Chapter 6:Inprisionment

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I laze around, I would go destroy, but something's already taken care of that for now. No new AUs have been created for some reason, thus I have no reason to destroy anything. The voices have been going crazy, I chose to Ignore them, but they're getting louder every hour, I need to listen in on what they're saying here and there, just in case, but I've been ignoring them lately, mainly because they can pester me a lot with a bunch of things, some may even psychically hurt me, so I've ignored them for the past year.






I had enough of them, so I decided to listen. I was in the anti-void, so I knew I was alone. I yell out "What do you all want?!" I was a bit pissed at the time, Ink hasn't been around in the last 48 hours, I wonder what he's up to, the voices keep telling me he's in trouble, but I'm only assuming that's because they want my attention.

"Ink's been kidnapped by some weird demon temmie thing!"

"Yeah! He's been knocked out for the last two days and they'e been basically restraining him into the 'perfect' room for when he wakes up, YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING!"

I sigh, sure the voices could be helpful sometimes, but Ink can just leave. Simple. "Can't Ink just leave?" I ask the voices.

"No, they injected Ink with something that made his powers deactivate, from what we read it wears off after a week, then they inject it again and again!"

Alright, now I've become a little worried.

"What about the Star Sanses? Haven't they done anything?" I ask, they voices go silent, until one spoke up.

"The thing ripping off Dream's arm and ate it, and slammed Blue's head ageist a brick wall... it will take months for them to heal..."

"What the fuck?!" I yell, damn, a cannibalistic monster. Alright, alright, so I'm scared for Ink now, once I get him free I suppose he can do the rest, cause that thing's been helping me a lot with the removal of AUs.

"Oh yeah, Ink's been dreaming of you ever since he passed out~"

That was my least favorite voice, I'm pretty sure there are at least 20 of them, I felt my face heat up slightly as I looked away. Those were the shippers, they were always annoying to me, but sometimes could set the mood to anything, but it gets especially annoying when they do their thing when I'm around Ink, it makes me the most mad and flustered- madstered?- so i honestly hate them, but they cheer me up sometimes- sometimes- but mostly never.

I sigh and nod, mostly ignoring the fangirling going on, but then it went dead silent. This usually happened while I'm asleep- or pretend to be- but this was kind of eerie.

"I think I know a person that can help..."

A lonely anon spoke, I was going to ask the villain sanses but this might be worth it, so I listened.

"Their name is Carlese, or Carly for short, they're untrustworthy, but they can do the job, but I suggest getting Ink out first, they know information on Carlese."

I nod, they seemed happy that I listened, I then teleported off to the Villain Sanses house to ask for help


I wake up, I was droopy at first, I felt a bit numb and uncomfortable, then a sharp pain came upon me, I was aching everywhere, almost every bone on my body felt like they were uncomfortably in pain

I sat there, soon, getting used to it, I looked at my surroundings, but it was just a blank, empty white, room. I panicked, I didn't know what to do, my nonexistent heart started to race, memories of what happened back then- with everybody I used to know in ____tale, their faces, their blank faces stared me in the eyes, I tried to get the images out of my head, I curled up in a ball, clutching my head, I felt tears running down my face, I was eventually sobbing, I screamed out for help, for anyone...

but nobody came...

I eventually passed out from crying, screaming, and fear.

"Is he okay?"


"Ink wake up!"

"Ink please- whats wrong with him?!"

"Ink has kenophobia you idiots!"

"Error needs to come here fast to rescue him, he looks terrified- why does he have kenophobia anyways?"

"Bruh, don't you know how Ink came to be?"



I eventually woke up after an hour, the voices started to whisper, I chose not to stare at the room, I couldn't escape, I didn't have the vessels, paint, brushes, or my poor Broomy, I couldn't create. I stared at a corner, the only thing there was my shadow- Ironic, isn't it?

"Ink, a-are you okay?"

One of the voiced asked, "Yeah, t-thanks for worrying" I replied to them, to me it was comforting to know I wasn't menially alone, there were at least 70 voices with me.

"Hey Ink, uh, do you have a crush on somebody, not saying you like Dream- but uh-"


"You know it boi ;)"


I guess I looked confused, because they stopped, so apparently they can hear each other, I guess since I'm alone I can tell them- wait what if other people can hear them?! Hopefully not. "Why do you want to know? And how do I know I can trust you?" I ask them, they go silent for a few seconds, I see faint faces, they looked like that face you make when someone gives you a really bad idea, or your planning to push your friend into your crush, you know, that evil glare. Oh shit wait-

"You can definitely trust us, not all of us, besides we've been watching you for a while now, I guess because you watched your ex's arm being crushed I guess you also crushed the fourth wall ;)"


"Anyway, we won't tell anyone your crush, plus nobody can hear us but you."

"... and Error"


I giggled at their arguing, it was pretty hilarious, I can trust them for sure, not all of them, but most of them. "You see, I don't have a crush yet, mainly because- you know..." I stray off my mind set, I felt 10 hugs, they can apparently touch me, I guess I'm not alone, and probably going insane but hey, it's gonna be fine!

I snuggle in their embrace, a familiar sent came from them, I didn't know why but it felt comforting, so I fell asleep.

I knew this life would be hell, they're trying to drive me to insanity due to my phobia. I think I can get through this, now that I know I'm not alone anymore, thanks to the voices, I don't care if I'm going insane, I'm fine, I just need a distraction and hope nothing more will come with my struggles that might possibly break my sanity.


Oof I hope you like this XD it was kinda rushed but what ever, I'll fix it later

Art by me

-Your local asshole

A Glitchy Masterpiece (An ErrorInk story, bc I'm trash ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ)Where stories live. Discover now