Chapter 4:A Greed for Power

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I watch as Asriel and Frisk talk, I watch them both blush and throw a flirt here and there. It sickens me, it hurts me-It hurts us as we both watch as our separate crushes fall for the other, when I first saw it, I thought it was a mistake- trick of the mind as you might call it, but now, this has been going on for a full year and we hate it, but we watch anyway, maybe we like the pain and suffering, maybe we like to watch our hearts be crushed into pieces over and over again.

heheheh... It's a rare thing, you know... for a demon of all things to fall in love, I mean, we're both called demons, but they're wrong with her. But me... I am the demon. Better then hanging out with that damn angel anyway.

"Hey, uh Frisk... do you... wanna go out... sometime?" I hear Asriel ask Frisk, Frisk accepting with a thumbs up. I felt my life crumble before me, I wanted to run over there, and kick Asriel, scream out that I loved him.... Nah, wouldn't work... who would ever fall for me anyway...

I get up and run to my house, I pass my two friends as I run into my room and sob. I cry so hard I start to giggle insanely, then I start to laugh as I pick up a knife and carve a heart into my body, my black blood drips down onto the knife, I live, but I needed more, I felt... hungry. I go to a different universe, Underfell i believe, and I start to eat the overly edgy monsters, I eat and eat, I couldn't stop, I took my rage on everyone.

I liked it.

Using the remains of the first half of snowdin and the ruins, I start to build a weapon of some sort. I felt my monster part of myself slip from my grasp, and full demon replacing it, I fought the edge skeleton, that fuck clown was killed almost immediately, soon, i wiped out most of Underfell, until there were only 10 survivors, who I took and tortured, turning them into my slaves. I forced them to build me a castle, I go back to my home, and beat up my friends, turning into my servants, I killed Frisk, and locked Asriel away.

I want more power.


I loved the feeling of blood, so I took over more and more AUs

The only thing I have to worry about...

... is Error and Ink.

I need to get rid of Error, before he takes all my power.


I felt it, and I'm sure Ink did too.

Underfell has been destroyed. Most of the landscape remained, but the people, they were all dead or missing. Only one person was alive and still there. Well, I wouldn't say 'alive' but they saw it all.

I went to the AU, apparently Ink did too. "Error, what the hell happened?" Ink asked, I assumed that they assumed that I was the one behind all this, yet, I wasn't. I wanted to stay hidden through this, but this, this was something serious, I didn't want to be involved, but I wanted Ink to know this wasn't my work. "ANSWER ME, JACK ASS!" Ink yelled in my face, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I didn't do this, shorty." I responded, a little hurt, but I knew Ink was just shaken. "What do you mean by that?!" Ink yelled, obviously confused and enraged. "I mean I did't do this, I would have destroyed the entire AU, besides, the landscape and one person is still here, there were 10 other survivors but they're not here, I would probably only let one being escape my grasp, and it's rare when that happens, but this, this is something different. Not my work." I responded a little more firm, Ink couldn't find a way to respond, so they silently stood there in silence and thought. One eye turned into an orange question mark and the other a purple diamond, it was adorable.

Soon we felt another AU being murdered, I honestly would of helped, but Ink basically read my mind and told me they had this in the bag

Suuuure Ink, just don't get yourself killed I thought to myself as I teleported back to the anti-void


I went to the nearly destroyed AU to see a team of people murdering and capturing people, pinning them down, I didn't know who the leader was, so I just stayed hidden.

Suddenly, Umbree came out, there was a cocoon around their back, their mouth was being torn apart at the sides, and the tail looked like it was splitting open, they were taller, puples were red slits in the dark abyss of their eye, clothes a bit torn, it was honestly disturbing, and they had to be the one behind this.

Umbree bit into the people, kicking them, ripping them to pieces, there was a cry of pain, I wanted to come and slap Umbree, but I stayed put, it was useless anyway, because after they killed a person they yelled out, "Ink, come out..." Umbree giggled, "I know you're there~!" Umbree taunted, there was no use at this point so I came out, I was ready to attack, but Umbree already ran over and pushed me ageist a tree, holding me there, they were feeling for something. Umbree dropped me, and smiled. "A soulless monster, aren't I used to that, huh? I could capture you know, if you stay sane during tourturing, I could put you in a cell, a prison that will make you insane and suicidal. Heheheh... But I want my fun, so have fun, get the Star Sanses, get the villian sanses..." Umbree mocked, spitting each word out like toxin. "BRING YOUR TRUE LOVE ERROR!" Mittens yelled, even after being forced to murder innocent people, she was still like this, I blushed and Umbree turned around and smiled at Mittens. "Yes, bring your true love, Error, watch me torture the hell out of him, watch me make him suffer..." Umbree taunted, getting close to my face before disappearing with her slaves. "What the fuck...?" I said to myself, hell I didn't even like Error, he's just a jack ass who loves to see me cry, I wouldn't care if he was tortured, maybe it would teach him to stop being such a jerk to me... then why can't I stop thinking about him? Why is he, of all things the only thing I think about now?

I'm so idiotic and stupid, I don't even think we're friends, and even if I did, he hates me anyway, he'd never feel the same for me. But for now, I need to keep a watch on Umbree, and see where her hide out is, even though I really really don't want to, I need to to talk to The Star Sanses.


Yeah yeah, more chapters are coming out, woohoo and all, but in all honesty, sorry for not putting much ErrorInk in this, this chapter was supposed to introduce Umbree... a new 'villain' so to say, along with the motivation as of why Umbree wants to destroy and corrupt all AUs, and no, its not because her crush is in love with someone else, but rather a greed for power. anyway, I hoped you enjoyed reading, and have a nice day!

-A slightly in pain but still majorly obsessed ErrorInk fan author thing

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