Chapter 5: Cruelty and Slavery

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I sat there, in the Star Sanses house silently, Ink hasn't come back for days, Blue has been going out more, and me... I've just been in our house, alone. No major problems have come up so we have no reason to talk at the moment.

The door bursts open. It's Ink! I say to myself, I run over to hug him, kiss him, show that I still want him. As I hug him and try to kiss him, he... he pushed me away... "Dream, I meant what I said. I don't want to get heart broken again, I don't wanna deal with that again, so please, not right now." Ink responded, I was in shock, I didn't expect that... "And, I have some important news, there's something that's destroying AUs-" Ink started "Oh, you mean Error?" I asked, interrupting Ink. "No, something else, probably far worse, and I need your help, I need Blue's help, hell I might need the Villain Sanses help because this thing could probably end us." Ink finished his speech, I agreed, stupidly, I just wanted to spend time with Ink, that's all.


I finally have a trust worthy team, I think I can take Umbree down. I grab Broomy and throw on my normal outfit, wrapping my scarf around my neck, and then stepping out of my room, Blue and Dream waiting for me. "So are we going to get some of the Villain Sanses, of are we fine as it is?" Blue asks me, I shake my head and say "I don't know..." In response, Blue nods, so we walk outside, I make an ink portal to where Umbree is at the moment, and jumped in.

When we landed, I saw patches of dust spread everywhere, slave like people carrying bricks, building what looks to be a castle, the castle was already half done. Umbree's face wasn't constructed on it like every other villain usually does *COUGH* Bowser *COUGH* it was a red and black castle, the place was build in UnderFell, using the remains of the place. None of the slaves noticed us- or maybe they did, but were to busy to care- who knows.

I begin to walk in, my, Dream, and Blue's footsteps echo through the bare castle, dust was still everywhere, I watched as slaves fell down and perished as other slaves just walked through their dust not caring. I stepped into the throne room, Dream and Blue shortly following in, there were three thrones, well just one, there were two pillows next to the throne, and Umbree sitting in the largest throne, she was asleep, in the two 'thrones' next to her were a familiar looking cat and fox. It was Cream and Mittens. Once they noticed us, their eyes widened, they looked beaten up, their fur had red tips on it, and dust was scattered around them. Creamed motioned us to run, but Umbree woke up, starring at us, the Star Sanses. "Well well well, look who we have here, the Star Sanses, all up to battle me, Umbree, a literal demon." Umbree mocked, I wanted to slap her, but I held back, and stood my guard. "So, why are you here? Justice? Revenge? Taking away everything I have, over and over again? HA! Try me!" Umbree continued to taunt, as she left her seat, Mittens and Cream gave us a look of sorrow and fear, I knew we wouldn't be able to win, but maybe damage Umbree to the point she needed to flee.

We attacked with everything we had at Umbree, she got hit multiple times, but was able to heal, honestly it looked painful and slow, but we continued. Umbree didn't fight back until the second half of the fight, she grabbed Blue by the head and threw him hard ageist a wall, he was able to get up, but had a huge crack in his skull, Umbree then went to dream, ripping off Dream's arm and then chewing it to dust. All that was left able to fight full on, was well; me.

I charged at Umbree, and she scoffed, and grabbed my arm, she bit down at my neck, in a usual case, I would be over whelmed with pleasure, but Umbree bit hard. I felt my neck snap a little, as I slowly passed out, my head hit the stone and iron ground and I felt dragged. Last thing I remember is seeing my friends run after me, screaming, before I blacked out. . .

I began to dream, I dreamed of a time when me and Dream were dating, on every fight, but this time, I saw everybody's face, Blue has the look of sympathy, Dream had the look of a love sick dog, I had the face of innocent love, Nightmare had the look of disappointment, Fell had the look of 'I want everyone to fucking die' and Error- he was the last one my dream showed me, he had the look of heart break, sadness, hurtfulness, I don't know why, but I felt... bad... for him, even if I don't know what he was heartbroken about.

More and more I thought of Error I felt my soul race, I didn't understand it, I wanted to stop but I couldn't and I don't know why I couldn't stop thinking about him, hell, I've always wanted to befriend him, he always looked lonely, but I couldn't get him out of my head, so I just started to think of what else was going on, but I couldn't wake up, I heard screams, but all I could see was black, as I slowly woke up, something shot me and I fell into a deep sleep.

I didn't understand

Voices started to echo in my head...

"Can you hear us?"


"Please answer us..."



"He can't hear us, stupid!"

"Maybe he can, you don't know!"

Who were they...? Why do I feel like they're familiar...? How long have they been around me?
I just want to wake up... please...


"Guys, we need to tell Error!"

"Error hasn't spoken to us in years!"


I wanted to respond to the voices, but I couldn't, so I just sat there, letting them argue, hey, I wouldn't be alone anymore at least... heh...

So, so sorry I haven't been on lately, two days ago I got in a go cart wreck... 7 times...
and my back and neck hurt, not as much as they did then, but they hurt a little still, I also thought I should add the voices, and yes, if you comment something to respond to Ink or Error I could put it in... but who knows
This chapter was fun to write, sorry for it dragging on for to long, or it being short, I need to get to 1,000 words.
Anyway, have a nice day!

Art is mine.

-Author-Chan who is also an Otaku

A Glitchy Masterpiece (An ErrorInk story, bc I'm trash ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ)Where stories live. Discover now