second chance

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Photo by Kal Visuals on UnSplash 

Annabeth's POV:

The boat takes us toward the island we were on before any of us got voted out in the game. My hair blows in my face but by this point I've stopped swiping it away. Nerves make my stomach churn and I count to seven between each breath. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get back into the game. I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when we come.

"What happened?" Nico looks over and asks. We both sit at the front of the boat, away from the others, watching as the island comes closer and closer.

I look at him through my strands of hair, squinting in the sun, "I – " I sigh. "I thought I knew people, or actually – more this one person – but turns out I was wrong about them. Out of everyone on my tribe he – he was the last person I expected to do something like," I struggle to find the correct wording.

"Turn his back on you," Nico finishes.

I nod, swallowing. "I never intended to let my emotions rule my game, but I couldn't help but grow close with him." Neither of us say Percy's name, but we both know exactly who we're referencing to.

Nico squeezes my hand, "For what it's worth, I wish you the absolute best in this challenge. And I know, regardless of what happens, he'll see how awesome you are when you kick butt." I smile at him before turning my eyes back to the fast approaching island. What waits for us, I don't know.

Percy's POV:

We all arrive – single file – to the next challenge space. Jeff faces us with a glimmer in his eyes. A curious feeling builds inside me and I sense a turning point in the game.

"Drop your buffs, we are merged," he says, grinning at our relieved faces.

I take my bandana off and shove it in my bag, smiling as the two tribes all gather on one mat. The merge is when there are no more tribes left and it is all individual game play for challenges. This is when the fangs really come out of people and people betray old alliances for news ones. This is also when we get a jury, which is when people are voted out – they sit at the side and watch all the tribal councils. Which helps at the end when they all vote for who gets the million dollars – for who played the game the best in all ranges, outwit, outlast and outplay.

I look at the challenge before me. A log is laying across each person's section. Then a trunk next to it. Then this board which I assume we have to put together a puzzle. After that we must climb this massive structure that is built across the whole field so everyone must do it. I can't see what is in store for us at the top, but I know I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

"Okay, everyone go have a seat to the side," Jeff says.

We all begin walking to our spots at the challenge but then I notice there's not enough places for all of us. Then I process what he said. Have a seat? We all turn back, hesitating. Jeff smiles and gestures to bleachers at the side of the field, offering us a clear view of everything except what happens at the top.

I exchange confused looks with Leo and Hazel before taking a seat. That is when I see a rustle of movement in the tall grass way across from where we sit. Sitting in the middle row, I see the camera men filming something. Jeff gives us a look before calling over his shoulder, "Bring em' in."

Gasps come from everyone around me as the people from the tall grass emerge. The first person I see is Nico, looking very pale but otherwise uninterested. Then I see Reyna, then Drew, and then Calypso. It is by Drew that I realize these are all the people we voted out...coming back. I hold my breath, barely blinking. And that's when I see her. Annabeth comes around the corner, trailing Barry who I barely even remember. She doesn't look in our direction, instead focusing on the challenge at hand. I take her in, noting how pale and bruised up she is. A hint of concern flutters through me, but the emotion of seeing her again overpowers it – sending my heart on a rampage in my chest.

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