one step ahead

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Photo by Jan Kopriva on Unsplash 

Percy's POV:

When Jeff shouts the other tribe's name, I am filled with mix emotions. On one side I really did not want to visit tribal again, the atmosphere haunting me. However, I am set on voting Drew out. Just seeing her every day makes me sick.

While Thessaly screams, holding each other tight, and my teammates pat one another on the back, the wheels in my head begin to turn. If I am going to get Drew out, I need it to be a blindside. Just like she did to Annabeth. The tricky part is, blindsides are insanely difficult to pull off the way you plan it, they usually take an unexpected turn.

I brush the sand out of my wet hair as I exhale, watching Jason embrace Piper tighter than he did the others. A familiar pain jabs me but I shove it away. Ripping my eyes away I look to Connor who's snickering with Travis about something. My eyes then wander to Drew who is looking at Jeff waiting for the camera men to finish stationing so we can wrap up for the challenge. I then look to Hazel who I see is watching me, she gives me a knowing look, but I also shove away the emotions rising up in me. Instead, I keep my eyes trained on Jeff, ignoring everything and everyone else.

"Thessaly, you are safe from tribal council tonight. Olympus, I will see you tonight at tribal. Head back to camp guys," Jeff wraps up.

Our walk back to camp is calm, and I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Hazel walks beside me in a supportive way. After talking things out with her and the twins, we agreed next chance we got we would try to vote out Drew. However, I don't think Drew won't expect it coming and I know she always has some kind of plan unwrapping in her back pocket. I just need to be one step ahead of her.

"Perce, wanna get water?" Connor asks me, Travis side glancing.

"Yeah, sure," I reply, exchanging a look with Hazel. She nods, sidling up to Drew.

As we walk to the well, they begin talking to me. "Do you think Drew has an idol?" Travis anxiously asks, looking over his shoulder.

Hazel's POV:

"Drew, while the boys get our water, can we talk?" I ask, walking up beside her.

She looks over at me curtly, "Fine."

"I want to get Percy out," I cut to the point, hating how the words sound in my mouth – like something foul.

I catch her attention and she stops, "Is this a prank? Tell me your reasons."

I twiddle my fingers, pulling a confused, upset face, "Well, it's just he is a really massive threat in this game. I would be so stupid not to get him out. Not to mention the merge coming up any day now."

She smiles sweetly, "Good thing I have an idol, so he can't vote me out."

Alarms ring in my head. I stammer, "Well, if I can convince the twins, which they will follow me no matter what and not kelp head." I throw on a disgusted face. "Then you won't have to use your idol. If the merge is coming up, there will be plenty more opportunities that you will want to use it and not waste it here. Do you really want to be that person who uses an idol when they aren't supposed to?"

"I'll think on it, but I need to see the twins on board and go with my gut instinct at tribal. Either way, that lover-fish boy is going out."

Piper's POV:

"WE DON'T HAVE TRIBALLLLLL!!!!" Jason yell down the beach. I laugh, running after him. However, slight fears of what will happen to Percy goes through me. And questions, I wonder what happened that tribal with Annabeth.

Does Percy have something to do with it? Did he get her out?

Percy's POV:

The walk to tribal council was painful. The plan between us all is so fragile. Hazel managed to convince Drew we were voting me out. And through that, we found out she had an idol. Thankfully, the twins also did a good job at convincing her.

But this is still Drew we are talking about here. It is still the snake who was behind the plan of getting Annabeth out. And I will never forgive myself for what I did, even though I believed and still do, it was the right thing to do rather than let Annabeth be exposed in negative and unwanted ways. The look she had on her face haunts me every night. I wish she badly I could have wrapped her in my arms and taken her away from all these selfish people. What kills me even more is she thinks I wanted her out and I willingly went with the blindside.

Jeff smiles grimly at us as we take our seats. I look around, eyes glancing over Drew's face. She sits there comfortably. Good, I do not want her to have any reason in her mind tonight to use her idol. Or else I am going home, and my plan to get out this snake and have revenge for Annabeth will all be a fail. Either way, it's her or me going home. 


Also for those of you reading Mission Accepted, another chapter aside from today is coming out Friday as well. 

Have a great day/night wherever you are! - The Fangirl 

Survivor: Percabeth AU✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt