Chapter 8:Eyes

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I was watching everyone... everything turn to dust. Blue... Dream... Cross... Geno... Reaper... and after I watched everyone I cared about turn to dust... I see Error. He slowly turned around to face me. I approached him, and we looked at each other, staring into each others eyes as he slowly turned to dust. I never noticed how peculiar his eyes where... once he faded to dust I cried... screaming out for something, somebody, to save me from this hell I laid in Error's dust, sobbing.

But nobody came

I saw her walking away in the distance. She threw a knife at me, not in the 'I'm attacking you' sort of way, the knife landed in Error's dust, I grabbed it and looked up at her. She was giving me a look of sympathy. It flashed from evil to pity. The combined answer between the two was obvious. I would have done it anyway. I grabbed the knife slowly aiming it toward my chest. I close my eyes and plunge it in. I laughed silently as I faded to dust...

I jolted awake. I was in a decorated house, I looked up to see Error, and then to notice myself crying. I was sobbing by the look of Error's clothes. Actually, I was in his arms. I felt... safe. I looked up at Error's sleeping body, cradling me, I wanted to kiss him... what is wrong with me?! I blush and snuggle into his arms. He pulls me closer, presumably subconsciously. I fell asleep in his warm embrace.

I had another dream.

This time it started with a bright light.
I saw Error, and we were in a forest. I locked focus in his eyes. I was lost in them, and he was lost in mine. We got closer. I felt his warm breath on my lips and he leaned in for home run. He kissed me. I kissed back, it felt amazing.

Then I woke up. This time I wanted it to be real. Error was awake and was watching TV, I shifted position and he looked down at my rainbow face. His face lit up, and he had a small smirk on his face.

"Good morning, Ink." Error said to me as I was having a blush attack. "Good morning..." I replied, trying not to stutter. Error let me go, I whined a little but got off him and grabbed a blanket. Hey, he was warm, alright! Error got up and grabbed some food.

Then suddenly a familiar cat and young girl that looked like an asshole, an emo, a sinner, and a sweet innocent bean combined walked down the stairs.

"Oh you're awake!" The cat cheerfully said, sitting next to me. "So, did you enjoy cuddling with you Error?" The girl asked, basically having a Lenny face. I blushed as Error walked in and handed be breakfast. I ate it, I gave a look like 'Who made this?' And the cat just pointed at Error.

Error rubbed the back of his skull and chuckled. "Oh! Very sorry, I'm Marie, and this is Mittens! Now that you're finally awake I can explain who I am..." The young girl named Marie started, "I am a creator, like Ink but with less control over what I do. Yeah yeah I'm a werewolf, but hey, it's good at keeping me warm late at night in the cold. Anyway, nobody could really hear me, because I was an anon and... kind of sort of responsible for the creations of Mittens, Umbree, Cream, Sakura, Raven, And Carlese... eheheh...." Marie rubbed the back of her head, "You two might recognize me as KawaiiTimberWolf, or @LolWhatAmIDoingLife. Marie is just my persona and soon once I finish my furry persona, I can switch in and out of it!" Marie exclaimed, pointing to us with full confidence. "Problem is... I'm so busy! I'm working on animations, comics, stories, etc that I have little to no time to do shit! But now I somehow got stuck here and I'm probably going to be here for the next week or two..." Marie finished explaining, I was confused but then it all clicked.

A Glitchy Masterpiece (An ErrorInk story, bc I'm trash ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ)Where stories live. Discover now