Chapter Ten.

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"Noelle are you ready yet?" Damien yelled upstairs.
"No!" Noelle yelled back.

Damien smirked to himself and carried his bags out to the car. He came back in the house and sat next to Miss Barbara on the couch. "You excited about your trip?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. This is my first time leaving Louisiana in my entire life." Damien said.

"Well I hope you and Noelle have a great time." Barbara said.

"Thanks mama." Damien said.

Damien has been looking forward to this trip since he heard about it and the time has finally come. Damien was so excited he could barely sleep last night. In a few hours he's gonna be in the city that never sleeps and he gets to be there with Noelle, the special girl in his life. Noelle didn't finish packing last night so she's rushing to do that. Damien downstairs chilling with Barbara waiting on Noelle to bring her ass so they can head to the airport.

As soon as Damien woke up this morning his dad called to wish him and Noelle safe travels as they embarked on this journey together. Damien called his mom and let him know where he would be so she didn't have to worry about him. Things are kinda getting better between them but not all the way. Damien wishes that she would stop trying to make him have a relationship with Oscar. That's not gonna happen anytime soon, possibly ever.

Damien broke out his vlogging camera and began vlogging. "What's going on beautiful it's your man Damien and I'm back with another vlog. I'm super excited because today I'm heading to New York for the art expo and I'm super hyped for that. This will be my very first time in New York and I can't see what t has to offer."

While Damien was making his video Noelle was coming down the stairs with her bags. "Boy stop being cute and help me with my bags." She said.

Damien chuckled and put his camera down, before Damien could make it up the stairs Langston came and took Noelle's bags to the car. Damien picked up his camera and wrapped his arm around Noelle, "For those of you wondering if Noelle is my girlfriend I'm gonna clear the air right now. We are just friends." He said.

"Exactly. He's not my type your guys." Noelle said.

Barbra did a fake cough, "Bullshit." She mumbled.

"Do you have the plane tickets and everything?" Damien asked.

"Yes I do." Noelle said.

"Ready to ride?" Damien asked.

"Yes sir." Noelle said.

Damien and Noelle hugged everyone before walking out to their car. Normani stood at the top of the stairs slightly defeated. She wanted to go to New York and have fun with Damien. But instead she had to stay at home and work, for once Noelle is the happy one while Normani is miserable. Oh how quickly the tables turn.

Damien held out his hand and helped Noelle get into the truck. He got in behind her and the driver took off. Barbra and Drea stood on the steps and watched the car pull off. "So should we start planning the wedding now or later?" Drea asked.

"You mean the baby shower. New York makes you do freaky stuff. You finna be a grandmother, Drea." Barbara said.

"Is it bad that I'd be okay with it?" Drea asked.

Normani rolled her eyes and sighed, "I'm going to work I'll see you all later. Have a wonderful day if you need me I'll be at the office." She said.

She gave them hugs and kisses before getting into her Beamer. Barbara chuckled and clapped her hands, "She big mad." She said.

"She'll be okay. Let's go inside mama." Drea said.

Damien recorded some footage for his vlog as they rode to the airport. It's five something in the morning and their flight leaves at 6:05 and they're expected to arrive in New York at 10. They arrived at the airport and got their bags out of the car. Noelle had flown alot in her life so Damien let her do all the bag check ins and stuff. They had a lot of time to sit around and chill before their flight left.

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