stop singing Hamilton, dear goodness gracious," Hazel whispers behind her. 

"The world turned upside down...the world turned upside down..." 




"Gotta start a new nation, gotta meet my son!" 

We all turn around, fiercely whisper-yelling, "LEO!" 


Percy looks over the edge of the boat as we speed along. "Do you think I could swim as fast as this?" 

"No way," I laugh. 

He quirks an eyebrow, "Is that challenge?" 

"PeRcY!" I yelp, grabbing his arm when he stands. 


"How does a bas - " Leo starts. 



"CPR!!!" Percy yells, leaning over the dying fire. 

"Percy..." Piper says slowly. 

Percy looks behind him at her, "This fire is dying woman! Now are you going to help or not?" 

Leo and the Stolls come crashing through the trees with sticks, tripping over themselves. "Back up is here!" 

Jason slides onto his knees with the flint, "Come on, stay with me, stay with me." 

"BREATHE!" Percy shouts. 

The girls just stand back and watch, as the boys revive the fire, gaping. 


"I have a theory," Travis starts. 

"What?" I ask, eating my rice. 

"What if we're all the same age? Like as old as the universe and before we were born, we were just atoms floating through space?" 

"I - " 

"Think about it." 


"Annabeth you're too stiff," Jason chides. 

I groan, frustrated, "Why are we even doing this?" 

Percy calls over, from where he sits with everyone else watching, "Cause you need to learn to dance if you're going to be any match for Persassy." I look dead-face into the cameras as they zoom into my face. 


All the Survivor contestant looks into the camera, through the page at you all, saying, "Have a great night/day wherever you are!" 

- The Fangirl 

T H E   E N D 

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