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Photo by Igor Lepilin on Unsplash 

"Leo, you got that? Only vote Connor," Jason says when we all walk to tribal after discussing at the well if we should split. I look to Connor, Travis, and Lee ahead, talking on their own.

I weighed the consequences and thought this one didn't need to be split. It was when Piper went home that needed to be split. I push away the thought, annoyed.

When we arrive at tribal, Jeff is grinning from ear to ear. I take a seat, uneasy that I feel so comfortable. I remind myself to stop getting in my head about everything.

He starts by saying, "Welcome to yet another tribal council. Let's get started. So, Annabeth, you had quite the resistance to today's challenge. What happened?"

I cross my legs, settling in. "The chest kept slipping from my arms, I didn't quite know what to do honestly." Everyone chuckles. I continue, "But I remembered how important it was to me watching people on the screen complete these crazy hard challenges at such a weak state."

"Which is why you wanted to finish, correct?" he asks.

I give a curt nod, "Correct. I find that by opening up about past struggles or when people watch you endure one, it can sometimes be the inspiration or gathering of courage they may need for whatever they're going through."

"I like that way of looking at it," Percy comments.

Jeff then goes on, questioning Lee on winning immunity and how that felt. It isn't long till he asks for Leo to start the voting off. I watch people walk to the urn, one by one.

Standing myself, I complete the same actions I always do. Walk there. Write the name – in this case, Connor. Walk back. Wait for Jeff to read the votes. Asks if anyone has an immunity idol. No one this time. Jeff opens urn and begins.


I breathe in slowly, not panicking. Yet.

"Connor." I can tell Connor looks alarmed by his name being there. He looks around at everyone, no one but Travis and Lee meeting his eyes.

"Hazel. That's two Hazel, one Connor," Jeff says.


"Connor. Three votes Connor, two Hazel."


"Eighteenth person voted off Brains, Brawn and Beauty, Connor, grab your torch." I almost jump out of my seat in triumph. Connor chokes, standing to grab his torch. I watch Jeff snuff out his torch and wave a little as Connor walks away.


Travis is taking Connor going home a little sourly. I avoid him and his grumpiness all morning, wrapping a sweater around me against the cool wind. However, I do understand what he is feeling. Both of them actually. I understand what it's like to be voted out. And I understand what it's like to have a close ally go home.

The next challenge is more water but not like diving down. We had to hold up a large bucket by not moving our arms, suspended in the air. If our wrist moved, it would tug on the rope it was connected to, pulling the water to splash over our heads. Leo won; it was nice to see him so happy.

Then before we knew it, tribal was upon us again. I remember sitting in the water with Percy, Jason, Leo, Hazel, discussing our options. In my mind, it was simple. Vote out Lee. She has played the best game. Won more immunity challenges, been behind most votes, and has so much credit on her resume. Heck, I would vote for her to win if I didn't make it...well almost, I would place my allies above her. Point is, she's a massive threat. I don't think I can beat her if I sit in the final three with her.

"Lee?" Percy asks when I bring her up.

"She's a threat," I tell him, trying to convey the desperation to get her out to him through my eyes.

"Who do you think they're voting for?" Jason asks, chewing his bottom lip.

"Annabeth, maybe?" Hazel suggests. "I mean, if you see her as a threat, maybe she feels the same way?"

This makes me a little nervous. Percy covers his hand with mine, saying, "We have the numbers on our side."

"Yes, we do," I say to myself.




Yes, yes, I repeat. My finger crossed in my lap at tribal.


This throws me off. They're gunning for Jason...? I think back to the conversation with Jason only a few days ago. So much has changed, but then again with this game, things change every hour.

["So, she wants to knock us down one by one. But let me ask you, Jason, what kind of threat do you think she views you as? And how long will you last before that threat becomes apparent?"]

I exchange a look with Jason. He gives me a pointed but reassuring look, saying its just one vote and we'll be okay.







"Nineteenth person voted off Brains, Brawn and Beauty, Jason, grab your torch," Jeff reads the last vote, Jason's scribbled name displayed.

How is this possible? We had the numbers. I meet the smirking eyes of Lee. She mouths steal a vote and extra vote sucker.

I do the math in my head, counting everyone. That still leaves one more vote. Which leaves one of my allies...someone switched sides and voted for Jason. 


Have a great day/night wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

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