Chapter Thirty-Eight.

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Finally, a peaceful night of sleep. Noelle loves her baby girl to death but since she's in the closing stages of her pregnancy, sleep is becoming more and more difficult. But tonight things are actually peaceful. Damien ordered and even better pregnancy pillow from Amazon and it helps Noelle sleep even more. The ultimate relief will come once the baby is out of Noelle's body.

Damien's anxiously awaiting the arrival of his daughter. He's ready to hold her in his arms and tell her how much she means to him. What he's not ready for is her nasty attitude and knuckle headed boys coming around asking for trouble. At first he was worried about being a father but when looked around him and realized he and Noelle had a village around him, his worries went away.

It about 9:00 at night and baby girl is tapping dancing on Noelle's bladder. Noelle slowly got up and walked into the bathroom. She did her business then washed her hands. When she went to get back into the bed she felt a stream of wetness flowing down her leg. Noelle looked down and there was a pool of water.

"Oh no." She said quietly.

Damien yawned and rolled over in the bed, "Bounce that ass and make it jiggle." He mumbled.

"Uhh...Dame." Noelle said.

"It's daddy to you.." He mumbled.

"Dame my water just broke." Noelle said.

Damien had never woken up so fast in his entire life. He got up and began running around the house yelling Noelle's water had broke. Noelle was very calm about it, she got on the phone and called her midwife to let her know the time had come. Damien grabbed his camera and started vlogging everything. Noelle changed into a bikini top and sat in the bathroom.

Drea waited downstairs to wait for the midwife and her team to come. Derrick was walking around with DJ trying to keep him occupied. "Baby coming?" DJ asked.

"Yeah the baby's coming, son. You're getting ready to be an uncle." Derrick said.

"I wove da baby." DJ said.

The midwife came and began getting Noelle prepped for the birth. Damien took a step back and do their thing. Noelle wanted an at home water birth and to be honest Damien wasn't excited about it at first. He wanted Noelle to give birth an a hospital where it was safer but then Noelle dropped some knowledge on him and he began seeing things differently.

If a woman's laying on her back when she gives birth it goes against gravity. For example if you have to go the bathroom you're not gonna lay flat on your back and use it, what do you do? You squat and do your business? The same thing with childbirth it's better to squat than to lay down. That way things flow easier and the mother's spin isn't at risk.

Damien and Noelle took plenty of baby classes and learned a lot. One thing they agreed on his keeping the placenta after the baby comes out. Turns out it keeping the umbilical cord attached afterwards returns a liter of blood back to the baby. Also there stem cells being transferred from the umbilical cord to baby after birth that help the baby's growth. So Damien and Noelle decided they wanted to keep the afterbirth.

Out of curiosity Noelle went to the hospital to see what she would have to do to keep her afterbirth. Noelle was a bit surprised at what happened. The nurse came back with about five pieces of paper that Noelle would have to sign just to keep her afterbirth. Why should a woman have to sign paperwork to keep something that came from her body?

The midwife, Miss Hanna, got the water in the tub right and told Noelle to get him. Noelle laid back in the pool and began to relax. She was 2cm dilated and she had to get to 10 before she could start pushing. Damien put the camera in the tripod and sat in the edge of the tub. "How you feeling mama?" He asked.

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