edge of extinction

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Annabeth's POV:

I'm in the place where the lost things go. They call it Edge of Extinction and the only other word I could think of that would be also suitable would be lost. Everyone here is searching. It's strange. When I say searching, I mean themselves. Reflecting on what they might've done wrong, where they slipped up in the game. And when that chance of getting back in, whatever it is, we might stand again.

There are sometimes bursts of anger from the people who are new and arrive. I just sobbed on the sand. But just because I cried does not mean I am giving up. Or else I would have raised the white flag at the front tip of the small island we are on. Raise that and a boat immediately comes to pick you up and take you home. I will not lie; the temptation has touched me more than once. It has for everyone. It is not the fact that we have been tempted, but the thought of us putting up a fight. It has been two days and there have been two people who have joined us on this haunted yet wise island.

I walk up the long stone stairs to the top of the hill near the end of the small island. The wind plays with my hair, toying it around my face and away from me. I savor the moment when I reach the top, overlooking the multi-blue sea, and massive island in the distance. Just barely being able to make out the line.

My eyes close and I just feel the wind around me. Today has been the first day I haven't cried or felt like it. The people on this island with me – who have been voted out in the past – have all talked to me and each other about how important these lessons the game of Survivor teaches us. We learn more about ourselves in the process, and the reward of that is more valuable than the million-dollar prize. I was so caught up in the game and Percy that I never really sat back and took in the experience. The people I've met along the way, the marvelous sights I've seen, the challenges I have overcome.

Opening my eyes again, I walk over to the stone table I trace my finger along with the markings. This morning I woke up and decided I was going to stop crying over Percy and my tribemates, and my horrible loss. That failure has taught me, has guided me into this direction. And for the past little bit, I thought I was cursed for my luck, for being put on this island with some of the people I even helped vote out. Nothing to do but sit and reflect on our mistakes, accept the occasional time someone gets to send out an advantage to a player in the game. That only is if you figure out the clue and find it before everyone else does.

But I was wrong. I am not cursed. I am very lucky to have had this opportunity to not just bond with others here but bond with myself. Without any distractions, to discover my true strength, turning my mindset around.

My fingers pressed firmly onto the stone and I look straight ahead, the soft curls of the waves below. The wind blowing my hair sideways, and the deep horizon line all I see. I watch it through the strands of my hair, and say, "I am Annabeth Chase and I came here for a reason."

Percy's POV:

It has been days since I last collapsed on the sand. Annabeth has been on my mind since. I did not realize her leave would infect me and torment me like this. And the fact that I had a part in it is worse. So, so, so much worse.

Drew scoffs all the time, not carrying we did not approve, not carrying that she used people to her advantage. But I have to remind myself this is Survivor, and Annabeth was bound to be voted out at one point...right? I bury my face in my hands, the waves crashing violently in the background. What am I going to do?

Piper's POV:

Every challenge and reward Percy has been acting differently. Ever since Annabeth did not join them on the mat at immunity. I think it is safe to say everyone was shocked. More than shocked. Our tribe though has taken two hits, and we have had two tribemates leave us. I am keenly aware we are close to the merge. Two more people go home and then it's individual. Everyone out for themselves fully, not partially and for their tribemates but fully.

We have lost Nico and Calypso. Leo was not happy at all when he found out. Lee even dared to say we were all happy she was gone. He just snapped at her saying, "She has more sunshine in her pinky than you do in your whole body! Do not insult her. Ever. You hear me?"

I think my ship is loosening the ropes, ready to set sail. Soon enough, hopefully, when this is all over, we can all get together and they'll have a normal shot of being a couple. Not in the highly stressed and camera filled environment. I once thought the same with Percy and Annabeth, but that boat has been docking, drifting in the harbor for quite some time now. I do not know exactly what happened, but Hazel hastily told me the gist of it.

In my opinion, my OTP could very well recover from this. But Percy needs to say the right things and prove it in his actions well after Survivor. The fact that he did not actually vote her will help him, but he did not warn her. Even though Drew threatened some harsh things, I know they could've kept it on the down-low that he told her.

"Survivors ready!" Jeff calls out, snapping me out of my daze. "GO!"

My team works swiftly, not set on going to tribal again tonight for the third night in a row. We take off the on anchor our little ship in the water before heaving ourselves on. Jason tugs on the rows with Lee and they steer us around obstacles.

The water crashes in at us, waves running over my legs and filling the ship. I try to get the water out, my last two tribemates struggling with the oars. My eyes glance over to see how the Olympus tribe is holding up. They have three people also, three sitting out to give us a fair chance.

"The Thessaly tribe making way more progress than the Olympus tribe! Looks like today might be their day and another day in tribal will be no more!" Jeff comments from a platform on the water.

I look ahead, and the keys for the bags appear around the obstacles. I lean forward, letting Jason and Lee guide me directly to them. My hands clamp around the keys and I untie the rope holding them to the pole with trembling hands, adrenaline coursing through me. "Okay go!" I shout at my tribemates.

They grunt, swerving us to the first bag. I climb over to the other – right – side of the boat. It tips slightly and I lean back in a yelp. "Careful Pipes," Jason shouts over the wind. Lee just grunts, her muscular arms straining.

I fumble around for the right key, hoping it'll fit. "Come on," I mutter frantically. We cannot afford to lose this one. The lock clicks and the bag falls into my hands. "YES! OKAY GO GO!"

We keep that rhythm, going from station to station, bag to bag. More encouraging words from Jason and more growls and grunts from Lee. For once I'm actually happy she is on this team with us. Just this once. At least we don't have Drew.

When we reach the platform, I tug all our bags onto it with my own grunt. Jason and Lee secure the boat before climbing off with me. We all sway on our feet, the platform going up and down with the waves and the exhaustions getting to us. "We've got this," I force myself to say, crouching down to open the bags. Jason and Lee do a relay. By the time we've got the complicated building block structure foundation set, the other team is already heaving themselves onto their own platform. I scan the pieces, giving them to Lee to see if they are right. She either sends them back or puts out a hand for another one.

"Jason working fast with his two tribemates helping! That'll be a close call against Hazel and Percy's excellent wits," Jeff calls. I barely tune into what he's saying, the immunity so close.

Now I have three pieces that lay in front of me and I just pass them all to Lee. Standing, I watch as Jason observes. I open my mouth to instruct but he sets them exactly where I was going to say. We call Jeff, the words fumbling on my mouth. My head sways. Did we actually just win? Jeff inspects it, and I hold in my breath. His arm raises, "THESSALY FOR THE WIN!" I scream, the sound getting lost in the wind. 

Life comes in the most unexpected ways...

Have an amazing night/day wherever you are! - The Fangirl

Disclaimer: I do not own Survivor, PJO or HoO. I do not own these characters. 

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