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Photo by Tim Cooper on Unsplash 

Annabeth's POV:

I smell the food before I see it. A feast sits perfectly on this long table above the ground by a foot, for us to sit on the sandy ground around. The waterfall booms to the side as we all sigh at the many different cuisines. My stomach is hungry, I am aware. But, against my desires, I slowly begin eating – taking small bites.

Leo sits beside me, gulfing down steak with the Stolls. I smile, saying, "You're going to get a stomach-ache and throw everything up."

They just wave me aside. Leo swallows sharply and asks, "So, what's extinction like?"

I stop and think about it. I am coming into this game from the bottom, which means I could spin it any way without anyone here to question me. My primal goal is to get the target off me. "It was bleary, but we would bet who would win and everyone says Jason, which there I completely agreed."

All heads turn to Jason who looks at me mid-bite with shock. "They said that?" he garbles.

"Gosh, hasn't your mum ever taught you to not speak with a full mouth," Hazel chides, looking away in disgust. I smile at her, missing the old fashion, proper and polite Hazel. I miss our late-night conversations and dreaming about the future of this game or gushing about food we can't wait to feast on.

Percy meets my eyes across the table, and I look away, not able to hold his gaze. Instead, I turn my attention onto the glorious piece of fruit I am eating. Hazel taps my arm and I turn to face her, happy for a distraction from himtrying to catch my attention. I still have not forgotten what I felt the night they voted me out and the guilty look in his eyes. I don't think I ever will.

She whispers, her voice kept out of earshot from everyone else, "Lee has her sights on you."

I don't dare to look at Lee at the other end of the table, laughing with the Stolls. Quirking an eyebrow, I respond, "You sure? I'd expect Drew to, or Percy."

An emotion I can't pinpoint flickers in her eyes as she quickly says, "No, no, not Percy. Drew, probably, but definitely Lee. She was controlling her tribe and I heard she's behind every blind side."

It takes me a moment to mull this information over. Hazel would not just tell me this for nothing. "You want to take Lee, out don't you?"

"She's a massive threat!"

"Voice down," I warn. "I need to see for myself and if she is, then we will."

Hazel purses her lips looking like she's contemplating on asking something. Finally, she does, "How did you feel that night?"

This takes me back a moment. Unsure of what to say, I recall the memory. The tears still feel fresh, but the wound is not, and I patched it up, knowing I am stronger than this. "Betrayed. But I guess that's an easy way to get out of describing it," I shrug. Pause. Then. "I felt disbelief more than anything, and I had a hard time convincing myself it happened despite all the pain I was feeling walking away."

"You never said anything before you walked away."

I nod, "I didn't, and I don't regret that."

"How about Per – "

" – I don't want to talk about it," I cut.

The meal continues for a while longer, cameramen following us around and tuning in on certain conversations whether they are strategic or pointless, messing around. I focus on what I'm eating, my stomach growing more and more full. Soon I have to step back from the food, taking gingerly sips from a glass of water. Percy meets my eyes yet again and I realize I won't be able to put off speaking to him much longer. But I don't want to talk here. Camp, I mouth. Later. He nods, gulping as his eyes show pain and nervousness.


The camp did not change one bit, just extra people and a little more messiness. I dump my bag next to Hazel and Piper's noting the water pooling in one of the lower dipping points on the ground. They must have had rain last night.

I heard footsteps beside me, a rustle of a bag, a thump and then a hand touching my arm slightly. I jerk away, walking into the forest without a look back. I know exactly who it is and I want to get this conversation over with.

We reach a clearing, the forest surrounding us. Cameramen crouch in the bushes around us, hidden but I know they're there. Percy opens his mouth then closes it. So instead, I speak first, my voice coming out weaker than I intended, "Why'd you do it?"

"Uhh," he replies. "It's hard to explain but I'll do my best cause – "

I cut in, " – I don't want your best, I want the truth." This time my voice is steady and louder. I think back to the nights I cried myself to sleep and how I tortured myself, replaying every memory including the betrayal in my head like a film on replay. The pain of it all hurt, but the thought of moving on hurt worse.

He sighs, running a hand through his messy hair, "I never wrote your name down. In fact, I never wrote anything down."

I stare at him. "So, this is what's become of us?" My voice grows louder. I don't care if people hear us from camp because I thought I found something more valuable than the million dollars I'm supposed to be playing for. "After EVERYTHING! All those hours of talking, of opening up, and the connection? Gosh, the freaking connection we have – or had, I don't even know! And you're just going to lie to me? To my face, you douche!"

He raises a finger, "Annabeth – "

"NO." Tears fill my eyes and I choke, "I – I went through mental hell on that island, you know that?"

He lowers his hand, his piercing sea green eyes never leaving mine. I swim in the depths of them, walking closer, searching. Percy speaks softly, "I hate that you went through that."

"Are. Mental health doesn't stop overnight Percy."

"I hate that you are going through that. And I'll always be here for you, you know that, right?"

I laugh, wiping an escaped tear, anger boiling up again, "You were never there for me when I left that night. To defend me against a blindside, but rather taking part in it." My face scrunches in agony, tears dripping out in groups. "You weren't – weren't there for me when I sat on the boat in cold of the night, headed to the edge, wondering what the heck happened. Wondering if I was good enough. And replaying my failure over and over and over – "

He pulls me against him as I break down, crying into his shoulder. "Shhh, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I'm such an idiot. I should've told you Drew's plan."

"Drew?" I mumble into his shirt.

I feel his breath on the back of my neck when he exhales, "She stole my vote and threatened me that if I told you she would reveal the secrets of your family."

Silence. "So, you blindsided me to protect me."

"In a messed-up way, yes."

Sniffling, I pull back. "I still need to build my trust back with you but..."


"But maybe, there's a good chance I can see why you did it."

"Maybe you can forgive me?"


We both smile a little. 

Have a great night/day wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

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